|Chapter Fourteen|

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Previously in The Way He Lies: After being rushed to hospital, Demi tells one of the doctors about her abusive relationship with Nick, how he was he reason she was in hospital. Waking up the next day, she has no recollection of telling the doctor this and denies it. When she finds out that she is pregnant with Nicks baby, what will she do?

Christmas was shit. I spent my Christmas in hospital with brain damage and a neck fracture. My husband couldn't even control himself for Christmas.
I didn't know whether to be happy or terrified about the news that I had recieved. I'm pregnant.
At first it didn't seem real, slowly it was becoming more and more real though.
One thing I knew for sure though, I couldn't tell Nick.

I was lying to Nick more and more everyday. Where did lying to him get me last time? It got me where I am now. A small portion of my head shaved, stitches, and a neck brace. I looked a mess. Everything to do with me was a mess.

My marriage was a mess, my relationship with Wilmer was a mess... I didn't even know what to call it, a relationship? A friendship? I don't even know if he would want any of that with me.

"We never exchanged Christmas gifts" Nick told me as he lay in bed next to me, my back turned to him.

I internally scoffed, "I got an unfaithful husband for Christmas"

"Apparently I got a fucking disrespectful, ungrateful wife" Nick spat, I felt the disgust in his voice, if I wasn't so injured I knew he would have hit me. "It was just a good fuck, I needed someone who was actually good in bed after years of only having you" He chuckled,

I felt tears well up in my eyes as he threw insults at me. When did it get this way? "Fair enough..." I trailed off,

"How was Wilmer? Better than me?" Nick asked, sounding like some kind of FBI agent who was interrogating me in his voice.

I wiped the tears which had fallen from my cheeks, "I didn't have sex with him"

"Don't fucking lie to me, haven't you done enough of that?" Oh, you have no idea. "Anyway, don't you want to know what I got you for Christmas?"


"My sister is coming to stay with us, meaning you have to be on your best behaviour" Nick told me, a feeling of relief came upon my entire body. Company. We were going to have someone staying in our house, someone who Nick most definitley would not want knowing about how he abuses me. I was safe, even if just for a few days. "She's coming today, and she will be here until New Year's Eve"

"I'm working most of this week"

"She's my sister, not yours, it shouldn't matter"

"Well isn't it the point that she's meant to spend time with us?"

"With me, she's meant to spend time with me, idiot" Nick spat, "Stop thinking you're so fucking entitled, just because you're injured and if I touch you I'll break your neck. I will if I have to"


I could feel Nick smirking from behind me, "Good girl"


Elizabeth was always good company to have around. Being Nick's older sister, he bowed down to her almost. Nick didn't want to make any mistakes around her, almost like he was constantly living just to impress her when she was around. This was good news for me, he wasn't going to physically hurt me for the period that she's here.

"I always seem to forget how beautiful your house is" Elizabeth commented as I lead her up into the spare guest room. "You and Nick make the dream couple"

I chuckled, "Yeah, I guess we do"

"I can't wait until Rob proposes to me, it seems like it's taking forever" She said, you could feel the impatience coming through her voice.

"Marriage isn't always what it seems, make sure he's going to treat you right"

"Are you not treated right?"

"No, no! I'm just saying, I want you to be happy, you deserve it"

Elizabeth smiled, "You're so kind, I'm so glad my brother found such a sweet girl to love"

He doesn't love me.

"So, when am I getting a little niece or nephew?"

About nine months from now.

I shrugged, "When Nick wants kids, I guess"

"He's just scared, he's always loved kids and you're going to be a great Mother to his children"

I bloody well hope so.

"Right now none of that will be happening" I joked, motioning to the brace around my neck,

Elizabeth chuckled, "Hopefully they don't have your coordination, I don't want my niece or nephew having a broken neck too"

"Yeah..." I trailed off awkwardly. Hopefully your brother doesn't treat them how he treats me. "I have to get ready for work... usually I would take leave for something like this but all I do is take orders and make coffee, I'm sure I'll be fine"


Walking into my work, I felt excited to see Wilmer. Scared to see how he was going to react to seeing my injuries in person, but excited to see him. Even seeing him look at me the way he does, mysteriously, was something that could make any pain I've suffered just go away.

Walking out the back to place my bag into my locker, Wilmer was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Wilmer?" I asked Stephanie who simply sat at the staff couch looking at her phone,

"He's moved states" She told me blankly, as if she was angry with him.

"What, why?" I asked as I felt my heart rate pick up, my heart felt like it was breaking almost.

"He said he needs to get out of this city, away from all of the toxicity"

"Why didn't he tell me? Or leave a note?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes. I felt silly for being so attached, part of me wanted to blame the pregnancy hormones but another part of me knew that I genuinely hoped for more from him.

Stephanie shrugged, "I don't know Demi, I mean, I'm lucky that he even told me... He just wanted to get out of here"

A/N: please don't hate me, good things will come I promise

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