Was I Wrong?

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"Ugh why is it so cold" I grumbled slowly sitting up.
Opening my eyes I froze.
"What the hell?!"
Looking around I was surrounded my desert, wind blowing harshly at me grands of sand trying to get in my eyes.
It was nighttime and it was freezing as if I was in Antarctica instead of the desert.
"Mahiru? Kuro? " I called out standing up but I was met with only the quite echo of my own voice.
Looking down at what I was wearing I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion to see I was in a black robe type thing.
"What is this??" I muttered running my hands over the dark cloth.
"Nobody is here. Go home"
Whipping around I saw the birthday cat fishing calmly in quick sand.
"You! Your Kuro's-"
"What are you doing here?" It asked interrupting me.
"W-what? What do you mean 'what am I doing here'? Where is 'here'?" I exclaimed looking at the strange cat incredulously.
"In Kuro. But he says he doesn't wanna see you"
My eyes widened and I stepped back slightly hurt.
"T-That's a lie!" I argued angrily.
"Is it? This is your fault after all" the cat hummed.
I frowned and looked at my feet.
Suddenly I heard the sound of a bell. Instantly recognizing it as Kuro's collar I looked around, trying to follow the noise.
"According to my calculations There's no else ahead of here"
Turning I saw the fishing pole had disappeared and he now had a desk and was rummaging through papers
Snapping my head back over again I followed the noise until I was clears as day, like I was right on top of it.
Suddenly I tripped over my feet and felt flat of my face, my left ear on the soft sandy ground.
"Ow" I groaned painfully.
I was about to pull myself up when I realized the bell sound was coming from beneath ground.
Sitting up I stared at the light colored sand in confusion.
Slowly beginning to dig in a rectangular shape and pulled the thick sand away to reveal a staircase underwater.
"An underwater staircase? Kuro.. Nothing inside of you make sense" I sighed throwing off my black clock leaving my in a baggy ripped gray shirt and black torn up Capris.
I quickly took a breath before diving on to the water.
It's even colder down here! Jesus Christ!!
Swimming farther down I began to struggle a bit as I ran out of breath.
Speeding it up I pushed myself even further down to where I could see a small light.
Suddenly I was falling down a case of stairs earning a few bruises and scratches with each step down.
Finally falling on flat ground I let out a chain of cuss words wincing in pain as I pulled myself up off the ground.
I brushed myself off before looking up the staircase to see half of it was engulfed in water but then it suddenly stopped.
"Whoa.." Reaching out I put my hand in the water and watched curiously as I went threw and I felt nothing but water on the other side.
Quickly pulling my arm out I gaped in awe to see it was completely dry.
"Damn.. That's awesome" I muttered staring at the water a bit more.
Heading down the stairs towards the doorway I noticed the small cat was blocking the way.
"Now we're going in!~" It cooed dancing slightly.
"What the heck?! You again?! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed.
"We have to keep to the dress code!!"
"What?! Hey stop!" I squealed as the cat took my shirt off leaving me in black sports bra.
He tossed a black dress at me and I quickly caught it before removing the black capris.
Fixing my hair a bit I was about to walk in when the cat jumped up and pinned a blue rose clip in my hair.
"A gift from kuro~" he cooed before shoving me out in to the room.
I saw all of the SerVamp's sitting at the table and slowly sat down at the sat across from Kuro who was at the head of the table.
I examined everyone and almost gasped at how much younger and mature they looked than they do now.
Suddenly Kuro looked up right at me.
I gasped at how conflicted his eyes where and sat back in my seat.
Can he see me!?
Looking closer in to his eyes I saw that they seemed to look right through me.
Suddenly they all began to speak at once, some angrily, some calmly, and some boerdly.
It seemed as if both sides of the table we're for one certain thing.
Looking to the left first I saw Old Child (Pride), Doubt Doubt (Envy), and All of Love (Lust).
"Don't be so sentimental about it! I an simply answering the contents of the request from C3!" Old Child exclaimed holding a small letter.
My eyes widened slightly at the familiar letter. Remembering back to the letter Mahiru couldt open I couldn't help but send a small glare at Kuro even though he couldn't see it.
"The letter was from C3... I should of known" I huffed crossing my arms before looking back at Doubt Doubt.
"..... Why....... Can we not..... Be calm...?" He sighed
"Surely you all know just how much of a dangerous existence 'that person' is right?" All of Love's voice spoke out over Doubt Doubt's.
My eyes widened.
"Wait this it? This is majority vote thing Kuro told me about!" I exclaimed before quickly looking at the other side and seeing Lawless and a purple haired woman along with a heavier built white haired male.
"She must be Wrath and he's must be Gluttony..." I muttered.
Glancing at the angry white haired guy I began listening to what he was yelling.
"I won't listen to C3's request! It's worthless!! You should tear it up and eat it!!" He hissed angrily.
Suddenly lawless stood from his seat startling me a bit
"Kill 'that person' you'd have to be crazy to take an order like that!!" He exclaimed.
"Even if I theoretically understand it. It is my emotions that do not permit it" Wrath shook her head crossing her arms over her chest.
Just who is 'that' person?
"Its strange to think we'd sink that low because of 'that person! The person who created us SerVamps!!"
I gasped and looked up at Kuro who was the one who'd spoken so loudly over everyone.
"Yes, the genius that gave life to the seven of us monsters, by themself"  all of love muttered angrily.
"Well according to the letter from C3 an existence similar to 'that person' seems to be in Japan" Old Child stated still holding the letter.
Wait.. Japan?
"Who was the last one who saw him again?" Wrath asked her eyes glancing in my direction before quickly looking away.
"I believe that it would be me but.. It's was an old affair from hundreds of years ago.. If they are still alive, they're no longer human" All of Love rose his hand a small smile on his face.
"They've surpassed the lower a single human could posses" Doubt Doubt stated.
Looking at him my eyes widened as I realized I could see his face.
He's kind of cute, but why does he wear bags on his head now?
"Is that really something we 'monsters' should say?!" Lawless growled.
"If in the future that person were to create tens. Hundreds of monsters like ourselves-" doubt doubt began to mutter when lawless interrupted him, slamming his hands on the table causing me to jump slightly.
I looked down at the table ignoring them as I tried to place my head around this
They're all so different... W-Why I'd this so important I don't get it.
"What do you think Roselynn?"
Looking up I saw everyone looking at me, even Kuro's eyes were burrowing in to mine.
"Don't ask me. I'm just the human here. Pregnant human in fact"
My eyes widened as I lost control of my body and mouth.
Pregnant?! I'm not fucking pregnant?! Why'd I say that?!
The words coming from my mouth weren't mine.
In the corner of my eyes I saw my hair was a light orange.
What the hell is going on?!
"In a way you are a SerVamp" All of Love cooed.
"Just cause I'm carrying one doesn't mean I am one" my voice spoke again.
"She's right" wrath mumbled.
I nodded.
"Yes. But I do believe that your right Lily. I'm sorry Lawless but just because they haven't doesn't mean they won't. And me about to be a parent don't want them to do it. But its really not up to me.
Sleepy ash. Love? What do you think" My eyes landed on his dark red ones as he stared at my small stomach.
It was obvious I wasn't very far along at all but you could still tell there was something in there.
What is this? I don't remember this... Why is this part of the memory in my body?
Kuro nodded slightly at me and I nodded back.
"What's you answer brother?" Old child muttered.
"To be or not to be... The answer is.. yes. I will kill him" Kuro answered.
Suddenly the screeching and loud clatter of a hair falling made Roselynn/me looked over and see that Lawless had stood a dark look on his face.
"I will? Kill him? Haha... The human who created you?! Dear brother. Haven't you just slept so much you've gone crazy? If it weren't for that person. None of would be here would we? Not even that unborn child of yours. Isn't that right big brother? The person is so to speak..."
Suddenly lawless grabbed Kuro by the collar of his shirt and brought him to his face
"A 'PARENT' RIGHT? OUR 'FAMILY', RIGHT?!" He shrieked in Kuro's face.
Roselynn/me stood up and we narrowed our eyes at him.
"Lawless" We warned.
"If we all... Weren't by each others sides. What would we do? If you weren't by our side what would we do?!" Kuro muttered.
Roselynn/me widened our eyes.
"What are we? How were we born?" Kuro muttered.
Suddenly Gluttony stood up.
"Hey guys..." He muttered uneasily.
Suddenly there was a harsh pain in my stomach.
"Shit" Roselynn and I quickly sat down.
Wait.. Was that the baby kicking??! Ahh! Oh my god that was agonizing for a small baby kick! What the hell is this thing?!
All of love was quickly at my side.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes.. I think... I think the baby just kicked but that's impossible right? Its only been a few weeks!" Roselynn/I exclaimed grabbing his hand tightly as it kicked one last time.
"It's possible that because its part SerVamp the pregnancy could go faster than the average human pregnancy" wrath explained coming to my other side.
Suddenly Kuro ripped away from Lawless and grabbed me bridle style before walking away.

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