I'm Not A Servant!!

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Sitting awkwardly between my brother and the purple haired boy I desperately tried to stay awake as my body ached and begged for sleep.
I hope this doesn't take long... I'm tired and hungry...
Glancing over at the pink haired girls I saw them playing with Kuro contently and smiled softly.
He sure is cute when he's not being a pain in my ass..
"So are you the one that they call 'all of love'?" Mahiru asked the purple haired boy beside me.
"I'm not. My name is Misano" he stated.
Staying quite I just stared out window listening to them speak.
"I'm the Eve for 'all of love' the seventh SerVamp" he explained.
I sighed softly.
"Yes Mahiru I told you what that meant yesterday. Do you listen to me or should I mine as well be speaking to the wall?" I teased crossing my arms and turning my brother.
"Wait do you and Yuki are the same then. Yuki is an eve too!" he pouted slightly elbowing me.
"Remind me who this is and why he is with you again?" Misano sighed looking at me annoyed.
"He's my brother and he's here because he doesn't take no as an answer" I huffed before rubbing my neck that was still killing me.
Suddenly we began pulling up to a large castle / Mansion type building that was lit up in the darkness.
"This is my place ahead" Misano sighed.
"Its rather big. You must not being living alone, right?" I sent him a side glance ignoring Mahiru as he ahed at how big it was.
"Your correct" he nodded but didn't explain obviously not sure if he could trust me.
Everyone else got out of the limo until I was the last one.
Carefully setting one foot down on the ground I made sure I was steady before slowly doing the same with the other.
Carefully walking I felt myself falling when suddenly someone caught me.
My eyes widened as large as saucers as I saw a practically naked blonde holding me close to his body.
"Hello beautiful~"
Jumping away from him I fell on my ass covering my eyes as he stood in front of me almost completely stripped down.
"Ahhhh! Put some damned clothes on" I screamed burying my face in my knees.
"Eh?!" I heard the other boys exclaim.
"Your such a pain Lily! You've scarred my eve!!" I heard Kuro groan before I was picked up and thrown on his back.
Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, I buried my face in to his neck, my eyes just barely looking over his shoulder.
Realizing the 'lily' guy had put his clothes back on.
"Lily!" Misano scolded.
"What I was just trying to make a good impression!" Lily whined.
"My impression of you is questionable....." I muttered in to Kuro's shoulder.
"Allow me to introduce this stripping perv. 'All of Love' the SerVamp of lust " Misano smiled slightly.
"My Eve has given me the name of snow lily but please feel free to call me whatever you'd like!" The blonde grinned as he began stripping again.
Kuro reached back to me and pushed my face in to his shoulder.
"He's stripping again!!!" I squealed clenching my eyes shut.
Suddenly I blushed darkly.
Whoa this is weird but Kuro smells like.... Really good...
He smelt a bit musky with the slight smell potato chips.
Quickly shaking my head slightly I looked back up as he re dressed....again.
"You haven't changed at all have you" Kuro sighed softly his hand lingering on my head for a bit before dropping it to his side again.
"Ah yes it is s very nice to see you too brother now please come inside" lily smiled winking slightly at me before opening the large double door to the building.
My eyes widened.
"Such a creep" I shuddered slightly.
"I want you to stay away from him. You hear me? He's much too troublesome" Kuro murmured turning his head slightly as Mahiru walked ahead of us.
"Hm? W-Why?" I asked blushing slightly.
"Because your my Eve" he stated.
My eyes widened.
"W-what does that have to do with anyth-"
"Just do as I told you okay?" He sighed.
"Fine. But aren't I suppose to be the one ordering your around and not the other way?" I teased.
"Shut up" He let out an amused hum before following after them and running up the stairs.
I yelped slightly as I felt myself falling a bit.
Suddenly I felt two hands on my butt and Kuro pushed me back up.
Instantly my face went tomato red.
"Yah! You perv don't touch my butt!" I squeaked in embarrassment smacking him slightly.
"Hey I was making sure you didn't fall! You idiot! Gosh your so troublesome!!" Kuro muttered blushing a bit himself.
I just kept my mouth shut and laid my head in his shoulder trying to pretend the last three minutes never happened.
"Before we get to your questions there's something we have to ask you" Lily stated as we walked in to a room.
"I didn't help you out just because I was feeling kind unfortunately" he stated.
Suddenly the doors shut and Kuro tensed up.
Suddenly Lily turned in to the beautiful pink and purple butterfly.
"Here Lily" Misano muttered pulling his shirt away revealing a bit of his nice chest and collarbone.
My eyes widened and I held back a blush as the butterfly bit his neck.
I could almost tell just watching the scene was making Kuro hungry but I was already woozy enough from Tsubaki and he knew that too.
Suddenly he pulled off and reveal a dark purple scythe.
"Yuki you bastard!"
"What?! What's the big idea?! Why is everyone so insistent on calling me names lately?!" I screamed irritation finally getting the best of me.
"I heard you didn't even get a single hit on Tsubaki today!" Misano growled.
"Uhm actually technically I did. I smacked in the face" I replied meekly.
"Misano, you know about Tsubaki-" my brother stepped forward but he interrupted him.
"You haven't earned the right to say my name" he growled.
Suddenly my childness kicked in and before I could stop myself I began taunting him
"Misano~ Misano~ Misano~"
His eyes darkened but he blushed slightly.
"Why you!! How pathetic! You don't understand what it means to be a SerVamp master at all. Yuki Shiota you must be my servant. I'll give the orders from now on. And you'll give sloth the orders I tell you" he glared at me.
Before I knew what was happening my rage began to rise to dangerous levels
"The fuck you will" I growled angrily.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice you must say yes" he smirked.
Suddenly lily jumped up and cut above our heads
My eyes widened as I watched he cut off the ears of Kuro's hoodie.
And just like that max rage level reached
Jumping off of Kuro's back I walked up to Lily silently a dark aura following me.
He froze slightly alarmed by my appearance.
Swinging my fist back I smashed my fist in to his delicate face sending him flying in to a wall.
"Eh?!" Everyone in the room gasped and I slowly made way to Misano.
Grabbing him by the collar and began shaking him violently.
"I am not and never will be your fucking servant you stupid ass midget! I will not be stepped on like a welcome home mat you prick!" I shrieked.
Suddenly I was thrown over someone's shoulder and we began moving fast.
"Put me down your freaking idiot!!" I screamed angrily punching at Kuro's back..
"Cut it out you troublesome girl! Your such a pain!" He hissed.
"Argh! I'll show you a pain!!" I threatened.
Suddenly we stopped.
"Damnit this place is like one big maze!" I heard my brother breath heavily.
"Put me down!" I exclaimed before jumping off the SerVamp shoulder.
Looking around I saw that sure enough were way lost.
Taking a few steps forward I froze and looked around in horror as millions of red eyes appeared in the windows.
"What the hell?!" I exclaimed backing up slightly.
"Wait children? Why are there so many of them?" Mahiru muttered.
Instantly my features softened and I felt my anger vanish.
"W-wait where are there parents?" I muttered upset.
"They can't all be Lily's kids can they?!?!? I know he's lust but that's nuts!!" Mahiru exclaimed.
I sure as hell hope not... For their sake anyways
"No no no no certainly not! All those cute kiddos are just my subclass" lily chuckled appearing behind Mahiru.
Whipping around I saw his bruise and winced.
Shit.. I need to see someone for my anger issues....
"How many subclasses do you need?!" I asked incredulously.
"Tsubaki's minions have started killing subclasses like these. They seem to be his first targets. We know of two who were murdered this week alone. Possibly more.. " Lily sighed.
My eyes widened and I clenched my fists tightly.
"Damn him" I growled darkly glaring viscously at the stone ground under my feet.
"You know at first I thought you were a weak small girl. But after that hit back there I now know your looks deceive many" Lily smiled using his index finger to lift my chin.
My eyes widened and I began panicking.
"Ah! We.. I ...Uhm!!" I stammered panicking as he pulled my closer to his face.
Kuro hooked his finger in the back of my shirt and yanked me back towards him.
"Oh C'mon I was just having a little fun" Lily giggled.
Suddenly I heard footsteps and saw Misano coming down a bit scuffed up from me shaking him.
Quickly stepping forward I bowed in front of the room males.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I've got.... anger issues" I admitted blushing slightly.
"It should be me apologizing. I realize I was being a bit ridiculous and I'm sorry" Misano bowed as well.
We both stood up and smiled slightly.
"Do you know how to play chess Yuki, Mahiru?"
"I guess why?" My brother asked as I walked to the fountain and admired the cold water when suddenly the adrenaline left my system and my body felt like a thousand pounds.
"As the game goes on the number of pieces on the board get smaller and smaller and as long as your king survives, you won. It's s unfair.. And it's not how battles should be flight in real life either understand? You don't wanna hide in some throne and be protected! That's why I need all the power I can get on my side. I need so much more than I have and it .. Tell me Yuki what do you plan on doing with your strength. There is a single lead for every SerVamp and your one of them so what driving you ? Can you use sloths powers to achieve your goals?" He asked.
My mind went to when I was bite by the pink haired guy and then Tsubaki.
"Yuki. Will you help us? Won't you please?"
Swaying slightly I looked down at the girls.
"Kuro and I will help you as friends. But you need to know I'm not doing this for power and me. I'm doing this for the innocent people who are being killed" I stated before I felt my eyes start to roll back.
"Kuro.....catch me?"
And with that everything went black.

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