Till Death Due Us Part

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"I'm coming with you!" I glared evenly with my brother, blocking the doorway.
"No your not. Its too dangerous for you! Your too sick!!" He exclaimed trying to push past me but I shoved him back.
"The only way we can get Kuro back is with me. So if they know a way. You'll need me anyways!" I yelled getting annoyed with him.
"Just let her go. If anything happens just call me. Lily and I will be there in seconds" Misano sighed obviously annoyed and some with hearing us argue.
Mahiru groaned before letting out a sigh.
"Fine. Just don't pull anything stupid. This trip needs to simple!" He huffed.
I smiled and nodded before quickly catching the heavy black jacket lily tossed towards me.
"Thanks! See ya in a while!" I beamed putting the jacket on and letting my hair down before putting the hood of the hoodie I had under the jacket on.
Slipping my backpack on I put Kuro where the cellphone was suppose yo go and we hurried off bit I stopped as I saw Kranz.
"Oh we're headed off! I'm sorry for licht again. He really is a talented eve!" I smiled bowing again.
"You know he'd hate hearing you say that" he chuckled.
My eyes widened slightly before I looked away remembering the story.
"Hm? Why?" Mahiru asked.
"Well you see light grew up in the countryside of Vienna,  as a normal child who liked climbing trees and having fun. He chose to start playing piano completely on his own. Day after day, he sat at the piano, imagining the tears of a grand audience. Then, at a certain competition when he was seven... His parents, who traveled the world to perform concerts, both came for the first time to listen. Licht was happy-" Kranz started the story.
"But he was nervous. So nervous that his hair turned completely white. He was finally going to make his dream a reality in front of his parents bit not only his hair, bit his mind went completely blank as well. However his years of hard work wouldn't betray him, someone even described it as an angel descending. Originally Licht's hair had the white streak but when we got together he dyed it back to black but it began to grow back white so he let it and claimed that we were one of the same. As silly as it was I went along with it.. But he always said 'it isn't talent that accomplishes things, but imagination and effort'. Wise words for a teenager" I sighed pulling my coat closer as a gust of wind blew at us.
"Hm, I'm surprised you remember it from so long ago" Kranz smiled slightly.
I shrugged.
"Lately its been hard to forget anything" I sighed.
"But with amazing effort you could become a beautiful pianist too!!" He turned to Mahiru.
I laughed slightly and watched as my brother sweat dropped.
"Oh, you'd still think I wanna become a pianist..."


"Mahiru, I'm feeling a bit sick" I whined resting my head on Mahiru's shoulder.
"I know just hang in there, I'm sure he'll have something to help" Mahiru sighed pulling me close.
I whimpered and nodded.
"I hope it's easy to find" I muttered.
"It better. I'm tired of your whining" Kuro muttered yawning from the pocket on my shoulder.
"Oh shut up" I muttered.
"I'm going to sleep" he yawned again.
"Whatever floats your boat I guess" I grumble tiredly.
Suddenly the train stopped and everyone in the train got off.
I sat up and looked around as an odd sense over came me.
"Hey Kuro? You awake? Can you feel that?" I muttered.
Suddenly I caught the glance of a black fox sitting between Mahiru's and I.
My eyes widened and I moved back a bit while Mahiru jumped up from his seat
"What?! A fox! From where?!" Mahiru yelled.
"Too bad my subclass isn't with you?" The fox spoke and I instantly knew it was Tsubaki.
"Mahiru that voice!" I warned quietly before I felt my stomach lurch again.
Quickly turning away from them I began to cough harshly blood spouting from my mouth.
Suddenly I was turned around as I wiped my mouth.
Looking up weakly at the now vampire form Tsubaki I tried to back up but tripped.
Tsubaki quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me in to his chest and sniffed my neck.
"Your dying. I can smell it from a mile away~" he hummed.
"No shit sherlock thanks for reminding me" I grunted trying to push myself away from him but failing miserably.
"Let me make you a subclass" he cooed.
"No!" I exclaimed.
"Now now, it won't be that bad" he chuckled darkly.
"Tsubaki no! Let go of me now!!" I exclaimed angrily.
"Alright alright. But when the time comes you won't have an option love" he laughed evilly before disappearing.
Falling to my knees I watched as my surroundings changed and I was outside the train with Mahiru who as lying on the ground.
I looked around confused as I saw the train was now filled with people.
"W-what?" I muttered in absolute confusion.
"There wasn't people in there..... Was it an illusion. That black fox.. Was that Tsubaki?" Mahiru exclaimed helping me up.
"Yes and yes" I grunted leaning on him, my legs a bit wobbly.
"What's going on? That was a terrible wake-up call!" Kuro muttered.
Looking down at him I let out a small sigh of relief to see he was still okay.
"Kuro, your okay?"
He let out another yawn.
"Of course I am. I'm a vampire. I'm immortal. You should worry about yourself more, snowflake" he muttered tiredly.
I blushed slightly but tried to ignore him.
"Yeah, whatever" I mumbled embarrassed.
"Well... I'm relived he's still able to wise-crack" Mahiru sighed poking the ball slightly.
I let out a him and nodded.
"Yeah... Me too" I sighed.
"Here get on. It'll be faster" Mahiru crouched down with his back to me.
I nodded and hopped on his back.
"Let's go!" He grinned before running off.
I buried my face in his shoulder and soon fell asleep.

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