Its begining to look a lot like Christmas

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So i'm just like going to skip to christmas time bc i have writers block and i have some good ideas for christmas so yea! plus its already snowing outside where i am so i'm in the mood! love ya   xoxo

~Lew's POV~

"What are we supposed to do Laura!?" Sicily says, "its snowing outside and your stupid management says you guys have to stay safe and other crap so what will we do!"

"Well were gonna go out."

"But management said no." Ash says

"Since do you listen to them!?"

"Your right lets go!"

"But, where are we supposed to go!" Sicily says

"Yea and how!" Ellee says

"Its Christmas time and were in New York to experience it! And your asking me what to do! I bet Valerie has a good idea."


"Well then." I pause to think, "Well there's 4 days ti'll Christmas which means there's 4 days to get presents for each other. So how about we just go around to random stores and go shopping."

Everyone agrees and we go to put warmer stuff on.

*Simple Winter*

"Everyone ready!!" Nicole screams

"Yep!" Half of us scream running to the elevator and half of us just getting out the door finally.

"Hey where are you guys going!" Brandon screams

"Out!" We all scream

"Without out us! Leaving the few lot of us here alone!"

"Yep" Nicole says

After awhile we now only have 1/5 of playback, Which is Brandon, and we have Joel and Jamiah.

"Well then maybe we'll do the same!"

"Don't get lost!" I say

"Shut up." He says

I just grin and walk out the door

~Somewhere in downtown NY~

"Where should we- OH MY JESUS, lets go into the toy store!!" Jade screams

We definitely don't hesitate to that. We walk in and were all wide eyed. This place is amazing. I'm just in love with New york!

So we walk around and start messing with everything.

"Hey Laura..." Valerie says, "guess what i found!" She holds up a stuffed toy and squeezes it.

'Don't cyberbully!' It says

I look at her with an annoyed face. "not.funny."

"Oh,no. Its very funny!" Kendra says

"Ya'll are so mean! I don't cyberbully!"

"You take to offense to much."

"Well it sorta does get on my nerves after a while! Have you ever thought of that!?"

"Yea but who cares its fun!" Valerie says

I just sigh and we leave the store after some parents complained about us being to 'loud' and that we were being 'childish'. Like the heck do you expect, for us to act mature and stuff in a toy store. That's crazy!!

We head farther downtown and we actually decide to split up and go in a whole bunch of different stores so we wont see what were buying each other.

I walk into a few stores and find a few things that the girls would LOVE! I keep walking and find plenty of things they'll love. After a good 2 hours of walking around finding stuff for the girls i finally decide to look for stuff for the guys. Now i know exactly what they want, they cant stop telling me all o it. they were even planning to give me a list. Half of the list would've already cost 2,000 or more and some of it was ridiculous. Like one of them was 'can you help me get signed to Sony records' and like please the last time i talked to Simon was in London during the summer which was forever ago! I keep walking and I've gotten stopped a few times by fans or paparazzi or people wondering where i got my clothes. Its still so weird. The i walk past a pet shop. I look in the window and there's the cutest kittens. They must be just a week or two old. Its adorable.

~Reeds POV~

"Ok so i guess we split up and go looking for presents!" Joel says

"Yep so see ya'll later!" I say walking off in a different direction from them. I know what to get for them but don't know what to get for the girls. And Laura. Now what would she want. What could i get her? Wow this question is hard. I turn a corner and i see her. I hide behind a tree so she wont see me. I look out from the tree and Laura's looking a pet shop window. I think i now know exactly what to get her. I wait a few more minutes for her to leave and i walk into the petshop.

"Umm excuse me, did a girl with curly blonde hair come in here and ask you anything?" i ask the clerk lady

"Oh yea, she was wondering about how much the kittens were."


"Wait, why do you want to know?"

"Because she's my girlfriend and i want to surprise her with something special."

"Aww thats cute. Wait aren't you Reed Deming?"


" now that makes sense! You all are practically being called the cutest couple ever for being so young. My little sister is obsessed with you and Belleani!"

"Thats cool. How about i sign something for her as a little Christmas present."

"Really, that be great!"

She reaches under the desk and pulls out a mini poster of me. I laugh.

"Yea she gave me a heads up that you were here and that if i saw you to get your autograph."

"Well then she'll love this." I sign the paper and she thanks me

I head for the door but turn around real quick, "And by the way I'll be back late Christmas eve night!"

"Ok, but were open until 9' so hurry!"

"Ok, thanks!" I say before heading out the door

~Lew's POV~

I get home early and stuff everything under my bed so i can start wrapping tomorrow. I think i found the best present i could for everyone! but I don't have Reeds. I know him by heart but i don't know what he could want.

The Dream I Never Had Reed Deming/One Direction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now