|Chapter Eight|

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Previously In The Way He Lies: Wilmer overhears Demi and Kehlani speaking about him when Nick shows up at Demi's work. Stephanie has to pose as the business owner, saying Wilmer is her husband so that Demi will not get into trouble, although no one knows that Nick is abusive yet.

"Babe, I know he wasn't re-enacting something at his work" Kehlani told me as she cornered me behind the counter, "What does he do to you?"

I shook my head and let out a small, fake chuckle, "He doesn't do anything, he's a sweet guy"

The woman sighed, "The more you make excuses for him, the more it will happen"

I turned my back to the girl as I was beginning to get frustrated, yes Nick hurts me but I deserve it, I don't do anything right! I let out a sharp yelp as I felt Kehlani's fingers dig into the deep bruise on my arm. "Stop it!" I snapped as years fell down my face, "You're hurting me"

"Demi, don't push me away, don't lie about this" She told me, pulling me into a hug as tears ran down my face,

"I can't do anything right, I just want it to stop, I try my best but I keep on messing up. He wants me to be the best I can be, to make me worth something but I'm nothing and I keep proving that I'm nothing, I just fuck everything up!" I sobbed, as scared as I was of telling someone in fear of Nick finding out, it felt good to let it all out to someone. I felt as if I could trust Kehlani.

"If you ever need a place to stay, I have a spare room, and I can get my daughter to stay at a friends house"

"You have a daughter?" I asked as Kehlani nodded, "How did you know what is going on between Nick and I?"

She took a deep breath while running her right hand through her hair, "My ex-husband was abusive. When he started abusing Shayla was when I left him. I know the signs, and I suspected something like that was going on with you but I didn't know 100% until I saw your husband today"

I sighed, "I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be" My co-worker cut me off, "That was another time"

"You have a daughter?"

"Yeah, she's fourteen" Kehlani told me, "You don't have kids, right?"

I shook my head, "Nope, I would love to but Nick doesn't want any. Well, he doesn't want any with me"

The woman chuckled, "Who the fuck else would he have them with"

"That's a good point" I muttered...

What if he did want kids but he just didn't want me to be the mother? No, that's crazy... right?


"I don't want that man hanging around your work again" Nick muttered to me as he sat at the dining table, whilst I prepared our meal. "I don't care who he is, you're not to be near him"

I nodded, "Of course, babe"

"Will he be around there again?"

I froze up slightly, "No, well, apart from my work dinner next week but that's because he will be supporting his wife and you'll be there anyway" I explained, oh lord, I felt so bad for dragging Stephanie into this.

"That's okay I guess" Nick said coldly as I placed the bowl of pasta in front of him. I could tell that it wasn't okay, and Nick wasn't happy with it but I guess I would find out more later.

I took a deep breath, "Can I ask you something?" My husband nodded as I swallowed my pasta, "Is it just me that you don't want to have children with?"

Nick coughed slightly as he took a sip of his beer, "Demetria, don't even think about it. If you can't even do anything for me right, how would you expect to raise a child?"

Sorry for the very short and long awaited update. I wish it was longer but the next chapter will be longer. I'm on holidays very soon, I have my recital this week (performance that I'm assessed on) so after that I will be on holidays to update more.

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