|Chapter Eleven|

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Previously in The Way He Lies: After Wilmer surprisingly kisses Demi, Nick starts acting strange and on the way home tells Demi to stay somewhere else for the night, except she has no where else to go.

I can't believe he just left me out on the streets. For someone who claims to love me so much, this is a pretty stupid thing to do. Anything could happen to me.

"Can I stay here?" I asked, looking up into the brown iris' of my boss, "I understand if I can't, I just... Nick just..."

"Of course" Wilmer nodded, opening the door wider and stepping to the side. I gave him a thanking smile as I stepped inside, the small house. "Sorry for the mess, I live alone and wasn't really expecting anyone" The man nervously told me as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked bluntly, "I don't care how complicated and confusing it might be, I just need to know. I need to know because I'm married, I have a husband and a life, a house and just... I don't know..." I trailed off while pulling my hair back into a ponytail,

Wilmer took a deep breath, "Because I'm interested in you"

"Do you kiss every married woman that you're interested in?"

"Do you think you're like every other married woman out there? Do you see yourself?" He asked me, "You're kind, caring, selfless, loving, humble... and god damn gorgeous"

A blush came over my cheeks, "You really think that?"

He stepped closer to me, "I wouldn't say it if I didn't"

"I'm married..." I told the man, sounding unsure in my own voice, almost as if I was telling myself and not him.

"I'm not going to make you do anything, Demi"

"I know" My lips pressed against his just as the words left my mouth. This time I had initiated the kiss. I was terrified of the consequences which were going to follow this, but in a way I didn't care. I loved Nick, and I feel like I would always love Nick, but I was tired of always living in fear. Fear of being hurt, sometimes even without reason.

Our lips seperated at exactly the same time, my tongue taking the step to brush against his as he pulled my body closer against his.

My whole body was in over-drive, on fire almost. My skin tingled at the touch of his fingertips as our lips moved in perfect sync. As if two professional dancers dancing a tango, our lips fit together oh so perfectly.

"I wanted to do that" I caught my breath as I pulled away from Wilmer, his eyes looking at me with confusion and lust, "Because Wilmer, I feel the same..."

He traced his fingers over his lips for a split moment, "But, you're married"

I bit my lip softly, "I'm interested in you" I said, quoting what he had previously said to me. The man just stood across from me, looking confused as ever. "I think I got the message, I'll go..."

"Where are you going to go?"

I shrugged, "I don't know"

"Why doesn't nick want you home?"

My stomach dropped at the mention of my husband, "I don't know, he just told me to get off of his property... He wouldn't explain anything to me, he just screamed at me so I did what he said"

"Does he do that a lot?"

"Give or take" I murmured

Wilmer sighed, "Does he treat you right, Demi?"

"I don't want to be a charity case Wilmer, I'm not telling you everything wrong with my marriage"

"You think I'm doing this because I feel sorry for you?"

"Well what am I meant to think, you kiss me and tell me you're interested in me, say all of these nice things about me, then when I react you go and do a complete 180 on me!" I snapped, sounding harsher than initially intended.

"You're married!" He stammered, "It doesn't matter if I feel anything, or if you feel anything, because you're married and it's so much more complicated"

"I'm sorry..." I muttered,

"It's my fault, I made the first move" He responded, "I'll grab you some sheets for the spare room..."

"Wilmer" I called just as he began walking away, "Can I sleep in your room tonight... I don't want to be alone"

A look of confusion came upon his face, but it was soon followed with understanding, "Sure"

Although I hadn't said anything to him about it, I had a feeling he knew about how Nick treated me...

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