Last Stand

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I pushed him away slightly and coughed and spit up the blood as much as I could as I fell to my knees in front of him.
Things began to became tipsy and foggy and I let a small contorted whimper as I look up weakly and the light blue blur headed right towards me at what felt like an inhuman speed.

Kuro quickly scooped me in his arms.
I looked at him groggily.
"A-A..Am I g-gonna die.... Die here?" I stuttered as blood filled my mouth.
He looked down at me with wide eyes and laid don't he ground carefully.
"N-No I'm gonna fix this! I can save you!!" He screamed panicking slipping my sweater off and adding pressure to the stab wounds.
I whimper and looked at the ceiling tears filling my eyes and mixing with blood already on my face and slowly rolling off my cheeks and on to the ground.
"I... Love Y-You" I sobbed.
His eyes widened.
"Yuki! Yuki no! Stop it! Don't close your eyes!!!" He shouted shaking my shoulders slightly but it was too late. Before I knew it everything went black.

Kuro's POV
Looked down at the snow white haired girl I watched as she took one last shaly breath before she went still.
"Y-Yuki!" I heard Mahiru yell behind me but soon I felt my body flash with heat as I looked at Tsubaki angrily rage burning in my eyes.
"Looks like big brother and his eve really caused quite the havoc eh? " he  hummed in amusement tossing Lawless's dog tag up and down lazily.
On the corner of my eye I saw Licht lung forward but Lawless held him back.
"Licht don't!"
I knew lawless was weak as slowly I stood from Yuki's body and stood in front of my brother.
"I know" I grunted harshly not looking back at him.
"Does he know what happened to Hugh?" Tetsu spoke up.
Mahiru gasped.
"Where's Hugh?!" The giant blonde hissed.
"Oh. Belkia's little magic trick? It's a special skill that teleports someone in the box to it's pair. That's how I had him send me the SerVamp of pride silly human. I told him to send Yuki as well but I liked the way things turned out much better" Tsubaki smirked holding a small identical box on his hand.
I let out a low growl.
"Tsubaki, what are you trying to do?!" Mahiru exclaimed tears still pouring out of his eyes.
"I want to respond to teachers expectations!!" He laughed crazily turning his head towards Mahiru his red eyes wild and his teeth gritted.
"Teacher wants me to clean up after him~"he started taking his sleeve out and walking towards us.
I watched wearily as red flower petals came out of his sleeve every time he took a step closer.

Yuki's POV
Groaning softly I slowly sat up and shook my head slightly but froze as I saw myself in a room. One half black with white furniture and the other half white with black furniture.
I furrows my eyebrows in confusion.
"Wait what? Where am I?" I muttered, my voice echoing eerily.
Suddenly I remembered what happened.
I gasped and grabbed me stomach. Lifting my shirt a bit I looked for the bloody wound but there nothing their.
My eyes widened.
"A-Am I dead?!"
"Not yet"
Whipping my head up I looked over and saw a small white cat that looked a lot like Kuro's but it had a blue glow instead of purple.
My eyes widened and I let out a scream before scrambling back only to run in to someone's legs.
Letting out another scream I turned and saw a bunch of girls behind me but only one stood out.
She just glared at me and looked away.
"Don't mind her. She hates all of us. I'm elise-chan!! I was the last version of you!" A smaller version of me with pink hair giggled tackling me in a hug.
I yelped and looked down at her with shocked eyes.
"Last version of me?!"
"That's Elise she was Lily's eve as you already know. I'm Angel, I was Gluttony's eve, when we were alive. We are are all past version of you and your a future version of us" a taller blue haired girl explained her voice dry and bored, she reminded me a lot of Kuro.
Suddenly my eyes widened like saucers.
"Kuro! Please where am i? How do I leave! I need to save kuro!!" I exclaimed.
"He doesn't need your saving anymore. Your dead" Kaitlynn scoffed sending me an annoyed look."shut up Kaitlynn. I'm Ophelia... And I'm sorry to inform you that you are indeed dead.." A tall blonde sighed sending me a kind sympathetic smile.
I froze and my back went rigid as every hair on my skin stood up.
I covered my mouth and backed up my eyes full of tears.
"we've all been in this room. This is where you choose your path. You either stay here with us and help future you's or you go to hell" a black haired girl sighed sadly.
"We had hope for you. We wanted you to be the last one" the white cat looked down sadly.
"Hell? No. No no no this is a fucked up dream right?!" I began to loose my temper as an angry smile overcame my features.
"Nope. Because of the curse we don't get an option. No heaven no nothing you stay here or you go straight to hell.. We didn't choose it, it's just how it worked out" angel spoke out.
I turned away from them and began to panic running around searching desperately.
Suddenly an arm caught on to mine.
"Stop.. It won't help anything. Your stuck here with us all we can do is see what's happening from Mahiru's eyes" Ophelia sighed moving to reveal a mirror .
I quickly ran over to it and looked at it with wide eyes.
"Why Mahiru?" I turned slightly.
"Because he's your big brother and he's the closest person in your life" Elise giggled.
I frowned slightly but turned back to the mirror and let out a strangled cry as I saw Lawless being attacked a ton of air and sand rushing our of him.
"Licht... Where's licht! Don't I need to get down there!! Now there has to a way!!" I screamed shaking the mirror slightly.
Everyone stayed silent and I dropped to the ground on my knees, my face in my hands tears pouring from my eyes.
"I don't care if your dying, I want to be with you at your last moments. I love you Yuki"
My eyes widened slightly as I started at the ravenette standing over my hospital bed his violent violet eyes staring in to my own.
"Don't 'but' me. Its not a choice " Licht smiled softly before dipping down and capturing my lips with his own.
You were always there for me.. You.. Loved me..
"And I'm not going to potentially murder my boyfriend. You two have fun. I'm gonna go see what lily's doing. Don't break him, yeah?" I sighed before walking back inside ignoring Kuro's screams and protests to bring him back inside with me.
I sighed and saw lily sitting and reading a pervy book.
I sighed and sat beside him and turned so my back was against his side and rested my head against his arm.
He shifted and looked down at me.
"Yuki? What's wrong love? Aren't you gonna help?" He asked.
I shook my head and cuddled in to his side.
"Too tired, don't feel good. I just want this to be over with. I want my Kuro" I whined quietly.
Lily chuckled and shook his head slightly.
"I'm glad Kuro finally met his soul mate" lily hummed.
My eyes widened slightly.
"Soul mate? That's just a single person fantasy" I scoffed slightly.
"Is it? Have you been able to sense Kuro's feeling lately by chance?"
Thinking about it slightly I bit my lip.
"Mm. Well kind of. I can tell when he's in pain or when he's angry, when's he sad or feeling off without looking at him if that's what you mean?" I muttered pulling my blanket closer to my body.
" it's exactly what I mean. Don't worry it'll get stronger you'll see" he chuckled softly.
"Yeah whatever, stay still. Your like personal pillow and heating blanket all in one" I muttered.
"That's a tad bit insulting but what ever pleases you love" he hummed.
"Don't call me that ya pervy" I muttered tiredly before closing my heavy eyes.
"Goodnight love.."
You've always been there for me.. When I've need a laugh, some guidance, or even a nap
You treated me like I was your own child..
Looking up I saw Misano looking weakly in my direction.
"Did I do...something out of line? I just wanted to protect my new friend" he asked weakly.
Almost instantly I felt my blood boil and stood up without trouble my eyes flaming with rage.
"No Misano you did perfect. I'm sorry I didn't help... You did something noble... God damnit!" I exclaimed clenching my fists angrily.
Your always there to help me when I do something stupid or get pulled in to trouble. You fight beside me even when you know your not strong enough.. Your my best friend...
"Wait! This giants ass coffin is that's kids Lead?!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, I don't know how to get rid of it so I figured I could use it as a free advertisement" Tetsu shrugged.
I sweat dropped.
"Oh come on! I can barely get mine out and you can't put yours in! I wish mine was like that!!" I pouted setting my hands on my hips.
"Well of the customers a vampire then its my job as an in keeper to prepare a dark room for them. That's just good business! Tourist destinations don't do well if there's fighting so I do everything I can to keep the peace between human and vampires" Tetsu explained.
You always knew what you wanted to do. You had big dream and great goals.. You made feel needed whenever you asked for my help spelling a word or figuring out how to make your bed.. You were like my little brother..
"I'm sorry Hugh but looking at you, the last thing that comes to mind is terror"I sighed.
"Why you!?"
I yelped as he lunged but Kuro pushed him back.
"I told you she's mine little brother" Kuro warned and Hugh just rolled his eyes.
"Uhm so we can call you Hugh then?" Mahiru asked.
"You can call me by my full name human" Hugh huffed still glaring at me. 
"That's way too long" Kuro sighed.
"Yes it has been a long time. Sleepy ash. While you were of lazing around, the world fell in to chaos thanks to him" Hugh huffed.
"You mean Tsubaki?" I asked.
"Before we get in to all that. Why don't I tell you the story of how I met up with Tetsu here!" Hugh grinned jumping down from the coffin and steeling my pocky.
Although sometimes I made you angry you always forgave me.. And I thank for that your like that crazy uncle everybody wishes they had.. Even if you are a little short...
I smiled softly and grabbed his hand.
Kuro blushed slightly in embarrassment and grumbled under his breath.
"Hey. What's your name again?"
I looked up at Lawless and saw his ruby red eyes.
I frowned a bit.
"It's been two days and you've already forgotten it!!? It's Yuki you dandelion!!" I yelled in annoyance.
He just smirked slightly.
"Muki?" He teased.
"Koyuki?" He asked with an innocent tone tilting his head a bit.
"Why you!!" I sent him a glare and stomped towards him.
"Ah! Miyuki calm down!" He screamed mockingly
"I'm gonna stab you!" I exclaimed lunging towards him.
He just laughed and rested a hand on my head.
"Yah! Don't go running at SerVamp's. I'll bite you, you mini warrior" he teased bending slightly to my level and flicking my harshly in the middle of the for head.
I let out a whine and immediately grabbed my forehead.
"Ow!" I exclaimed.
Lawless... God your annoying... But I like that about you. Your like a little kid. You my annoying big brother who just doesn't know when to quit sometimes.. But your apart of my family nonetheless.
Sakuya waited patiently for me to stop crying.
Once I did I let the story escape my mouth and cried even more as he just stated at me with wide eyes.
"O-Oh my god. Yuki" he whispered before pulling me in to yet another hug.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you" he whispered in to my hair.
Sitting there I just held on to him as his warm embrace comforted me and calmed me.
"Yuki. Promise me you won't lie to me again? Promise me that next time I ask whats going on or what happened that you'll answer me and answer me honestly?" He asked pulling away and staring down at me as he held my shoulder.
"Only if you promise me the same" I smiled slightly holding out my pinky.
"Uhm yeah totally! Sure! I won't lie to you and you won't lie to me! No lies between the two of us!" He laughed weirdly.
"Pinky promise?"
"Of course" he grinned and we pinky promised.
Even if you broke your promise and you lied to me for so much of it I can't help but miss you and want to forgive you.. You were my first friend. You were there for everything.. I should have done the same I should of understood you.. You were one who was always there for my brother and I.
"Mahiru.. Oh my god Mahiru!!"
"MOM!" We both shrieked as mom jumped out in front of the car and pushed us away.
Falling harshly I sat numbly. My twelve year old mind trying to wrap itself around what had just happened.
Jumping up I looked over and saw my mothers lifeless form laying not far from Mahiru who was slowly sitting up.
"N-No!! Mommy! Please wake up!!" I screamed crouching down beside her my eyes wide and glossy as tears spouted out of them like they had never done before.
She shifted slightly and I quickly tried to check her pulse.
she slowly opened her eyes and smiled weakly at me.
"M-mom?! No stop! You can't leave me! You can't! You can't! You can't!!" I sobbed shaking my head as Mahiru ran to her other side.
"I... L-love you both very m..much. You will always be my children.... Stay safe..I know you'll do great, stay strong. Yuki before I go you need to know t-"
My eyes widened as slowly her eyes rolled back and he breathing stopped.
"MOM!" Mahiru screamed.
I just fell back slightly and watched numbly as Mahiru cried and screamed trying to wake her up.
Need to know what?
He began to push on her chest and I quickly grabbed his hands and pulled him in a hug.
"M-Mahiru!! Stop just stop! M-Mommy is.....she's gone Mahiru!!" I sobbed burying my face in his chest.
We sat and cried in to each other, the only noises filling my ears now were ambulance sirens...

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