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Sighing I sat on the floor next to Kuro and began to try and dry my hairs as he sat on his DS and the others sat by me as we waited for Hugh to come back with news.
"So Yuki... How was the view?" Lily teased leaning closer.
My eyes widened and I blushed darkly.
Chucking the towel at his face I let out a huff and looked away angrily.
Mahiru sent me a confused look and I just waved him off and began brushing my slightly damp white hair.
Suddenly I came across a huge knot and let out a hiss of pain.
Clenching my eyes shut I began carefully trying to brush it when suddenly someone stole the brush from me and began to do it.
Looking over at the person I saw it was Lily.
I furrowed my eyebrows
"I brush my subclasses hair all the time don't worry about it" he waved me off.
Suddenly he was pushed away and Kuro took the brush.
"Don't touch her you perv! I can do it!" Kuro hissed before slowly brushing the knot out.
I blushed slightly but leaned in to it.
Suddenly I felt memories of my ex doing the same thing and I winced before pushing the memories away and looking up as Hugh came in.
"Hugh! Where were you?" Tetsu exclaimed.
He became vampire and sat in Tetsu's lap like a little kid.
"One of my subclasses got a hold of some information"


"Suspicious person?" I hummed walking through the crowd of purple my hands in my hoodie.
"He's really strong! I saw him beat up a subclass. He flew!" the subclass exclaimed as Mahiru held his phone out on speaker.
"Flew?!" Mahiru exclaimed.
"He wore dark heavy clothes..." Suddenly I couldn't listen to the rest and froze up.
"Uhm I'll have to catch up with in a sec!!" I exclaimed.
"Eh? why?" Kuro asked furrowing his eyebrows
I blushed and looked away.
"Because why?" He persisted.
I let out a huff.
"Because I have to pee you dimwit!!" I whisper yelled.
His eyes widened and he blushed slightly.
"O-Oh okay" he nodded slightly.
"Just be quick!" Mahiru called after me as I ran in to a nearby shop.


Walking out I sighed and looked around to see they were no longer in sight.
"Huh? Where those idiots go?"
Sighing I walked in to a nearby alley and called out the broom.
Slowly flying up I flew a bit until I sensed Kuro nearby.
Suddenly I saw Kuro being kicked up a building.
"Oh come on two seconds! I was gone two seconds and you idiots got in a fight! Now I'm gonna take my time you dumbasses" I grumbled crossing my arms and slowly flying as I saw four figures on the roof.
Hoping of my my broom I did a back flip and landed on the blonde who was about to attack my brother 's head.
"Ya know if you two can't stay out trouble I'll buy you both leashes so you can't run off" I grumbled in annoyance hoping off the boys head and jumping to Kuro's side.
Kuro bit down on my neck and the chain between us appeared .
"Why are you attacking my partner!?" I glared a the figure on the edge of the roof.
"Let that SerVamp go!" Mahiru exclaimed
"Him? I don't want this thing at all, have em" he looked at the blonde I crushed
Suddenly the blonde jumped up.
"What fools man most of all? A devil in the shape of an angel-"
"Stop quoting Shakespeare would ya? Your giving me a royal headache!" I grumbled.
Suddenly the blonde whipped around.
"You know who that is? I'm supr- oh? A natural eve? Its been centuries since I met one of those!!" Blondie cooed staring at me hungrily.
I just sent him a dark glare and he chuckled.
"I'm the fifth SerVamp, Lawless of Greed. But you can call me Lawless-chan!" He cooed.
"I think I'd rather just call you headache" I sighed rubbing my temples dramatically.
"And this angel-chan with a destructive sense of taste is my eve!-"
I froze and looked at the Raven haired boy in front of my wearing angel wing backpack.
"Licht? Licht Todoroki?" I muttered stepping forward to get a better look.
Suddenly he looked up shocked.
"You ruined my introduction! You-"
Licht kicked him away before looking back at me still in shock.
"Do you two know each other?" Kuro asked as he narrowed his eyes at Licht.
"Licht? Like your ex-boyfriend Licht?" Mahiru exclaimed.
My eyes widened and I elbowed him harshly.
"Shut up! You've got a big mouth you know!" I whisper yelled.
"Ex-boyfriend huh? How cute! She must be the one you dyed that piece of hair white for!!" Lawless giggled.
We both sent him a glare.
Suddenly Licht kicked him away again.
"Wait!" Mahiru exclaimed.
"I hate that guy" Licht muttered tucking his hands on his pockets.
"You hate your partner? Why?"Mahiru asked.
"Don't get him started-" I exclaimed but it was too late.
"That's because.... I'm an angel!" Licht stuck a pose.
Face palming slightly I sighed.
"See that? That is because of you. This is your fault" I pointed from Licht to Mahiru.
"Right! Your the best! Out of the world angel! So cool!!" Lawless cooed appearing out of no where.
"Oh brother. Great he encourages him" I groaned.
"In Japanese, I would call him kakkoii!! [Cool!]" Lawless praised dancing around his eve.
"Why did you date this guy again?" Kuro asked sweat dropping.
"I dated him before 'this' " I gestured to the posing weirdos in front of us.
"Ah" he nodded slightly.
"He is the last angel that traveled Down to this earth!!"
Suddenly Licht began to beat him up.
"Shut up. Die. Die until you die!!"
Sighing I shook my head.
"Can we just leave now?" I asked.
"Yeah ,please? This is too troublesome" Kuro huffed.
"No! We need allies!" Mahiru exclaimed.
"Well does it have to tweedle Dee and tweedle dumber?" I groaned.
"Just a violent angel. I can't face this" Kuro muttered turning around.
"But thank goodness! We've gained more allies!" Mahiru walked towards them.
"No! No! I don't plan to work with you at all! And, what do you need allies for? " Lawless laughed turning to us.
"I mean, as long as he makes the decision, our big brother can finish everything in an instant! 'To be or not to be, is the question'! Whether we kill Tsubaki or we don't.. Let's have a majority vote! Just like last time, right?" Lawless taunted.
I knew he was getting on Kuro's nerve so I grabbed Kuro's hand in an attempt to calm him.
"You really haven't changed, big brother sloth. I mean that in a bad way" Lawless's tone darkened.
I flinched as I noticed an obvious sibling rivalry and watched them glare at each other .
"Huh? Hey, wait!"
Turning I saw Mahiru holding on to Licht's leg tightly as licht went to leave.
"Why are you trying to go home by yourself?!" Mahiru exclaimed.
"What does a demon's ally want with me?" Licht looked down at Mahiru before glancing up at me.
"We're looking for allies to fight against Tsubaki, we were hoping you'd be willing to help?" I looked at him through my eyelashes.
"What are you talking about my angel? Tsubaki? That's a flower is it not?" He looked at me softly.
I felt my eyebrow twitch slightly.
"I'm not your angel" I grumbled in irritation.
"Huh? You don't know? Then why'd you attack us?" Mahiru asked.
"You need a reason?"
"No! No no no no! We do-"
"Because I'm an angel" he cooed.
"For fucks sake I've told you, your not an angel and neither am I!!" I exclaimed.
But he ignored me easily.
"Right, ang-" lawless ran next to licht on hedgehog form and licht stepped on him harshly.
"That's enough of that" I grumbled.
"Please help us right an enemy. Your SerVamp might be targeted, too" Mahiru explained.
Suddenly lawless began to laugh I sent him a dark look.
"There's no way we would be able to work together! I'm sure our opinions will clash and it'll just be a pain. Right, brother? Besides you have pride and lust on your side, no? Oh and I suppose envy is here too. Gluttony and wrath aren't very smart, but I'm sure they haven't forgotten either?" Lawless got in Kuro's face.
I shoved Lawless back a bit and kept my hand of both males chest.
"Your bickering is annoying. I'm Kuro's eve. Miyuki Shirota. I'd say it's nice to meet you headache but it really isn't" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"What is your current name?" I asked curiously.
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?" He screamed dramatically backing up from me.
I rolled my eyes.
"Romeo and Juliet? Really could you get any more generic?" I scoffed placing my hands on my hips.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. No need to remember my name" he smirked.
I tilted my head slightly and rose an eyebrow.
"It'll change again, anyway" he sighed.
"Change?" Mahiru asked.
Suddenly Lawless phone began to go off.
"Huh? Oh! Its time for my job! Crap, I'll get in trouble with the store manager!" Lawless yelled before quickly putting his phone away.
"Part time job?" Mahiru muttered.
"See ya!"
"Wait! I want you to help us, too!" Mahiru grabbed his wrist.
I tensed and watched the scene unfold carefully.
"And why not? Give me a good reason you psycho!" I glared crossing my arms over my chest and shifting my feet a bit.
Suddenly his gaze turned to me and he smirked
I narrowed my eyes and sent him a glare.
"So your my brothers eve. You're pretty cute"
"If I had a dollar for every time one of you siblings called me that I'd having money pouring out of my eyes and ears" I shot back smartly.
"Oh smart too. That's hot" he chuckled.
I mentally gagged.
"You disgust me" I shook my head in disgust .
"I'm sure I do a lot more than that to you" he grinned.
Suddenly he lunged and before I could figure out what was happening I was on ground and he was tearing and biting my neck, drinking blood way faster than Kuro normally does.
Screaming out in both surprise and pain I pushed at his chest.
"S-Stop!" I clenched my eyes shut and tried to summon my gloves but I was getting weaker and weaker the longer he drank until I couldn't move a muscle.
"Get off her demon!!" Was the last thing I heard before it all went black

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