The Nightmare

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A/N (everything in this chapter is made up! The next chapter will be the next episode! I hope you like it! I wasn't so sure about it but tell me if you like it!)


"BIG SISTER?!" Kuro exclaimed.
I just stood staring at her.
"Yes! Your my big sister!" She giggled happily tugging on the sleeve of Kuro's jacket that I was still wearing from earlier.
Crouching down to her level I sighed.
"I'm sorry Tohru but you must have the wrong person cause I don't have a little sister" I explained softly.
"Of course you do silly! I'm right here!" She giggled.
"No, I'm sorry Tohru but your not my sister" I grabbed her small hands in mine.
"But I am"
"No" I shook my head.
"Yes I am!"
Letting out a sigh if defeat I shook my head.
"Listen here ya twerp she said your not her sister so your not her sister!!" Kuro exclaimed pulling me up and away from the girl.
"Yes she is you stupid vampire! " she screamed.
My eyes widened at how rude this girl was.
"Why you?! Your a freaking vampire too so shut the hell up! She's mine so leave us alone and go take a nap or something! Isn't it past your bedtime or some shit!?" Kuro yelled grabbing my waist and pulling me into his chest.
"Yeah right! Look at all those bites covering her neck your just using her for her blood! She's gonna die from lack of blood! So leave my sister alone!" She spat grabbing my arm and yanking me in her direction.
Before I knew it I was the object of a violent game of tug of war between two very upset vampires.
I went limp and sighed softly as I was pulled on, stretched, shoved, and even accidentally kicked.
"Where's that stripper vampire when you need him?" I groaned.
"Tohru! That's quite enough now. Let the girl go" a stern yet gentle voice spoke from behind me.
Turning I saw Lily.
I've never been so happy to see this guy!!!
"Now Tohru"
The small ravenette sighed softly before releasing my arm.
I instantly collapsed in to Kuro and rubbed my wrist painfully
"Sorry about that. Tohru tends to be quite the handful. She likes to call every girl she see her sister and won't give it up until you agree.... Your not injured too much are you?" Lily asked grabbing my wrist and placing a small kiss on my wound.
"Eh??! N-no I'm fine! Its okay really!!" I yelped trying to pull away but suddenly his grip tightened and his eyes darkened.
Instantly I could sense hunger and began to panic even more.
"H-hey! I thought you could only drink you masters blood!" I helped struggling as he licked some of the blood off my arm.
"Usually that's the case.... But your blood isn't just any kind of blood" he smirked before biting down on my wrist.
"Ow!" I screamed.
Kuro quickly jumped in to action and shoved off his younger brother.
Falling back slightly on my ass I watched as Kuro held the blonde by the collar holding him against the wall.
"What the hell wrong with you??" Kuro exclaimed.
"Your eve is special" he chuckled.
"W-what are you talking about?!" I exclaimed holding my hand against my wrist blood seeping through my fingers on to the dirt below me.
"You really don't know do you?" Lily's eyes widened slightly.
"And you do?" I asked confused.
"Of course. Kuro please release me I won't touch her" Lily grabbed the arm holding him up.
Kuro glanced at me and I nodded.
Kuro dropped him harshly before rushing to my side.
He licked my wound clean and I blushed slightly.
Standing I glanced where Tohru was and she was just watching quietly studying us.
"So what's so special about my blood?" I asked still keeping my distance from him.
"Do you know why they call you Eve's?" Lily asked crossing his arms over his chest.
"Because the first persons name was eve? I don't know" I shrugged.
"Oh no your right her name was eve. She was the first women ever to live. I'm sure you heard the stories Adam and eve. The poison fruit.. Exedra Exedra. But your blood is a direct bloodline from hers. It's pure and  untouched. How many times does Kuro take blood daily?" Lily smirked.
Kuro tensed and clenched his fists.
"Uhm like twice I don't know? Why?" I shrugged.
"The average Eve gives blood twice a week " he smirked.
My eyes widened.
"It's like a drug he's addicted. Any vampire that smells your blood will go insane and go to crazy methods just to get a taste of it. Even I couldn't help myself, for which I am deeply sorry" he bowed slightly.
My eyes widened and I just stared at him.
Slowly sitting down on the edge of the fountain I stared at my feet trying to wrap my head around my newly found.
"W-Wait.... Does that mean..."
"Mahiru isn't your real brother" Kuro sighed.
Instantly I felt my chest tighten.
"Oh god" I whimpered putting my face in my hands tears slowly slipping from the corners of my eyes.
its like I've been living a lie...
Suddenly I tackled in a hug.
My eyes widened and I looked down to see it was Tohru.
"Please don't cry big sis" she murmured burying her face in to my stomach.
Smiling a bit I pulled on to my lap and hugged her tightly.
"Thank you, Tohru" I muttered.
After a while she finally let go and we had to part ways.
The walk home was tense and bit awkward until Kuro finally spoke up.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. It was troublesome to explain. And I wasn't sure how you'd react" Kuro muttered stuffing his hands in his pockets.
I glanced at him slightly and kept quite trying to think of something to say.
"You hate me don't you?"
"I wish I could hate you" I scoffed slightly letting small smile slip past my face.
"What's that suppose to mean?" He stopped looking at me.
My eyes widened slightly.
"Er... It means... I can't hate you, not even if I tried. Your too troublesome to hate",I smirked looking at him.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes with a small chuckle.
"You gonna tell him?" He asked.
"No. We won't say anything. It doesn't matter anyways because blood or not he is still my big brother" I sighed.
"But don't you think he'll want to know?" He pestered.
"I didn't. So I doubt he does"
And with that he stayed quiet

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