Explosive Briefcases

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"Darn it!"
Looking up from my spot in Kuro's arms as he played a video game, I saw Mahiru had a small piece of paper in his hands.
"What's wrong?" I asked watching him fumble with a piece of a small paper.
"I can't get this stupid letter to open" Mahiru grumbled.
I grabbed Kuro's hands that were in my lap holding the controller and paused the game.
"Huh?" He looked over at my brother.
"What with this seal?" Mahiru murmured.
"It's probably junk" kuro stated grabbing it from Mahiru and crumpling it up in his hand and starting his game again.
"Hm. Ya think? Whatever" Mahiru shrugged and walked away
I slowly took the letter out of his hands and Kuro paused the game again and snatched it from my hand too.
"Its junk" he stated sternly.
I looked up at him confused but saw from the look in his eyes it was better to leave it alone.
"O-Okay" I muttered.
His eyes widened and he quickly pecked me on the lips and began playing
"Don't worry about it. Its a pain" he stated resting his head on top of mine.
What was that...
"Hey Yuki. The festival still goes on for another week right?" Kuro asked while still staring at the TV screen.
"Hm? Oh yeah why?" I asked watching his game.
"Because yesterday was fun. We should do it again" he smirked before nuzzling his face in to my neck.
I blushed darkly and looked away.
"S-Shut up!"


"Here Kuro!"
"Don't you wanna cookie?"
I watched irritated as the three girls fed Kuro giggling and calling him cute.
I felt my eyebrows twitch and looked away in annoyance and began shoving ramen in my mouth.
"Look at this cat. This has to be the best of his nine lives!" Koyuki laughed.
"Its almost like he understands what their saying" Ryusei watched them while eating his lunch.
He keeps this up he won't be understanding anything!!
Suddenly one of them picked him up and clutched him tightly to her breasts.
I stood up and left the room stomping in to the hallway.
Why you?! Your doing his on purpose you stupid vampire!!


Walking through the streets I sighed and ignored the smirking cat on my shoulder.
"What are you gonna do if people figure out that your actually a vampire?" Mahiru asked as he walked beside me, looking at me amused as he obviously knew what was going on between the two of us.
"Hey don't get all mad just because I'm popular with the ladies" Kuro smirked.
"Your really starting to push it kuro" I narrowed my eyes at the small cat on my shoulder
"Now now no need to get jealous Yuki your cuter than them anyways!" Kuro laughed licking my cheek.
I blushed and looked away but he moved to my neck and licked me there.
"S-Stop that! It tickles!!" I whined pushing his small head away slightly.
"And I wasn't get jealous but what if one of them turns out to be bad and is one of the enemies? What if they try to get close to" I muttered.
"Bah. How are you two both paranoid and too trusting? Forget about it. Just watch me roll around in your hands and be cute and stuff!" Kuro smiled rolling in my hands and trying to be cute.
"Your not helping!!" Mahiru growled.
I rolled eyes and kept walking.
After a while I noticed Mahiru stop.
"Eh? What is it?"
Looking to where he was spooking I saw vendors and people everywhere.
"Whoa!" I cooed looking a the bright lights.
"This takes me back. I remember when we came here with our uncle when we were little! You remember that Yuki?" Mahiru looked at me.
"Yeah all the tim- Kuro? Where'd you go?" I looked at my empty shoulder.
Suddenly legs wrapped around my waist and pulled me back in between Kuro's legs as he sat on the bridge behind me.
Before I could speak he shoved a small rice bun in my mouth.
"You never finished lunch cause your little jealous fit" Kuro smirked.
"How did you manage to get all that food so quickly!!" Mahiru screamed.
I looked around us and saw he had tons of food.
"Ugh. Never underestimate a hungry vampire" he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and jumped on the bridge railing and sat next to Kuro as he stood next to me and Mahiru sat at Kuro's feet.
"The fireworks are about to start soon.." Mahiru smiled happily
I giggled and looked at the night sky awaiting the bright lights.
"Excuse me"
"Eh?" We all looked up to see a tall man with his blonde hair swept back and a strange eye patched on his right eyes wearing a white suit.
Something about him put me on high alert and I looked at him wearily.
"I found this case. Someone must have lost it! I'm in a bit of a hurry now. But could you take it to the lost and found for me? I'm afraid I just don't have time to! Please make sure you get it there before the fireworks begin" he handed my brother a strange silver briefcase.
I looked down at it and went to tell the guy no but he was gone.
"Huh?" I muttered hoping down from the bridge.
"I guess it the simplest thing to do.. I'll be right back guys!" Mahiru exclaimed.
"I'll come with" I exclaimed before pecking Kuro on the cheek and running off after my brother in to the crowd when suddenly I rammed right in to something really hard
I fell back and looked up to see a super tall blonde
"Holy muscles" I muttered.
My eyes widened and I quickly clamped my hand down on my mouth.
"Sorry" he stated holding his huge hand out.
I blushed and quickly took his hand.
"N-No it's fine really. It's my fault I wasn't watching where I was walking" I smiled.
Suddenly he pulled me up and I rammed right in to his chest because of how light I was.
I yelped as I felt his muscles under his shirt and I quickly jumped back.
Damn he's tall.... Hm what's that giant box?
"Okay then well see ya. I'm on the look out for someone else" he stated
"A friend?" Mahiru asked stopping beside me.
"Uh no. Someone I got separated from" he stated looking away.
"Well in that case, you should just page them over the intercom. Simple" Mahiru smiled
"That's a good idea! How do I do that?" He smiled softly.
"Oh, well we are headed to the lost and found right now so they should be able to help you. Just come along with us!" softly I smiled softly.
"Wow. Your a big help... And your kinda cute!" He smirked looking down at me.
I blushed slightly and looked away.
"I'm sorry but... I have a boyfriend" I muttered
He smirked and leaned down to my height.
"Just cause you have a boyfriend doesn't mean you aren't cute!" He smirked

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