Finding Resolve

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"What?! Yuki! No!" Mahiru screamed.
"He's not our friend. He never was, he made it all up. It was all one big lie" I glares at the Sakuya.
"This guys was one of you friends? Your kidding. We won't get along, vampire" Misano muttered.
Sakuya just laughed tilting his head back in amusement
"I'm not very good at fighting but I'll do my best.. If it really brings you pleasure" Lily hummed before summoning his scythe and swinging at Belkia as he lunged at him.
"Not a very good plan. Do you think you can take me down alone? That's pretty damn cocky of you witless little punk!" Sakuya scoffed.
"I wanna know when and why you got close to Yuki and Mahiru! What were your motives!" Misano yelled angrily.
"Huh? Your talking like some kind of jealous boyfriend whose been cheated on, why do you care so much about Yuki.....and Mahiru? Didn't you just meet them a few day ago I mea-"
"It doesn't matter when we met! It matters what he said! The shirotas called me their friend! " Misano exclaimed.
"Their friend.." Sakuya looked behind Misano at me and I just stared back evenly my arms crosses over my chest.
"You child! You would believe such an obvious con?! There's not a lie that's more over used than friendship! Your stupider than I thought! You can't even-"
"Sakuya!" I shouted.
He stopped and looked at me.
"It wasn't a lie. Misano is my friend and we have met a few day ago but in those few days he has been more of a friend to me than you ever have" I hissed.
"Really? Was he there for you when you got raped?" Sakuya asked menacingly.
My eyes widened and I stepped back slightly.
"Y-Yuki?" Mahiru gasped.
I looked away and saw Kuro looking up at me too.
Suddenly Misano's eyes darkened and he held out his arm.
"What are you doing now? What's a kid like you gonna do against me? Your so easy. Your a lonely eve who's about to get knocked off the board" Sakuya huffed.
I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth.
"Ah some applause please! Ready for the securing belkia and his magic murder box!" Belkia cooed taking a weird box from his hat.
"Lily only left my side because he had a good reason too. Watch closely shirota. This is one way I can use my power" Misano explained standing closely on front of me.
"If an enemy target comes between lily and I. Our weapon activates"
Watching with wide eyes I saw a blue sphere type thing appear below belkia and lock him in Misano's chair.
"Your kidding me! Misano's weapon is a chair?!" I muttered as Kuro jumped on my shoulder as a cat.
Suddenly lily came up behind belkia with the scythe under his neck.
"Nighty night now!" Lily cooed.
Before cutting belkia and throwing him at me feet.
My eyes widened and I looked down at the pinkette.
"One down" Misano smirked.
I quickly fell back on my ass looking at the lifeless looking belkia.
"But it looked like you chopped his head off!! " Mahiru exclaimed.
"My power only destroys the mind not the body. To be honest with you I'm out of practice but it's good to know we can still put up a fight" lily smiled turning to us slightly.
"Misano really wanted to show off for you yuki~" lily cooed.
My eyes widened and I blushed slightly.
"Hey! Quite Lily!!" Misano exclaimed blushing slightly himself.
I looked away and tried to calm my face.
"Its unfortunate. Mahiru was talking about how excited he was to introduce their friends to me. He wanted you to be first" Misano sighed turning back to Sakuya.
"He really wanted to introduce us? I see"
I watched as Misano's posture tensed up.
What are you playing at Sakuya?
"I wish we could have stayed friends... Even if it was only for just another week or two. I was actually pretty pumped to go to the school festival that was coming up" Sakuya sighed.
My eyes widened and I stared at him in shock.
"If only if things had turned out differently... Who knows, Misano you and I might have even been friends ..." Sakuya smirked.
"Misano! Don't let him distract you!" Lily warned and I instantly snapped out it.
Standing I ran towards Sakuya.
"Stop. Lying!!!" I screamed punching him in the face sending him back a few feet.
"Ouch! That one hurt Yuki! But not as much as this one will!" He growled standing up and grabbing my jacket.
My eyes widened and I began to struggle when suddenly he bit down harshly on on my shoulder.
"Ah!! Stop let me go!!" I screamed angrily kicking at punching him.
I heard Misano break the chain and fighting but I couldn't hear anything but the numb sound of my heartbeat in my ears.
Sakuya dropped me before attacking Misano.
I looked up just in time to see blood fly everywhere.
"N-No Misano!!" I screamed as Kuro appeared at my side and held me back from attacking him.
Lily quickly ran to his side and the Sakuya stood in front of Mahiru.
"So just how much of what I said earlier was lie? Mahiru? Does it make me a liar to fail to mention we aren't alone?" Sakuya laughed evilly.
"So there's someone else here. Pulling the strings" lily hissed.
I tried to stand up but dropped to my knees grabbing my shoulder .
"D-Damn it!" I hissed.
Kuro grabbed my hand and pulled me in to his chest.
"Sakuya why are you doing this to us?! What the hell happened to you?!" Mahiru screamed angrily.
"I thought the four of us could all be friends! And you ruined that! You need to stop this!"
Looking up I saw Misano looking weakly in my direction.
"Did I do...something out of line? I just wanted to protect my new friend" he asked weakly.
Almost instantly I felt my blood boil and stood up without trouble my eyes flaming with rage.
"No Misano you did perfect. I'm sorry I didn't help... You did something noble... God damnit!" I exclaimed clenching my fists angrily.
Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and I heard the distinct sound of a blade opening and the hot breath of someone Much taller than me on my neck.
"You have no idea Yuki. No idea how your supposed best friend felt this whole time. Hanging out on the way home from school. The more friend I had with you guys the drier my throat would get!" He hissed
"It gets so bad I think of killing someone. I guess that's just to be expected. Its just the way I'm wired. Vampires exist to hurt people, humans" he hummed.
"No! That's a lie! Stop coming up with excuses you idiot! " I yelled angrily.
Suddenly he let go and I looked over to see him standing on Mahiru.
"But its true Mahiru! And honestly the guilt feels pretty damn good too! It's all part of being a vampire! The reward for my thirst! Now listen if your going to try and kill me be serious about it! Otherwise...I'll attack your new friend again and this time HE'LL DIE!!" Sakuya growled crushing my brothers head in to the concrete.
Suddenly he turned seeming startled.
I knew what it was. It was his sister. The only real story he told me the whole time we knew each other.
He began to look around.
"Sh.. You can't fight him in the state your in!" Kuro grabbed my arm.
"Huh? Kuro you injuries their gone" my eyes widened.
"They're better. So it'd be smart for us to run now" he stated.
I instantly broke away from his grip on my arm and looked down my hair covering my face.
"No way Kuro!"
I turned away and began stomping towards Sakuya.
"We have to go!" Kuro exclaimed grabbing my hand but I just ripped away.
"Listen Kuro I know your laziness in because of my resolve but your constant want running away is not from me! I don't run from a fight. And I never will. So you'd better get used to me telling you no"  I stated still turned away with my back to him.
"Do you really wanna use your power like this? You haven't done anything you'll regret yet. You can walk away with a clear conscience" he exclaimed.
I just shook my head.
"No. He hurt my friend. He hurt my brother and he won't get away with hurting me. I'm done sitting back and doing nothing. I've been expected for nothing my whole life and now that k can do something I refuse to run away" i uttered before turning back around and continuing to walk.
"Your not listening. What I'm asking is if your sure of yourself right now?"
I nodded.
Stopping in front of Sakuya I held out my hands and the gloves showed up along with the crown.
"Whoa wait when did you get that one?" I heard Kuro litter behind me but ignored him.
Shit. . I don't even know what these do..
"Finally your doing the right thing, Yuki. All liars should deserve to be killed" Sakuya smiled slightly.
Suddenly it began to rain.
My eyes widened and I looked at the sky.
The moon is out....Tsubaki
I instantly tensed and clenched my fists.
Jumping in to action and punched him with the black glove and he flew back super far
My eyes widened.
"Holy crap.." I muttered.
I hit him..
"Don't get swallowed!"  Kuro warned.
"It won't stop bleeding. Is it because of those gloves? What do you know. Maybe you will be able to kill me!" Sakuya exclaimed rubbing his bloody eye.
Kill him?!
Suddenly my gloves turned in to glowing fog.
"No you cant Yuki! You can't go down that path! You won't be able to stay human!!" Kuro screamed.
I began to panic.
What am I doing? What have I done? I c-cant think straight!!
"K-Kuro!" I whimpered before suddenly I couldn't control my body and I punched Sakuya again with the black glove and blood flew out of his mouth.
Quickly pulling away I gripped my hand and struggled to keep it at my side.
No no no! I known I was mad but I won't kill him! I can't I can't I can't I can't!!!
Suddenly my hand came loose and I attacked him again. And again and again and again and again.
"Yuki!" Kuro screamed.
Suddenly Sakuya looked up at me.. And smiled.
Suddenly I felt something in Kuro change.
My eyes widened as a pain erupted in my chest.
Turning to Kuro he grabbed my shoulder and bit down on my neck.
My eyes widened but I didn't move.
He set me on the ground carefully and the chain appeared between us.
Suddenly he hunched over and the transparent cat from inside Kuro spouted out of his back about twelve times larger than when I'd first seen him.
I watched as a black tear like liquid dropped to the ground and burnt slightly.
Suddenly the cats stitched up mouth opened slightly and the black liquid poured from its mouth and surrounded us.
"Kuro?" I whimpered as the purple creature let out a terrifying growl.
Looking at Kuro I saw he wasn't responding.
Suddenly the goo began to get higher.
This is bad.. I'm drowning!
"Mahiru! Yuki!"
I looked over and saw Belkia and Sakuya being pulled up in the stings I had been tied in only minutes ago.
"Come on Yuki! You have to order your SerVamp to kill me now!! It's what I want!!" Sakuya exclaimed.
My eyes widened and I shook my head.
Quickly holding out my white glove a burst on white flew out clearing the path.
I quickly began hurrying  towards Kuro but the liquid would appear as fast as it appeared.
Looking up I gasped as Kuro fell to the ground with a bullet wound and the liquid disappeared.
Jumping up I ran towards him when suddenly a person with bags not here head jumped on his back.
My eyes widened and I screamed out as i he spot repeatably at kuro.
I quickly pushed him off and fell to my knees in front of Kuro and placed his head on my lap.
Looking up i saw the guy with a bag on his head staring down at me and I just held Kuro protectively.
He just walked over and picked up two bags from the ground and put them on his head before going to attack Sakuya but he was pulled back by the strings.
"Sakuya?" I called softly.
He turned and sent me a sad look.
"You don't really wanna kill us? It was trick?" Mahiru exclaimed.
Suddenly there was a bright light and he was gone.
"Where'd he go..." I muttered.
Suddenly the sound of car tires screeching and a car ran right threw the gate and the doors opened revealing the two pink haired girls and a dark haired man.
"Is the arrogant brat dead?" The blue haired man asked when suddenly the two pink haired girls ran to lily and Misano.
"Misano's injured!" They said in unison, like usual.
"I'm glad your here! He needs a doctor!!" Lily exclaimed picking his eve up.
"Misano.." Mahiru muttered sadly.
"Are you two okay?" Lily asked looking at Mahiru and I.
"Yeah we are fine just take care of Misano" Mahiru nodded.
lily nodded and he was bout to leave but I  quickly called out for him.
The blonde turned and smiled at me.
"When he wakes up... Call me. Even if you have to sneak away because he won't let you" I smiled slightly.
He chuckled softly and nodded.
"Don't worry I will ,love. Take care Kuro for me yes?" He winked.
I smiled and nodded.
"Of course"
And with that he drove off.
Looking down at Kuro's peaceful face I ran my hands through his hair comforting both myself and him.
"Your all hurt and its my fault" I whimpered slightly using one of my hands to wipe away my tears.
"There's no reason for you to feel responsible for what happened" a thick Australian accent stated.
"Huh?" Looking up I saw a shadowed figure walking towards us.
"A person must take full responsibility for their own actions.... No matter what. I'm sure Misano knew exactly what he was getting in to when he chose to get involved. Nice to meet ya young lady. Young man. Beside me is the SerVamp of envy. His names is doubt doubt , you might have guessed I'm his eve. Just a small old antique dealer traveling the world" the man came out of the shadows with blonde hair and black and red hat on, a strange doll in his hands.
He was a bit taller than Mahiru.
Suddenly he put the doll in Mahiru's face.
"Would you please hold me Mahiru!" He cooed in a girly voice.
I watched them until suddenly Kuro shifted.
Looking down I saw him slowly open his red eyes.
He looked st me lazily and I just continued to play with his hair and looked back up the blonde.
"How do you know my name?" Mahiru asked confused.
Suddenly a strange aura came over him and he held the doll tightly.
"No don't be afraid Abel! Its alright. This man is not our enemy! Your safe! Huh? You think children now a days are too violent? Haha don't worry so much Abel darling" he cooed.
My eyes widened.
This guy is crazy...I swear everyone we meet is some sort of weirdo
"What's with that look!!! Don't stare at her with such lust in your eyes!! Pervert! She's just a doll!" Blondie screamed st Mahiru.
"What are you talking about?!!!" Mahiru screamed.
Suddenly there was another gun shot.
Jumping slightly I looked over and saw Blondie had a bullet hole going through his hat.
"Enough talk. Its time for you to keep your promise!" Doubt Doubt growled.
"Ehh? What was that?" Blondie challenged teasingly.
"You promised if in followed your order you'd let me drink your blood" doubt doubt stated.
This guys scary... Hm.. Wonder what animal he turns in to?
"Huh? Sorry! I can't hear you!!" Blondie cooed.
Suddenly doubt doubt shot rapidly at him as he jumped around and dodged the bullets.
Suddenly I remembered my own bloody shoulder and quickly began trying to hide it knowing as soon as he smelt it I'd be screwed.
Suddenly doubt doubt turned in my direction.
"Fuck my life" I groaned in annoyance.
Setting Kuro's head down nicely I marched up to him.
"Go on hurry up! Everyone else has so why not you too. Just don't kill me, yeah?" I huffed.
Everyone just stared at me before doubt doubt grabbed my wrist and bit down.
I winced but just sat and waited for him to finish.
"Thank you. That man hasn't fed me in days!!" Doubt doubt growled before screaming at Blondie and shoot at him again.
Suddenly me knees wobbled slightly.
Turning to Kuro I felt myself falling when suddenly I felt a pair of quick arms wrap around me.
Turning I saw Kuro.
Suddenly the two stopped fighting and Blondie came towards me.
"Sorry we had to take him down so brutally. I wish we could have destroyed Tsubaki's subclass before he managed to escape" Blondie sighed.
My eyes widened and I looked away ashamed that I could do it myself.
"You heard him that what he wanted. Well at least you know you don't have the stomach for something like that. Though you did come close"
Suddenly images of me beating him up flashed through my head and I winced away.
"I imagine it would have been pretty traumatizing to kill your best friend. Even if he was asking you to. Ya know Yuki, I can teach you how to nullify a SerVamp contract if your interested..." He trailer off.
My eyes widened slightly a looked at him shocked
Nullify my SerVamp contract?! Why would in do that? Why would I get rid of Kuro?
"You can?" Mahiru asked.
I gasped and turned to him to see he was staring at the ground.
"I mean its none of my business. I know but I figured you might be regretting your choices. You never thought everything would turn out this way right? Contracts like this can be scary. If you lose control and start to fear yourself than your servamp won't hesitate to gobble you up whol-"
"Your not scaring me. I will not be nullifying my contract. I will learn how to handle myself and I'll stick with Kuro" I stated looking up at him slowly.
"Alright alright just let me know if your ever interested. I can help you go back to a normal student" he smiled tilting his hat at me before turning to leave.
"W-wait! Who are you? Why were you here?" Mahiru asked.
"I thought I told ya? I'm just a tracker and antique dealer, isn't that right mabel? "
And with that he left.
Turning to Kuro I saw he was thinking hard.
"Are you okay?" I asked softly.
He nodded.
"I'm fine I should be asking you. Your such a pain! Walking around and giving blood willingly like that" he hissed flicking me hardly in the forehead.
Grabbing my forehead I turned to see Mahiru walking off without us.
My eyes widened and I jumped up and chased after him.
"W-Wait! Mahiru!!" I screamed.
"Don't. I need time to think. You lied to me" he muttered.
My eyes widened and I froze.
With that he walked off leaving me and Kuro alone in the alley.

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