|Chapter Thirteen|

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Previously in The Way He Lies: Wilmer discoveres Demi's long hidden secret about her relationship with Nick. Upon coming home, she discovers Kehlani in bed with Nick, and when she tries to leave Nick tries to stop her, but it doesn't end well.

I couldn't move my head due to the brace around my neck as the doctors wheeled me in a hospital bed through the ER.

"Could you please repeat what happened to us, Sir?" The Doctor asked Nick as my eyes scanned the room, I wished I could talk, that I could tell them what happened. It hurt too much though.

Nick ran his hands through his hair, "She was washing her face and I don't know what happened, I heard a loud smack sound followed by her scream which made me run into the bathroom, I found her in the bath bleeding and unable to move, she looked so lost and out of it" The fake emotion in his voice made me feel sick because he made it sound so fucking genuine. He put me in this position, he did this to me himself, he isn't sorry, and he isn't worried for me.

"Okay Sir, we will do the best we can" The Doctor told Nick, motioning for my husband to go out into the waiting room, "O'Malley, let's get her up to CT!"

A shorter male doctor approached my bed and began wheeling me towards the elevator, "I'm Dr O'Malley, I'm taking you up to CT to get a few scans" The brunette told me, he had a slight baby face despite obviously being older than me due to his field of work. No doctor is young, their are people who are young for doctors... they are already 30 years old, but there's no young doctors.
"When we put you in the machine, just try to stay as still as possible... It's going to be bright in there and you might feel a bit uncomfortable, just try your best ma'am"

All I could think about was how scared I was. Nick did this to me. He put me in this position, he put me in the hospital. I had never before been this afraid of him. I was scared that one day, eventually, he is going to kill me. Whether it be an accident, or intentionally, he was going to kill me. I needed to get away from him. I could run away with Wilmer, I could start a life with him... Nick wasn't my only option anymore.

"My husband..." I choked out, my whole body wriggling in pain as I tried to speak to the doctor,

Dr O'Malley looked at me as we entered the CT room, "Try not to talk, ma'am"

I took a deep breath, "He did this to me"

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to..." The Doctor trailed off as him and a nurse moved my body into the CT machine, "This was your husbands doing?" He asked, making sure that he had heard me correctly,

"Yes" I responded, my voice barely audiable,

"The machine is going to be loud Mrs. Jonas, we will be just behind the glass" One of the nurses told me as the machine started up, taking Dr. O'Malley behind the glass with her.


I woke up, an uncomfortable feeling in my neck and a groggy feeling in my head. It took only a few seconds for my memory to come back to me, the events that had happened in the past 24 hours.

"Demetria, you're awake" Nick gasped, leaping from the chair next to my bed and towering over my weak body, "I'm so sorry, this was never meant to happen, I love you so much... I will never hurt you again, fuck, I love you so much" Nick sobbed into my shoulder as he hugged me,

"You did this" I told him, my throat hurting as I spoke, not as badly as the previous day though. "You don't love me" I choked out,

Nick frowned, "Of course I love you..."

Tears welled up in my eyes, "I don't love you" I spat out as Dr. O'Malley and who I assumed was his supervisor entered my hospital room.

"Is everything okay in here?" A short, dark skinned woman questioned as Nick towered over me,

"Everything's fine" Nick told the two doctors.

"Demi, I am Dr. Miranda Bailey, I operated on you last night. You had a seizure in the CT machine after passing out and we took you straight into surgery" She explained to me... I didn't remember any of this, I barely even remembered going into the CT room. "You have a very minor fracture in your neck which we are currently supporting with a brace which will assist it in its healing process, but it seems that when you fell..." Dr. Bailey side eyed Nick as she said the word 'fell', "You must have hit your head, which caused the seizure. We rushed you into the OR and found the bleed which cause it"

Nick wiped his eyes as he took a deep breath, I understood it was a lot of information to take in all at once, especially for me, but he did this, he shouldn't be so distraught.

"Mrs. Jonas, could we please speak to you alone for a moment?" Dr. O'Malley asked as Nick nodded and left the room.

Why was he being so cooperative?

"Is everything okay?" I asked,

Dr. O'Malley looked to Dr. Bailey as if waiting for her to speak, "When we took your blood, we noticed some abnormalities..." Miranda told me,


"Demi, you're pregnant" She told me, sounding somewhat stressed in her voice, almost as if she was scared for me.

Dr. O'Malley stepped forward, "Do you remember telling me about your husband last night?" My heart sunk as the words left his mouth, I shook my head as much as I could with the restriction from my neck brace, "You told me that he did this to you"

"He didn't" I answered quickly, "I slipped"

"Are you sure? You can tell us if he did this, we can help you" Dr. Bailey interrupted,

"I did this to myself, he had nothing to do with it" I lied. He was going to kill me. "He wouldn't do this to me", but he did.

"You have to think of your baby now as well" Dr. O'Malley said, raising his voice slightly,

"George!" Dr. Bailey hissed while nudging him softly on the arm,

"Please leave" I muttered, resting my head back into the hospital pillow as I waited for the doctors to leave the room.

I'm pregnant.


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