Greed, the Headache

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"Are you sure about this?" Mahiru asked for the millionth time as we walked up to the concert.
"Yes I'm sure so shut up" I muttered in annoyance.
Hiding behind one of the walls I saw two guards outside the venue and cursed.
"Damnit. Now you decide you want security?" I silently cursed licht out in my head.
"I guess we can't enter without a ticket after all" Mahiru muttered beside me.
"What are you doing here?"
"Hm?" Turning around I saw a familiar blondish pink haired guy coming up behind us.
"Oh! Sorry we didn't-"
"You've come to listen to Licht's concert right?"he tilted his head a tad sunglasses covering his eyes.
Looking at his hair I saw it was in a strange braid.
"No. We don't have tickets, but I wanted to meet Todo-"
"Kranz? Is that you?" I pulled off his sunglasses.
Immediately recognizing his soft green eyes I grinned.
"Yuki? But I thought you and licht broke up?" He asked pulling me in to a quick hug.
"We need. But I really need to talk to him. Its important" I exclaimed pulling away.
His eyes widened slightly.
"You aren't.....pregnant are you?"
"WHAT??!! No!! Why would I be pregnant! We never did 'that' not that its your business anyways!!" I blushed darkly.
Kranz laughed and rolled his eyes slightly.
"Same Yuki, and fiery as ever! Come along " he chuckled before turning around and walking the direction he had came from.
I let out a small huff and looked up at Kuro who was sitting on my head before following kranz, Mahiru not too far behind me.
"Is this really okay?" Mahiru muttered.
I shrugged.
"Don't know. Don't care. We're in aren't we?"
Suddenly something in the corner of my eye caught my attention.
Stopping in front of the window I gasped as I saw the guy who gave Mahiru the exploding suitcase.
"Its one of Tsubaki's subclasses? Why's he here?!" Mahiru exclaimed from beside me.
"I don't know... Say what room is Licht's concert anyways?" I asked kranz.
"Hm? Oh it's on the great hall in the basement" he smiled.
"Sorry Kranz! Your just too nice for you own good!!" I bowed quickly before grabbing Mahiru's arm and booking to the concert hall.
I heard him calling after me but tried my best to ignore it as I jumped down a large set of stairs and slammed the doors open.
My eyes widened and horror and screamed slightly falling back.
Kuro quickly changed and caught me.
There were dead bodies hanging and lying everywhere and not a tiny bit of the room was clean of blood.
"K-Kuro what happened in here?" I muttered grabbing my boyfriends hand.
Suddenly lights song end and I looked up to see Lawless standing on a set of seats.
I looked over and froze a the sight of a dead couple holding hands.
I backed even more and hid behind Kuro not wanting to see anymore of it.
"Bravo! Bravo!" Lawless began to scream, "huh? Your late brother. Oh and you brought your little snowflake? How delicious!!" Lawless cooed.
I felt Kuro stiffen and held on to his jacket tightly.
"All of them were vampires?! The two of you took care of this many?!" Mahiru exclaimed.
"No! No! Just me! A few of them got away, though" Lawless laughed.
"No way. This is insane! I think your going to far!" I exclaimed.
Suddenly they all began to disappear in to gray smoke.
"Your being too noisy during my performance, rotten hedgehog"
Looking up I saw it was Licht.
He had stood and was looking away with a dark face.
"I was just cleaning up the ill-mannered guests. Where's my thank you, lich-tan?" lawless smiled jumping closer to licht.
Suddenly I noticed Licht's boots were glowing purple.
He jumped up and went to stomp on him but I saw Lawless move just in time and kicked licht harshly in to a wall leaving a huge crater.
I gasped and ran down to lawless.
I shoved him back wearing my gloves.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Licht is human you'll kill him!!" I hissed my anger becoming more than my fear.
"It's fine. It's fine. Eves are stronger than normal humans, hence why my bite is healing pretty fast hm? And besides if he's the type to die from that, I don't need him", lawless smirked walking closer as he peered down a time with his ruby red eyes.
"And how long are you going to try gathering friends? If brother gets serious-"
"I know Kuro is strong! But it still isn't something you can or should do alone!" I interrupted him with an icy glare.
"You don't know anything. What the hell up with you?" He smirked coming towards me.
Suddenly he barred him fangs to bit me but Kuro shoved his arm in his mouth before kicking him back a little bit.
Kuro grabbed my waist and jumped back a bit creating some distance between us and Lawless.
"I can't face this" he growled angrily.
I grabbed his bloody arm.
"Trying to be hero? Feel like some all-powerful main character? " lawless scoffed.
I are and began to say something but he quickly cut me off.
"So annoying! Why? When? Where? What? How will you do and just who will you become? You're just pretending by spouting tour ideals! You have nothing! You won't become someone " he began to rant.
He began to tell the story but I cut him off.
"Shut up would ya?! I know the story and I now the facts.... Most of them.... But I think its time you learned to shit the hell up you headache! I get why your upset but does your grudge need to last millenniums?! For an old guy your awfully child-like!" I screamed marching up to him angrier with each step I took.
"Child-like? Oh? I can show you child like!" He growled.
"Come at me you blonde little brat!" I hissed.
He lungee at me and bit my arm but I punched him off of me in to the piano crushing it.
"I'm gonna kill you!" He growled slowly sitting up.
"Something tells me that's not gonna happen!"
Punching him a few more time I let out a help as he caught me of guard and slammed me in to a nearby wall and began punching me harshly in the stomach until he was ripped off and thrown across the room
I hunched over and began to cough up blood.
Wiping my mouth I slowly stood straight.
"Shit that was painful.."
Suddenly I was overwhelmed by Kuro's murderous intent.
I was like a large cloud of darkness swarming around from him.
I refused to look back at him, almost scared if I did I would be consumed by it.
Suddenly Kuro stomped his foot down and he stood in front of me hunched over and surrounded by a blue glow.
"K-Kuro?!..." I muttered softly.
"Oh do you really live her that badly? You know what happened with me and my last love right? She'll leave for someone else. Someone human! And if she doesn't do that you'll be doomed to watch her grow old and die!!"Lawless laughed hysterically.
"Sleep no more! He does murder sleep!! My poor brother, who will never find peace! Like that, you all want to forget! That's what I hate most of all!!" Lawless screamed.
What? Sleep no more. He does murder sleep? What the hell does that mean??
I was ripped from my thoughts as the two boys began to fight
Suddenly lawless jabbed Kuro in the hand and I watched in horror as his fencing type blade stuck right out of his hand and bled badly.
Suddenly I noticed a girlish looking boy in the corner of my eye hiding behind one of the seats.
I just ignored her and took my crown out and turns it in to my broom.
We will have to take care him later. He doesn't look like he'll do much harm for now..
"I have to stop them. There no else who can but me" I muttered grabbing my stomach slightly as I still burned with in deniable pain.
"Kuro!" I yelled.
Suddenly he turned and I gasped looking at his face full of blood.
"You demons... Hey. I told you to shut up!"
Looking up I saw licht and he jumped down on to the stage and licked the two away from each other.
"Ugh, angel-chan?"
Licht kicked Lawless in the face and stomped on his head
"Don't enter my line of vision, rotten hedgehog!"
I just turned back to Kuro as he slowly stood.
"My angel, I need to borrow that quick!"
"Hm?" I turned only for licht to pluck the broom from my hand.
My eyes widened as he bent my broom and threw it at Kuro pinning him in to the wall.
"What?! Licht damn you! That's my lead!!" I exclaimed stomping my foot angrily.
"Now now chill out angel, they were being to noisy! So right now the only thing you allowed is to listen to my piano. Cry!" He glared at the two boys summoning his other lead which was large grand piano.
I quickly tried to move back bit it was too late and he had already started the song.
I screamed and grasped my head as I tried to fight back the memories of my mom and when she died.
But it was too late and I couldn't stop it. Crumpling to my knees I let out a sob.

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