|Chapter Two|

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Previously in Stockholm Syndrome: Nick's abusive behaviour took a turn for the worst as Demi has once again fallen victim to his controlling ways, after thinking it may have gotten better. Also, Demi has to decide what to do about her new male boss buying the company that she works for from the current owners, knowing that even if Demi quits, she will have to severely pay for something that is out of her control.

I placed my bag on the hook as I walked through the front door, "Nick?" I asked, my voice echoing through the house.

I hoped he would be nice to me, and that I wouldn't get punished for this, it wasn't in my control, "You're home" Nick smiled as he made his way down the stairs, taking me into a hug and kissing me lightly on the cheek. "Did you have something to ask me?" He asked, looking deeply into my eyes,
I shook my head hesitantly, "I was just looking forward to seeing you" I lied as I placed my lips on his for just a moment. What was I, stupid? I couldn't tell Nick about this, he would make me quit my job, and he would punish me for not telling him instantly, even if that meant I had to phone him.

I couldn't quit my job, working was the only escape that I got from him. At the same time though, I didn't want to get away from him... Well I did, but I didn't.

I wanted the abuse to stop, I wanted to stop hurting. I know he does it for good reason, I deserve everything that I get, I almost feel sorry that he has to have a stupid wife because I know he doesn't mean to do the things he does to me, he just loves me.

"I look forward to seeing you too my love, how was work?"

I couldn't help but smile, "It was good, pretty quiet but I like when it's quiet"

"That means you're not too tired for a bit of..." He ran is hand down my body, squeezing my butt cheek, "This, are you?"

I sucked in a quick breath, "Baby, my pelvis is a bit sensitive from last night, you know I would love to, but-"

Nick cut me off, "Am I not good enough for you, are you not attracted to me?" He exclaimed, harshly pushing me away from him as tears brimmed my eyes, "What the fuck is it, Demetria?"

"I always want you, you're perfect... You just hurt me last night is all" I told him, a calm and loving tone to my voice as I warily stood  across from him,

"I know I hurt you, I didn't mean to" Nick told me, bringing his hand up to his face as a tear ran down his cheek, "You know I don't mean to, you need to learn though"

I nodded, "I know"

"I don't expect perfection, but I expect more than the mess that you are" He told me, the back of his hand colliding with my face as I fell backwards into the dining table.

I winced as I felt my spine bruising by the second.

"If I want sex, you have sex with me!" Nick scolded me, gripping my hips and thrusting himself against me.

I should have liked it, I should have enjoyed it, but all I felt was pain.


"Demi, here you are my darling" Esmeralda welcomed me as I entered the restaurant, "The future owner is here today since a majority of our staff will be in, he wants to meet the staff member that we speak highest of" She told me with a wide smile on her face,

I smiled back, masking the pain that my entire body felt as I followed her into the back of the store, "And who would that be?"

The woman chuckled, "You, silly"

"Me?" I asked, shocked, to say the least.

"Yes, of course, now come on we can't keep the man waiting"

She lead me out into the staff room which was hidden behind the kitchen, just off to the side. Inside, at the plastic lunch table, sat a tan Latino man who I couldn't help but smile at instantly. At the instruction of Esmeralda, I took a seat across from the man, her then joining us at the table.

"Mr. Valderrama, this is our employee, Mrs. Demetria Jonas" I hated that name.

The man held his hand out to me from across the small table, his dark brown eyes looking directly into mine as he held a small smirk on his face, "It's nice to meet you, Demetria"

I shook his hand, "You too, Mr. Valderrama"

"Please, call me Wilmer"

I know this is a short update and I'm realllllllyyyy sorry but I stayed up hell late to write this and once it gets flowing a lot more there will be longer chapters. I'll try to update more often but in the mean time enjoyyyyyy.

- Z

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