Friendsy vacation

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~Laura's Pov~

So lets catch up with life. Its 99 degrees. And were all dying. But we get 3 weeks off. The boys have news for us too! Liam's saying it now!

"And without further adue, the surprise is. . . " He pauses for dramatic effect, "Your friends get to stay with you for the next 3 weeks!!! For two of those weeks were going to London!!!"


All our friends burst through the doors!

                                                                   Friends of our band:

                                                            Reed's friends:
Brandon Hassan
Austin Corini
Owen Stuart
Josh Metzler
Jhonny Maxwell
J. Ryan
J. Malik
Ryan Biegger

Best vacation ever!!!

After we got all our hi's in we showed them to the house next door. We don't have that many bedrooms so they get house 11.

*house 11 is pictured a the top*

I swear their trying to spoil us. This house is amazing! Plenty of bedrooms, expensive furniture. And their only staying here a week. HaHa. Everyone picks what room they want and some share. But before anyone can do anything. Louis has other ideas.

"Peasants! Get your lazy bums  down here immediently!" We all run downstairs to the living room.

"I hope you guys are liking the house so far, but we need to go over some rules ." Zayn says

Lou takes back over, " Ladies, gentlemen and lovebirds to day is the start of a great vacation but we still need to keep things calm." 

"Like louis could do that." Liam mumbles to Harry

"Shut It Payne!" Lou snaps at Liam.

"Now as I was saying we need to go over some rules. Number 1, we need to keep this home fairly clean since we'll only be staying here a week. So stay at our hose more anyway its waaaay more fun. Second, anything our guests want to buy, we will pay for it. Thirdly we will go to the beach so don't ask. The fourth thing is when you see a celebrity, try not to scare them. Unless its The Wanted, just torment them. Finally any lovebirds " Lou looks directly at me and Reed, " that happen to spend to much time together, we will ruin your special moments. Please do not show  your affectionate love in front of everybody. Now you may continue with what you were doing.

Me and Reed smile evilly. We know one rule were going to break.

"Laura your going to help me put my stuff away!" Valerie  yells pulling me up the steps. Valerie shared a room with Sicily.Their room is a purple color. It's quite nice. So I help them both with their stuff.

"Laura did you see Harry's curls!" Sicily yells

"Yes and his eyes and his hands and his shirt!"

"Shut up" Sicily hits me

"What did the guy in the striped shirt mean by 'lovebirds' I will not be liking any guy on this vacation." Valerie says

"Maybe their was already some lovebirds."

"What do you mean?"

Then all of sudden Reed screams, "Laura!!" I run out into the hall to where all my friends are crowded around him. I get through the walls of my friends and pull Reed out.

"Leave him alone! He's mine and only mine!"


"Why would I like him"

"Oh gross"


"Thanks. Love you guys to." Reed says

"Yea. From those answers, stay away!"


"Of course"

"Going now"

"Your friends are interesting."

"Don't worry they'll be friends with you in no time."

"Haha. Well now lets go meet my buds."

" I bet I already know who is who."

"I'm thinking you would know Brandon. But all?"


"Then lets see. Hey guys!"

"Hey Reed! You have fun with the girls?" I know J. Malik says smirking

"Very funny. But I wanted you to meet Laura and she says she already knows you guys by name."

"Then go for it" Austin says

"Well your Ryan Biegger and then J. Ryan, J.Malik, Brandon Hassan, Austin Corini, Josh Matzler, Jhonny Maxwell and Owen Stuart.

"That is impressive" Jhonny says

"How do you know that?!" Reed says actually shocked

"I don't go on Youtube for nothin' " I know this will be a great vacation

and i need a new cover! if anyone wants to make me one i need it! just sed it to my twitter! its Lewluvs_1D_RD2

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