A Birthday Present

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"Yuki~ I'm hungry!!" I heard Kuro whine.
I just rolled away from him and buried my head underneath the pillows.
"You'll be fine" I groaned mocking him from what he had told me only days ago.
"No~" he huffed.
"I'm gonna smack you in to next week" I exclaimed in a warning tone.
Slowly sitting up I sent him a dark look.
"I'm not going to ever feed you again if you'd don't shut up" I stated.
His eyes widened slightly.
"You can't do that! Your my eve!!" He rolled his eyes.
I groaned and threw my head back lazily.
"Your a pain in my ass, scratch that, your a pain in the neck"
"And your a troublesome girl, no ones perfect now get over here" he pulled me over by my wrist and I gave in sitting on his lap with my arms wrapped loosely around his neck and my head resting on his shoulder tiredly but enough room for him to bite.
He bite down and I just ignored him as I felt myself falling asleep again on his shoulder.

Mahiru's POV
Heading in to the apartment I set the bag of grocery's on the counter.
Heading in to the living ready to yell at Kuro for making a mess I was supposed to see it was just as I left it.
"Where is that stupid vampire?" I muttered checking around the house.
Slowly opening the door to Yuki's room I saw Kuro sitting criss cross facing the TV like he was watching it and had fallen asleep, his head resting on top of Yuki's who was sitting in his lap with her arms hanging loosely around his neck with her face buried in the crook of his neck.
My eyes widened slightly at the scene before I smiled slightly.
I may be her brother but I can still ship a cute couple when I see one...
Shit.. I've gotta stop listening to Yuki so much, I'm starting to sound like a girl...
Shaking my head slightly I looked back at them.
But I can tell they like each other. Especially after what happened last week
I smirked slightly as I remembered the night we were at Misano's and came back.
I had been walking around cleaning and was going to ask Yuki if she wanted to help since she usually does only to find her and Kuro kissing.
But I quickly ran before they could see me or even notice my presence.
Usually the older brother would freak out but I know as long Kuro is around she's safe. Safer than even I could make her.....
Those two better figure out their feeling before someone ends up hurt

"Come on you loser! I need to get some stuff!" I exclaimed struggling to push my SerVamp out the apartment door.
"No! Argh your such a pain!" He yelled back holding the banister.
I glared
"Stop yelling you dumbass your gonna wake the whole building!" I whisper yelled.
"I don't care you troublesome idiot I don't wanna g-" he began yelling ever louder but I quickly pressed my finger on his lips
"Shut up!!" I hissed.
Suddenly he opened his mouth and bit my finger pricking it with his fang making it bleed
My eyes widened and I blushed as he sucked hard on my finger.
"H-Hey! S.....Stop that!!" I squealed quickly pushing him slightly and trying to take my finger back but he just sucked on it harder.
"Owy stop!" I whined this time annoyed by his constant thirst.
He slowly let go and I held my finger.
"Your a big jerk you know that!" I exclaimed angrily pushing past him out the door.
"Aw cmon your such a pain" Kuro whined chasing after me as I walked out in to the dark city streets the moon shining brightly above our heads.
"Tell that to my finger" I grumbled putting my hands in the pockets of my gray jacket.
"You whine and complain too much" Kuro sighed.
"Your bite me too much!" I hollered looking at him.
"What can I say? Your just too easy to bite and your blood is bittersweet. I've never had blood that's tasted so good" Kuro smirked.
I blushed and shoved him away slightly.
Crossing my arms I walked around aimlessly until I saw something in an alley from the corner of my eyes.
Stopping slightly I looked closer and saw a head of green hair.
"Sakuya?" I called wearily.
Suddenly my friend whipped around his eyes dark red and face dull of blood, a dead man in his hands.
I gasped and stepped back with wide eyes.
"W-wha what?!" I exclaimed fearfully.
The boys eyes widened.
"Yuki!" He exclaimed.
He quickly began walking towards me and I just stood my eyes wide and big with fear.
Kuro quickly stepped up in front of me in a protective pose. He legs a shoulder distance away and crouched a bit with his hands out.
"Back off" Kuro warned.
"Ehm?" Sakuya looked at me hurt and surprised.
"Yuki...." He muttered.
I just shook my head.
"Sakuya. S-stop. Stay away.....please" I muttered.
He froze and looked away sadly before he looked back angrily.
"Fine. Goodbye Yuki" he hissed before disappearing.
"Who was that?" Kuro asked.
I just ignored him and stated at the blood on the ground as I replayed what just happened in my head over and over again..
He had blood on his face.... He had sharp teeth.... Why didn't I notice it earlier when I saw his red eyes? Sakuya is a vampire!
Suddenly it began to rain harshly.
My eyes widened and I quickly crouched down to the small bracelet on the ground.
I realized it was our friendship bracelet that we had since we were young but I was torn up and running.
"Sakuya..... You l-lied to me" I muttered upset.
"Hey listen we need to get inside or something your gonna get sick in all the rain!" Kuro sighed removing his sweatshirt and putting it over my shoulders and dragging me to a bench that had a roof above it.
Blushing I snuggled slightly in to his jacket..it was warm and smelt just like him. I'd never felt so safe before as I wore it.
"Are you okay? Who was that back there anyways. You obviously knew him" Kuro glanced over st me.
Nodding slightly I sighed.
"His names Sakuya. He's like my big brother.... But he lied to me... We made a promise not to and he did" I clenched my hands shut with his bracelet in my right hand.
Suddenly a large limo lulled up and we both glanced at it
"Cmon you two your gonna get sick if you stay out here~" Lily's voice cooed from inside the limo.
Looking at Kuro hesitantly he sighed before nodding and grabbing my wrist leading me to the limo.
I sat in between the two boys and leaned in to Kuro still not that used to Lily.
"So.. Master wants to see you~ are you coming?" He asked as we pulled up.
"Why not" I muttered before following the constantly stripping man up to where they attacked us a week ago.

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