The Change in Me

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Suddenly a hand rested on my shoulder.
I jumped slightly and looked over to see Ophelia.
"I will... I will help you" Ophelia smiled weakly.
"Ophelia? You can't be seriously thinking about giving your soul for this girl to be alive for one week and then to die again!" Kaitlynn scoffed rolling her eyes as she stayed on the black side of the room.
"I have faith.. I know lawless cares about. I know Kuro loves you"
Kaitlynn scoffed.
"Lily cares about you" Elise giggled tilting her head cutely.
"Hugh does too" angel nodded.
"They all care about you and I know they'll do everything they can to save you.... I'm going to give you my memories before I leave... Please tell Lawless everything" Ophelia muttered softly.
My eyes widened.
"What? Ophelia no!"
She smiled and kissed me lightly on the forehead before she slowly began to fade away.
Suddenly the room began to shake wildly.
We all screamed slightly and I fell to the ground harshly.
"W-whats happening?!" I yelled fearfully.
"Your trying to wake up..." Elise muttered.
"Wake up? That's impossible! Your dead!!" Kaitlynn hissed angrily.
I flinched at her glare and looked away.
"Her soul isn't..Your a strong one. Ophelia gave her soul to save you! Quick leave!!" Angel yelled shoving me towards a large hole in the floor.
"No!" Kaitlynn hissed rushing forward trying to jump herself.
My eyes widened and I quickly shoved her back.
"He's mine!!" She screamed trying to push me away but angel quickly tackled her to the ground.
"Run!! Go!!" Angel screamed.
I looked at them hesitantly before quickly turning and running to the hole.
I jumped in when someone grabbed my wrist.
I screamed slightly and looked up to see an angry Kaitlynn looking down at me.
"He's mine! He's mine! He's mine!!" She screamed crazily.
I looked at her fearfully and struggled against her hard grip as the hole began to disappear.
"Let go of me! Please! " I begged clawing at her wrist frantically.
"Let go of me Damnit! Kuro's gone for you now! He doesn't love you anymore!!" I screamed.
Her eyes widened and she looked at me sadly before her grip loosened and I continued to fall.
I clenched my eyes shut tightly.
"Wait a second her heart is beating again! She's alive!!" I heard an unfamiliar voice yell.
"She's a subclass now.."
"No. She can't turn in to a vampire its part of the curse. I tried to turn Elise in to a subclass but she died anyways.. Yuki's alive" Lily's voice stated.
I quickly sat up.
"Lily! Lily where are you?!" I began to panic as I got up in a frenzy.
I was quickly pulled into a high and I quickly recognized the unfortunate bare chest.
I ignored it and held him tightly, tears racing down my face.
"I was so scared! I thought I'd never see you again!!" I whimpered as held me even tighter.
"Your okay now love. I knew you were strong but who'd think you'd cheat death" lily muttered the last part beneath his breath.
I smiled softly when I realized I was still hugging his bare body and blushed.
I groaned slightly.
"Lily... Put your clothes back on..", I grumbled.
He let put a soft melodic laugh and I pulled away and looked around and saw I was in an ambulance of some sort but I quickly noticed their were c3 members everywhere.
I turned slightly and recognized the orange haired boy with round glasses looking at me in shock.
"Tsuyaki? Why are you here?" I asked confused.
"Huh? Oh Uhm. Ahem we came to help but don't get used to it. It's a one time thing. We just want Tsubaki killed that al-"
Suddenly I heard a loud yell and looked up at the top of the building to see Kuro attacking Tsubaki.
"I need to get up there" I demanded pointing to the top of the building.
"That's impossible we evacuated the building. Lily has no powers right now and Hugh is passed out and Lawless is too weak. You'd have to ask tsurugi. But he's still a little angry after you kicked him in the face" Tsuyaki stayed fixing his glasses and walking off.
"You kicked him in the face?" Lily looked at me.
I blushed slightly, "he was attacking my boyfriend!!"
Lily chuckled and shook his head before leading me to Mahiru and everyone else.
I saw Mahiru sitting curled up in a ball, his face buried in his knees.
My eyes widened and my heart shattered at the sight of his broken down figure.
"She's gone. She's really gone" he sobbed.
Slowly kneeling to his height I tilted my head slightly and poled his cheek.
"Big bro?"
He whipped his head and looked at me with wide tear stained, blood shot eyes.
"Y-Yuki? YUKI!"
he instantly tackled me to the ground in a large hug.
I squealed slightly in surprise but quickly wrapped my arms around his torso as he shook with happy sobs.
"Your alive!!"
"I made you a promise. Didn't I?" I cried softly burying my head in his shoulder.
"How are you still alive though? I checked your pulse... There was no heart beat.. You were dead" Mahiru pulled away and sent me a confused look.
"Won't you just die already?" I heard lawless groan weakly.
Turning my head I saw Licht weakly holding the small animal form of greed.
I instantly stood ignoring Lawless's last comment.
"How is he?"
Licht just stared at me strangely before hugging.
My eyes widened and I tensed slightly before slowly hugging him back.
"He's okay but he's getting weaker. We need his tag back" Licht muttered pulling away
I nodded.
"Okay. I'll help-"
"I almost lost you twice now. It won't happen a third time!" Mahiru caught my wrist.
"It'll a third time if I don't help" I sighed sadly before pulling away and walking off to find the crazy c3 member .
I sighed and looked around until my eyes met with a pair of amber ones.
Tsurugi smirked slightly at me and I let out a sigh before walking over to him ignoring the fading bruise on his face.
Tsurugi stood straighter against the car he was leaning on and peered down at me.
"I thought you were dead? Why you walking around?" He asked his husky voice sending slight shivers down my spine.
I pushed it away and looked up at him evenly.
"I'm alive for now and I need your help"
"Oh? My help? It's gonna cost ya. Plus extra for the bruise you left on my poor fragile face" he giggled crazily leaning in closer to me.
My eyes widened.
"But I don't have any money...." I muttered shyly edging away slightly.
"Hm.. Cute you thought i meant money. Do me a favor and don't scream"
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Don't scream? What are y-"
He slammed my body against the van and pressed his body tightly to mine and slammed his lips on mine.
I screamed into his mouth and struggled and squirmed against him.
He pulled away and smirked.
I smacked his chest angrily and went to yell at him when suddenly we were in the air.
I screamed and grabbed the crazy strangers waist and clenched my eyes shut before I felt my feet hit the hard ground I snapped my eyes open and saw we were now on the roof.
"I'll leave you to fix this. We should do this again babe!" Tsurugi snickered kissing me again and running off.
"You idiot knock that off!!" I screamed back at him angrily.
He just laughed before hopping off the building.
I turned and quickly ran towards the stairs of the roof to get to the lower level where Kuro was.
Jumping down the stairs I pulled put my spear and watched in horror as Tsubaki cut Kuro's arm off and was about to cut off his head.
Running as fast as I could I did a quick flip and clashed the spear in to Tsubaki's dark red blade causing not males to freeze and stare at me with wide eyes.
"Y-Yuki.." Kuro stammered behind me in shock.
"Hey babe looks like you need a little help huh?" I glanced over my shoulder at him only to see tears in his eyes.
"How are you.. Still alive and not my subclass?!" Tsubaki yelled angrily.
"For starters the curse doesn't allow me to become a vampire so ha to you and secondly, you can't kill someone who's got more lives than a litter of kittens" (( get it cause cat have nine lives~ ha ha cause a whole litter of them would be nine times alot- I'll shut up now. Sorry 😳))
"Damn you!" He slammed a not blade through my shoulder but I didn't move, glaring at him darkly at blood ran downy arm.
"Yuki!!" Kuro screamed before looking at Tsubaki with murderous burning blue eyes.
Suddenly he turned in to his lion form breaking through the whole top level of the building completely. My eyes widened a bit startled and I looked up st him as Tsubaki laughed hysterically.
Suddenly he let put an ear splintering roar and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of fear run up my spine.
"How uninteresting! Is that the best you can do!"
Kuro growled in response
"How weak! Now... Die by my hands!"
I panicked as Tsubaki pulled his sword out and scrambled to my feet when suddenly there was a loud slam and all I could see was dust and debris everywhere.
I coughed slightly and fell back and squinted as I watched the dust fade away to reveal Tsubaki being crushed by Kuro's oversized paw.
"Did you kill teacher like this too?!" Tsubaki taunted.
I quickly pulled myself to my feet as Kuro growled bring his razor sharp teeth closer to the crazy puny man beneath his paw.
"Kuro! Cut it out! That's enough now!!" I screamed using the spear to hold myself up.
He glanced at me.
Suddenly I heard a sword getting picked up.
I looked over just in time to see one of the red swords flying straight for my chest.
My eyes widened and I froze slightly when suddenly I was pushed back slightly and blood covered my face, but it wasn't mine.
Looking down at the green haired boy I let out a shaky breath.
"S-Sakuya" Tsubaki murmured.
"I wonder why.... I don't get it either... Even though I'm Tsubaki's subclass-"
My eyes widened and I quickly dropped my weapon and caught the older boy, holding his weight up with my shoulder.
"It's no use.. I can never decide who's side I'm on.. " he muttered weakly.
"God damnit Sakuya! You g-green haired idiot" I whimpered looking away slightly from him as I continued to hold him up.
Suddenly Tsubaki's laughter caught my attention.
Angering Kuro mildy.
Kuro began leaning in for the kill and I instantly went in to action, carefully resting the injured subclass on the ground and grabbing my weapon.
Jumping on Kuro's paw I held my arms put defensively.
"Kuro no! I forbid you!!"
He growled on annoyance and I narrowed my eyes.
"You heard me. I said. No" I ordered.
Suddenly a red light behind me caused me to whip around in confusion.
Looking a Tsubaki I saw a glowing slit in his chest.
"What the hell.."
Then slowly my spear shifted in to a large key.
"Tch. Well I wonder what this goes to. Seriously who even comes up with this shit?"
I grumbled in annoyance before grasping the handle of the key with both hands and slamming it in to the SerVamp of melancholy's chest.
Suddenly I was over whelmed with a bright white light as my surrounding changed to a rainy gloomy day where I stood in front of a small fox in front of a large temple.
Red gate like things above us.
I looked around and frowned as I was overwhelmed with the intense feeling of sadness.
Suddenly a flash of an older woman with features much like Tsubaki's and dark chocolate brown like his covered in blood came in to my head. Then another of Tsubaki wailing, mourning over who ever the woman had been. Then a flash of villagers carrying a fancy coffin through a cemetery a Tsubaki watched from afar, the expression of a lost puppy placed over his younger looking features when suddenly a white haired man walked beside him and began to pray.
The men looked up and I felt my chest tighten and my heart race.
The man... Who created the SerVamp's.. Was mine- Kaitlynn's father?! But he killed us- her? W-
"Teacher was saying it. Your number one. You have more power than your brothers and sister. Your teacher's best work"
I watched wearily as a sad looking Tsubaki walked down the street an umbrella in his left hand as the small fox followed not far behind him.
"I wonder if they'll welcome me.."
"He told me you have the power to kill your brothers and sister" the fox hummed.
"I wonder if they'll come and see me" the brunette spoke aloud once again.
Suddenly Tsubaki stopped walking and I followed his gaze.
There was Kaitlynn's father again, bowing to a villager couple.
"The words of truth were lost and clouds broke off in to the sky"
Looking around I looked for Kuro as his voice rang through my ears.
Suddenly I could see Tsubaki running past villagers who ran at the other direction as red rain poured down on him.
" Oh, in the depths of shining April, gnashing, burning, coming, going" Kuro's voice spoke again as I looked up to see Kuro in lion form destroying the village as he tried to kill 'teacher'.
"Stop! Stop! Don't kill him!!" Tsubaki screamed but his pleas were ignored as Kuro slashed the man and he breathed his last breath before falling to the ground lifelessly.
I glanced over and winced as I saw my own body lying on the ground my stomach plump and once pregnant now gray and lifeless.
"I'm a single asura"
I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists together.
"Stop this" I hissed my eyes burning in anger.
"But why? Isn't this what you wanted? To see what really happened?" Tsubaki laughed crazily over the white haired mans body.
"Shut the hell up. You and I both know very well what happened today. Your 'teacher' murdered me and my child. He was no innocent. He deserved to die the way he did. At Kuro's hands" I hissed.
Instantly Tsubaki's eyes darkened.
He lunged towards me and I took a slight step backwards when suddenly Kuro intervened, clashing his claws with Tsubaki's swords as he stood in front of me in vampire form.
"Kuro " I gapsed.
"I lost you once today and it won't happen again. Remember what I promised you Yuki," he stopped and looked over his shoulder at me, "I'll always find a way to save you, idiot. You might be a pain sometimes but... I love you".
"Hahaha not interesting at all" Tsubaki laughed aiming hundred of red and black sword at us.
My eyes widened and Kuro quickly pulled me towards him.
Already knowing the plan I tilted my head to the side and clenched my eyes shut as his fangs dug in to the crook of my neck and began to suck on it before pulling away as the turquoise chain connected us together like always.
Holding the spear close I looked at Tsubaki determined.
"I know what I have to do now, get me an opening" I muttered to Kuro.
"I can't face this. You better know what your doing" Kuro grumbled.
As the swords came Kuro flew in dodging them.
"Stand back Yuki!"
I rolled my eyes as I blocked the swords right along side Kuro.
"I'm done being damsel. I can take care of myself" I smirked confidentially making my way threw the swords earning a few cuts here and there are I surged towards Tsubaki.
I'm sooo done being victim. It's about damn time I helped someone else for a change instead of them helping me all the time. I'm not sick, I'm cursed. And I'm not dead. Not yet. I'm not helpless I just choose to do nothing. But not this time. This time, I do something for someone else. This time... I change my view of life. It's not some TV show that'll eventually end and the main character will die. It's a world full of beauty and possibility but you can't see it for what it is unless you work for it. You need surround yourself with friends and family but that doesn't always mean you have to rely on them.... I'm Yuki Shirota.... And this is how I changed myself.. How I changed everything..
Finally I made it to Tsubaki and he held his arms out waiting to me to stab him.... But instead... I hugged him.
Wrapping my arms around him tightly he froze in place a slight whimper escaping his lips as the swords in the air all fell to the ground.
"Sometimes the best medicine for a broken heart.. Is a hug" I murmured in to his chest as he collapsed to his knees pulling me down with him as his arms wrapped around my waist and he let out a sob in to my shoulder.
Glancing back at Kuro I saw him watching us silently and I turned back to Tsubaki.
"Tsubaki.... I'll always remember you. No matter what" I muttered before pulling away.
He looked at me with wide eyes and I just sent him a soft smile.


I watched with a small sigh as Tsubaki left with Sakuya in his arms.
Suddenly my body felt heavy and I stumbled slightly when I was scooped up in a pair of muscular arms.
I looked over lazily at my boyfriend and smiled softly.
"Hey ~"
"Hey" he chuckled.
"I've been to hell and back today. Literally I was a door away from going to hell. And did you know being stabbed hurts.. Like really bad?" I laughed weakly.
He scoffed slightly and rolled his eyes.
"You can tell me about it later living dead girl. Why don't you get some rest first?" He hummed.
"Rest? Like sleeping? Bu-But I'm... Not even..... Even that tired" I yawned weakly.
I rolled my and stared up at him slightly before slowly leaning up and placing my lips on his.
He kissed me back gently before pulling away as my head fell back on to his shoulder.
"I love you" I murmured tiredly.
"I love you too" he sighed as everything went dark.
"What a pain"

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