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"Yuki.... Yuki!"
Slowly waking up I rolled over to face Kuro.
"Kuro..?" I hummed tiredly.
"You've got school" he stated.
"No I don't" I whined burying my face in to his chest and gripping his shirt in my hands.
Kuro chuckled slightly and rolled his eyes before hugging me back and burying his nose in my neck.
"Bite?" I mumbled softly.
He let a small hum pass his lips before slowly biting down on my neck.
Moaning I felt my eyes roll back slightly as my grip tightened.
He just laced his fingers with mine and pulled me closer.
My eyes widened and I blushed darkly before slowly lacing my fingers tightly.
When he pulled away I saw a bit of blood trailing of his lip.
I giggled slightly at sat up.
"Kuro... You've got a little...."
I pointed to his mouth.
He blushed and quickly licked it off before sitting up with my.
Looking around my room I looked at the clock and yelped.
"You weren't kidding I really have school!!" I exclaimed jumping up and running to my closet.
Pulling out a black skirt, black flats knees socks that half belt that connected to my thighs, black flats, a dark red pull over sweater that was at ad bit big on me.
Looking at Kuro I saw him staring at the ceiling.
"I'm changing so if you look over here I'll kill you!" I exclaimed.
He just nodded and I quickly began talking my clothes off.
Once I had my skirt and socked on I was struggling slightly with my shirt.
Suddenly I heard movement and glanced at Kuro to see him looking away with a bright red face.
"Hey! I told you not to look you stupid pervy!!" I exclaimed quickly pulling my sweater on.
Grabbing my pillow I chucked it at him and it hit right in the face with a lot of force.
"Argh!" He groaned painfully before throwing the pillow at the ground and standing.
Leaving him I walked to the bathroom and brushed my long white hair and pulled it back in to a high ponytail, leaving out my bags, and put a small rose clip on the ponytail.
I washed my face and brushed my teeth before putting on a bit of black eyes makeup.
I was about to head back in to my room but froze in front of Mahiru's door.
I bit my lip slightly and glanced over at my door and saw Kuro watching me.
He nodded slightly and I slowly opened the door.
"M-Mahiru? Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" I asked softly opening my brother bedroom door open a crack.
Looking at him I saw him laying with his back to me not a single blanket on him.
"........how are your injuries doing?"
"W-wha? I-im fine I'm an eve I heal a tad bit faster after all" I muttered.
"Yep, your an eve after all" he muttered dryly.
My eyes widened and I looked down awkwardly.
"Do you regret letting me take Kuro home? Is that what this is about?" I asked hesitantly.
"Shut up"
My eyes widened in hurt.
Shut up?!
I just shut the door letting tears slipping down my face.
I turned only to run in to Kuro who wrapped his arms around my torso.
I whimpered softly and cried in to his chest.
He held me silently until I calmed down.
Pulling away I quickly wiped my tears.
"Uhm let's go" I muttered.
"Eh? Aren't we gonna eat?" Kuro asked slightly sadly.
"Yeah we'll pick something up on the way to school. I just...I wanna leave" I sighed.
He nodded and followed me to the living room.
I grabbed my black shoulder bag off the counter and Kuro turned to a cat before jumping in.

Walking down the street sadly I glanced at my favorite restaurant and froze in horror as I saw Tsubaki sitting down sting as if he were normal.
After a long internal battle I slowly entered.
"Good morning yuki-chan~" my friend behind the counter cooed
I smiled slightly and bowed before looking back at Tsubaki to see him staring at me.
Sitting beside him I ignored his gaze and grabbed food from the belt and placed it on my plate.
"Oh? Who do we have here? What an unexpected surprise! Do you come here often? Big sushi fan?" Tsubaki smirked.
"I hate sushi" I stated glaring over my shoulder at him.
"Oh? Then did you come here just to visit me beautiful?" He rested a hand on my leg.
Almost instantly I moved my leg away from him.
"No I didn't. "
"Don't look so glum. Here can I interest you in a little salmon roll?" He held up a dish.
"I said I don't like sushi"
"But it eggcellent!" He made a pun.
I looked at him dryly as he laughed hysterically at his own joke.
"Ah.. Not interesting at all..." His mood suddenly switched and he poured tea in my cup.
I don't like tea either.... Coffee. I need coffee
"Sakuya.. How did he become your s-subclass" I rested my arms on the counter and stared down at the light Carmel colored wood.
"Poor girl.. You really are clueless aren't you?" Tsubaki smirked.
I scoffed and got up to leave.
"You're an annoying asshole" I hissed.
Suddenly his slender fingers wrapped around and pulled me back.
"Ah!" I yelped and turned to see him looking at me with an unreadable face.
"Do you want to know or not?" He asked.
I sighed and yanked my wrist away from him angrily and plopped back down.
"I'll tell you the whole boring story! Sakuya was the child of liars, born in to a town of liars , the first person to tell him a lie was none other than his big sister" Tsubaki began.
My eyes widened.
All Sakuya had told me want that his sister died when he was younger... Not this...
"She had told him that'd everything would be fine. Everything would work out. It was the biggest lie she could have came up with..
That night when their father came home he pushed her of the 14th floor of their apartment building, so they'd get money from the life insurance"
My eyes widened and I whipped my head to look at him.
"Interrupt me again and I'll end the story " Tsubaki sent me an amused glare.
My eyes widened and I nodded before listening again as he spoke.
"Sakuya's father had told him to tell the police that his sister fell off the balcony when they were playing around. That it all was just a tragic accident. He said that if he didn't go along with the story the same thing would happen to him. 'You don't want your sisters death to be in vain, right?' He asked. And so Sakuya lied for the very first time and his family received a huge life insurance pay out. The neighbors all knew something bad was going on inside Sakuya's home but no one said anything.... They didn't wanna get involved.
They lied. In a way the covered up his sisters death. It was really no surprise to anyone when six years later Sakuya found himself doomed to follow the same path as his sister"
"N-No way... That can't be true!! The couldn't! Sakuya didn't deserve that! He doesn't de-" I began to cry uncontrollably when Tsubaki grabbed my arm and pulled him into a tight hug.
I tensed and I felt Kuro shift in my bag.
"Relax. I won't hurt you... Yet" Tsubaki laughed slightly before hugging me even tighter.
"Here's another thing I bet you didn't know. Subclasses are created when a dying human drinks a SerVamps blood and subclasses have to obey the SerVamp's who made them. They make such good servants. Hahaha I can tell by the look on your face that you didn't know any of this!" He laughed darkly as I yanked myself away from his as the hug got dangerously tight.
I glared and clenched my fists angrily.
"Some best friend you are~" he teased.
"I hate you" I hissed standing up again as he began to laugh.
"Ah not interesting at all" he hummed.
I glanced behind me at him.
"Your pretty fucked up in the head... You know that" I glared at me and he just smirked.
"Check please"
Suddenly he stood up and marched towards me.
My eyes widened and I yelped as he grabbed my arms.
"I may be. But remember.. You belong to this fucked up guy" he smirked.
I scoffed and shoved him off me.
"Alright alright I'll leave before big brother gets scary. He's in your bag? Right? I can feel his murderous aura from here" Tsubaki smirked.
"But unfortunately I don't feel like playing very much today. Goodbye love"
Suddenly he disappeared.
I gasped and stumbled back slightly in surprise.
I dropped to my knees and pulled at my hair slightly.
"It's s all my fault. If only I tried to understand Sakuya! I should let him explain! I should have been honest! He's been with me through everything and I've done nothing but treat like the bad guy" I yelled at myself angrily.
Suddenly I looked up at the the counter again and stared at it as I began remembering my uncle when he brought me and Mahiru here.

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