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Walking back to my room I opened the door and immediately froze.
Sleeping on my bed laid a boy with blueish white hair with a blue type hoodie that was black and furry in the inside.
"What the..."
Suddenly his red eyes opened.
"This is so troublesome i
could die..."

Panicking slightly I took a step back my eyes as wide as saucers.
Slowly the boy sat up and got off the bed.
"Eep!" I screamed slightly before quickly running off down the hallway in to the living room and to the kitchen. Quickly hiding under the table I used the table cloth as a safety.
"Oh C'mon erg your so troublesome!" I heard the cute strangers cute husky voice groan.
My eyes widened slightly realizing what I had just thought and I quickly smacked myself slightly.
Quickly stopping I listened carefully for movement when suddenly the table cloth lifted up.
"Ah!" I screamed jumping back only to bash my head on the table.
Quickly letting out a hiss I grabbed my head in pain while keeping out of the reaching distance.
"You don't think you can really hide from a vampire do you?" He asked dryly.
Instantly my eyes widened.
"Vampire?" I asked curiously slowly realizing this guys was too lazy to kill me.
He sweat dropped slightly as I leaned closer to him suddenly interested.
"You can hear can't you? Yes I'm a vampire. But not like the kind your thinking of i only drink my masters blood" he explained looking completely uninterested in the conversation.
Suddenly my eyes landed on the bell around his neck.
Slowly reaching out cautiously I picked it up.
"Hey.. It matches Kuro's" I muttered.
Suddenly there was a bright blue light and I saw a chain connect to my wrist to his neck.
My eyes widened and I froze.
"What just happened...." I muttered as he groaned.
"Something extremely troublesome. I hope you don't plan on going anywhere today cause I'm not coming" he stated before crawling out from the table.
Quickly crawling out after him I followed him to the pantry.
"Wait! You didn't answer my que-"
I was cut off by him shoving a cookie in my mouth silencing me.
"Be quite. It's too troublesome to explain now when I have to do it again when that brother of yours comes back home" he stated before leaving to the living room, most of our pantry in his hands.
I just watched with wide eyes.
I've never been so confused before....
Slowly following him I watched as he turned of the TV and flopped down on the floor.
Suddenly I felt myself begin to shiver violently.
Quickly grabbing a heavy blanket from the couch I tried to grit my teeth to stop the small sound of my chattering teeth.
Pulling the blanket tighter to my body I headed to the kitchen and began to fumble around with the coffee machine.
Slowly setting a cup on the counter I managed to get a cup of coffee but I couldn't pick it up.
Looking around the kitchen I let out a defeated sigh.
Stumbling back to the living room I sat next to Kuro.
He glanced at me before looking back at the TV.
I ignored him and pulled the blanket even tighter.
Looking up at Kuro I saw him staring at me.
"Stop what?"
"Chattering your teeth, its troublesome" he grumbled.
My eyes widened and I looked down.
Standing up I headed towards my room and flopped down on the bed tiredly.
Rolling over I soon felt myself falling back to sleep.


Quickly opening my eyes I realized I was face first in someone's chest.
Slowly pulling away I looked up tiredly and saw Kuro looking over towards the door.
Blushing I pulled away only to fall on the ground.
"Ow" I groaned in to the carpet.
"How troublesome..." Kuro murmured.
"Who the hell are you and why are you in my house with my sister?!" Mahiru's voice screamed.
Quickly sitting up I saw my brother at the door.
Suddenly Mahiru burst in with a mop and chased Kuro in to the living room.
Slowly creeping in to the living room I saw our living room full of wrappers and eaten ramen cups.
Looking over at Kuro and Mahiru I watched as Kuro jumped over Mahiru and landed in a crouch behind me, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket and an annoyed look on his face.
"What a violent kid. So scary. I can't face you" he muttered turning away from us his voice completely monotone.
Looking at Mahiru we just sent each other a confused look.
Just as Mahiru went to swing at him he tripped clumsily he pulled down the curtain.
Wincing slightly at the bright light I turned and saw Kuro had turned in to the small black cat.
My eyes widened.
"Wow..." Furrowing my eyebrows I tilted my head in confusion.
"Huh? Kuro?" Mahiru muttered dumbfounded.
I quickly ran to the curtains and put them up.
There was small poof and I turned to see the cat turn back in to the vampire guy who seemed rather irritated by this whole situation.
"What are you doing? I can't face the light at all! I like this girl much more than you" Kuro glanced at me as I crouched down beside him.
My eyes widened and I blushed slightly as he nodded in my direction.
Looking at him quizzically I slowly reached behind his ear.
Mahiru glared.
"What in the hell are you anyways!" My brother bellowed.
"What am I? Just a kind hearted vampire shut-in...."
My hand ended up behind his ear and I scratched it slightly to which he leaned in to my hand and purred before spinning around and sending me a glare.
Throwing out my hands in surrender I smirked slightly and let out a small laugh.
Mahiru's eye twitched before he got up and grabbed a hold of Kuro's jacket and proceeding to drag him across the floor.
"I'll toss you out my window!"
Kuro clutched and clawed at the ground and I just watched in amusement standing up and crossing my arms over my chest.
"Wait! I'm a vampire. Don't throw me out in the sun! I'll die! I'll die! I'm immortal but I'll die!!" The vampire screeched.
Sighing I walked over and put my foot on Kuro's back making him fall flat of his stomach but also causing Kuro to not be able to drag him any further.
"Humans are such cruel cruel creatures!" Kuro began speaking again lifting his head from the ground.
"Shut up you evil spirit!" Mahiru growled.
"That's enough Mahiru. The two of you are giving me a headache. Just let the guy explain" I sighed rubbing my temples.
Both boy glanced at me before glaring back at each other.
They began bickering again.
Grabbing them by the collars I threw them in the living room.
"Ow!" Mahiru whined.
"For fucks sake for such a small girl you've got killer strength!" Kuro groaned sitting up and rubbing the back of his head.
"Wait did you saw vampire... Are that street slasher?!" Mahiru exclaimed, suddenly remembering what Sakuya had warned us about yesterday.
"Are you gonna drink our blood! Don't touch her!"
Mahiru quickly grabbed me and yanked me behind him.
I rolled my eyes.
"I've been home with him all day, if you think he was gonna kill me and drink my blood, he would have done it already?" I asked dryly.
"She's right, besides why would I do something so troublesome I could die? Have you been told your way too self-conscious? Who would attack someone like you?" Kuro asked tilting his head as he stared at Mahiru, obviously confused and annoyed.
Letting out a small laugh I covered my mouth trying to hold it on for my brothers sake.
"You should attack! Your a vampire!"
Kuro blinked at him, "Don't say that so easily! That's a crime!" Then he turned his gaze to the ground.
"Putting that aside can you make me some tea?"
"Argh I don't even know where to begin with you!"
"Why don't you start by cooling down. I'll leave tomorrow. I'd say not to say my name but your sister already did. So we have a contract" Kuro grumbled looking at me.
My eyes widened and I looked away in embarrassment.
"What the hell was that just now!!' Mahiru screamed grabbing Kuro by the collar.
"What a pain "
"Stop being a lazy ass and explain!" He shook Kuro violently.
"Explaining is too troublesome!" He groaned
I sighed.
"Do it and do it simply then" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
Kuro signed and dropped as Mahiru let go of him.
"You have so many complaints but I'll tell you one thing for sure.... You and I would die before getting along" He glared up at my brother.
I groaned and turned pulling at my white hair.
That explained nothing but the obvious!!

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