|Chapter Four|

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Previously in Stockholm Syndrome: Wilmer tries to get to know Demi the best he can while she tries to let down her anxious walls from her new boss. Demi's anxiety is right on edge though, knowing that if Nick found out at any moment that she was keeping something from him, that everything would be over.

They say that abusers have anger management problems. I beg to differ. They manage their anger just fine... When their are witnesses.

I enjoyed the holiday of thanksgiving, where Nick and I would stay with our parents for a night in celebration of the annual holiday. I guess you can see why I enjoyed it so much. The room which we stayed in was right across from my parents room, meaning they can hear everything that happens inside. Well, not everything, but if he were to start screaming at me or hitting me, they would hear.

"Are you excited for this weekend?" Nick asked me, his hand gripping my thigh as we turned down the street that my parents lived on,

I nodded, "Yeah, I love thanksgiving"

"Just don't eat too much, okay?"

"Right..." I mumbled as we pulled up the driveway.

I always hated it when he made comments about my weight, he rarely did it as he knows I struggled with food when I was younger, but when he does it hurts. It hurts because he does it for no reason, he does it because he knows it gets to me. It gets to me possibly more than anything else that he could say.

"Demi!" My not-so-little sister Maddie yelled to me as I stepped out of the black Mercedes. "I haven't seen you in forever, I've missed you!" She told me, wrapping her arms around me as I flinched slightly. I shouldn't be scared of having someone touching me.

I smiled, "I missed you too, baby girl" My arms wrapped around her body, "Fuck, do you ever stop growing?" I chuckled as I saw Nick frown at me from the corner of my eyes. He hated it when I swore. There wasn't much he could do about it though now, was there?

"I'm not that tall Dems, you're just short"

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up" I told the fourteen year-old before grabbing my suitcase and heading towards the front door where my Mother and Step-Father greeted me. "Hey guys" I smiled, hugging them both at the same time as Nick came up behind me, nudging me in the back slightly as I pulled away from them.

"Let me grab your bags" Eddie offered, grabbing both mine and Nick's bags and taking them upstairs for us as Nick snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him and kissing me softly on the head.
I took comfort in knowing that my marriage would be perfect, even if it were for only a couple of days.

"So, when am I getting grandchildren?" Eddie chuckled as he made his way back down the stairs,

Nick took a deep breath and forced a smile onto his face, "We've been trying for awhile now, so hopefully soon"


"I've always wanted children, to raise a family with Demetria"


Maddie laughed slightly, "Oh, Demetria, how fancy" She said, a mocking tone in her voice as Nick let out a slight chuckle.

"What can I say, I'm a fancy guy" He responded cockily, letting go of me and adjusting his tie slightly.
I don't know why he always dresses up, it's not like my family cares about how we dress.

"Well, we're going to get started on dinner, why don't you two go upstairs and unpack?" Mom told us before making her way into the kitchen. Great, alone time with Nick.


"I love you" I told Nick as I placed my clothes neatly in the chest of drawers across from our king sized bed.

The words came out of my mouth without me even thinking. I did love him, don't get me wrong, I just didn't love what he did to me.

"I love you too" Nick told me, rummaging through his bag as he didn't even look at me.

I bit my lip softly, "Do you?"

His head whipped around almost instantly, "What kind of question is that? Of course I do!" A slight smile came upon my face, "Would I put up with all of your fucked up shit if I didn't love you? I don't think so"

"Of course" I muttered, closing the drawer before making my way into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I cringed at the blonde hair which had covered my head since Nick and I got married. Once he became abusive, he wanted me to dye my hair. In his wording, he liked blondes but he loved me, so he wanted both. There we go, I guess he got both.

I wanted to dye it back to my natural colour, dark brown, as from bleaching it so much my hair was now dead, but Nick would have a fit if I did that.

Everything else about my face was the same though, apart from the yellow bruises painting my skin. Of course he didn't bruise my face too soon before coming to my parents house, they weren't blind. My old bruises were just healed enough to be fully concealed with make-up.

I missed being able to leave the house without my make-up on, being able to show off my freckles to the world and my naturally clear skin. I had always loved how no matter how out of control my life was, I could control my skin. At least until I married Nick.

"What are you doing in there? Your parents are waiting on us" Nick banged on the door, standing there against the door frame as I walked out. "Have fun?"

I nodded slightly, "I guess"

"Remember, don't eat much tonight if you plan on eating tomorrow for thanksgiving lunch, I don't want a fat wife"

Of course you don't, it's all about you. Whatever makes you happy.

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