Lost it All

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"My head hurts!" I huffed rubbing the back of my head painfully as everyone sat around the table.
Everyone just ignored me and spoke on their own as Mahiru told them what happened.
I huffed, annoyed that no one would listen to me and pulled out my phone.
Suddenly my phone was pulled away and I was being yelled at.
"I understand the gist of what happened.... YOU IDIOT! why do you always take action alone?!" Misano hollered pointing his finger in my face wildly.
My eyes widened and j looked up startled at his sudden yelling.
"Your lucky Lawless was so strong and killed this other vampires on his own! Why don't you ever think of the consequences that your actions might have?!" He continued to yell.
I dropped my expression and stared at him emotionless.
"Do you remember what I did the last time you yelled at me?" I asked in a slight threatening voice narrowing my eyes slightly .
He just stared at me unsure of what to say next.
"Uh.., what she actually meant to say was sorry!!" Mahiru laughed wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
I turned my head and looked at him incredulously.
"What?! Don't speak for me I know what i-"
Mahiru cut me off by sending a look that said 'shut and apologize'.
Sighing softly I stuck my out at him childishly before turning to look back at Misano.
"Alright! Alright! Fine! I'm sorry!" I muttered in annoyance while bowing my head slightly.
"See there ya go all better! Oh yeah by the way how is your head doing? Got quite the bump" Mahiru pointed to the ice pack on Misano's head that lily was holding on his head with some sort of fishing pole type thing.
"S-Shut up! Don't worry about!!" Misano blushed in embarrassment.
Smirking slightly I let out a giggle.
"Ah! Is Misano all flustered because my big brother's giving him attention~" I cooed teasingly as I playfully squeezed his cheeks.
"W-What? No! Never! Argh! Don't touch me you weirdo!!"Misano hissed smacking my hands away from his face.
Laughing softly I sat back down in between Mahiru and Kuro was laying in cat form sleeping quietly as usual.
"He's right though. You have to stop running of on you own" pride agreed.
I sighed and threw my head back slightly.
"I didn't know there would be that much fighting! Trust me, If I knew what was gonna happened tonight I wouldn't have gave staying home a second thought"I grumbled letting the painful memories from Licht's song back in to head.
Mahiru nodded in agreement
"Well at least the whole night wasn't worthless. We got one good thing, we finally managed to capture one of Tsubaki's subclasses" Misano sighed glancing at Lila.
Looking back at the boy a ways behind Misano u saw him hugging his knees tightly and watching us scared.
I kind of feel bad for dragging that kid in to this...
"At least they got something done, like big bro and Yuki always do. They were out there getting stuff done while shorty over here was slipping in the baths" Tetsu spoke up looking at Misano.
I let out a small him of amusement and watched as Misano went red with anger.
"SHUT UP! If Shirota is tour big bro so am I! We're the same age!" Misano vegan to throw a small tantrum.
Sighing slightly I ignored them and looked down at Kuro.
I wonder if he's feeling better now? He was acting pretty weird earlier..
Smiling softly I reached down and began to bet his soft black fur.
Massaging his ears slightly I noticed he was slowly opening his eyes.
He looked up at me before leaning in to my hand and letting out an affectionate purr.
Suddenly Lila whimpering slightly caught my attention and I looked over to see Tetsu hovering over here.
"Hey! Guys I think that's more than enough! Leave him be, he's been through a lot today you can ask questions tomorrow!" I exclaimed sternly like a mother would a child.
Tetsu back obediently and turned to listen as Mahiru as he spoke up.
"Yeah, and I was thinking. If they find out Lila is here, I think Tsubaki will come and try to save him" he explained.
I nodded in agreement.
"Huh? Just for a mere subclass?" Misano asked doubtfully.
"When we defeated Belkia in the past Tsubaki made a personal appearance" I backed Mahiru up a bit.
"Yes, at first we thought that he had some sort of business with Kuro, but know that I think of it I'm almost positive his real goal was to save Belkia....also.." He trailed off and looked at the table as of he was deep in thought.
"Plus you would go and save one of your subclass children, correct? Think of it like that" I finished off for Mahiru .
"Yeah, but.. But its hard to think that Tsubaki of all people would have those such feelings" Misano murmured watching as lilt turned in to a butterfly and fluttered around him.
"But he actually does! Have you seen the way he acts with Yuki? Its clear has feelings though they may be a bit obsessive and corrupted they're still there"Mahiru added.
I winced thinking about it but nodded slightly.
"Right Kuro?...-"
Turning to Kuro I saw he was no longer laying beside me.
We all looked up as the sound of the door sliding open filled up the room.
Looking at Kuro I saw him in vampire form leaving the room without a word causing us all to look at each other in confusion.
Scrambling to my feet I followed him out to the hallway.
"Kuro?" I called out but he ignored me and kept walking.
Sighing softly I followed close behind him .
As we walked outside I couldn't help but shiver slightly at the cold fall night. Looking down at myself I saw I was in a thin gray T-shirt and a pair of really short black and blue polka dotted pajamas shorts.
"Kuro! Come on its cold out here!!" I whined rushing after him.
Suddenly he stopped and turned with a looked on his face that made me freeze mid step.
He's been so weird since I asked him about his past...
Suddenly I began remembering everything Lawless had been saying and I felt my head fill up with scattered thoughts.
"Who did you kill?"
"Or did you kill him?"
"Why did you kill him?"
"Did you agree with the majority vote?"
I flinched back slightly at the loud thoughts and looked back up at Kuro.
"Maybe I should ask him again? No.. That's what started all of this into he first place" I muttered to myself.
Suddenly I began to have a short internal argument.
If I don't resolve this now then Lawless will never agree to help us..
"Kuro! Please just talk to me! What's going on with you?"
Suddenly he began to ...melt in to the goo that came out the cats mouth when we fought Sakuya.
My eyes widened in fear and I stepped back slightly.
"Ku-Kuro?! We should go inside.. The others are probably waiting for us!" I exclaimed trying to force myself to believe that I was just imagining it.
Suddenly he disappeared and all I saw was two shining blue lights in the darkness where he had been standing.
I watched carefully as the slights slowly came closer but relaxed a tad as Kuro came out in his cat form and let out an eerie meow.
I reluctantly turned and began heading back in to the sprigs, looking over my shoulder every now and then making sure he was still following me.
Oh Kuro.. What's wrong with you? Whatever your hiding it really hurts.. Doesn't it?

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