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So many thought are running through my mind. Why did Harry do it? I can't even think straight, how am I even going to get home? I stopped walking and sat down. My back really hurts.

"ZAYN!" I cried out. Nothing. Why? Just when I think everything is finally getting the littlest bit better, this shit happens.

"I just wanna go home." I said between sobs. I looked to the left and saw a tall figure walking. Zayn. I began sprinting to him and gradded his arm. He stopped walking and looked at me.

"Zayn, you don't undetstand, I didn't kiss Harry-" I began before Zayn stopped me.

"No, Juwel, we're nothing, and will never be anything, your just some girl I was paired up with for a project, and that's all we'll ever be." He said. I felt like crying, but couldn't, I was numb and shattered.

"So that's it, you just act like we never kissed, or you never told me you loved me, because I heard you say it, twice actually." I backfired. He shook his head and began walking away.

"How do I get home?" I yelled.

"You can walk!" He shouted back.

"I don't know the way, Zayn!" He laughed.

"Find out!" He sung. I turned around and walked to his house.

"I'm not walking, I'm staying." I said to myself as I entered his house and ran into his bathroom. My eyes landed on a razor and I grabbed it. I pulled off my sweater and and ran the razor across my wrist, not really much pain. I sat on the lid of the toilet and layed my wrist on the sink, in case any blood drips out of my cuts. I rested my head on the counter and shut my eyes.


I rolled around my bed, not wanting to open my eyes.

"Juwel?" I heard a boy ask. I forced my eyes open and was greeted by Zayn. I looked away as soon as the memories from earlier came back to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cut yourself." I shut my eyes and breathed in and out, slowly.

"I didn't mean what I said earlier." He tried to explain.

"Can you just take me home?" I asked as I sat up. Hurt filled his eyes and he nodded. I got up and walked to my bag. I entered his bathroom and slipped on my fuzzy shorts and white tank top. I looked in the mirror and saw my brooses were clearing up, but the brooses on my arms were horrible. I opened the door and Zayn looked at me and smiled. I looked down at my feet and cleared my throat.

"So, are you gonna take me home, or..." I trailed off. I heard him chuckle and I looked up.

"Yea, come on." He hopped downstairs and I followed him, suit.

"I am really sorry, Juwel, I was mad and didn't know what I was saying." I ignored him. He needs to suffer for how much he hurt me. He put his hand on my thy and I pushed it off. He sighed and I reached for my elastic band, but found a gauze.

"Zayn?" I asked.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"Where's my bracelet?" I asked.

"Oh, right, its in my room." He announced. I nodded.

"I'll get it to you tomorrow, at school." He said as he entered my driveway. I saw my dads car there and groaned.

"Bye, Juwel." I waved as I walked up the steps. I opened the door and saw my dad sleeping in the couch. Yes! I quietly raced up to my room and layed in my bed. I heard a small tapping and looked around the room until my eyes landed on the window. I walked over to it and opened it.

"What do you want, Zayn?" I asked, sounding irritated.

"Forgive me?" He begged. I sighed and shut the window. He repeatedly tapped on it. I ignored it until I fell asleep.




I hit the off swich on my alarm and sat up. I groaned as I sat up and swung my legs over the side of my bed and got up. I trailed off to my bathroom. I stripped my clothes off and started the water. I brushed out my long brown hair and got in the shower.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where my dad was sitting.

"Make me food." He demanded. I looked at the clock.

"I, er, have to go to school." I said. He got up and slapped me.

"Go, but next time, do what I say, or ill do worse!" He shouted in my face. I walked into the hallway, but ran out of the house, to school.

As soon as I got into the school I sat out of Zayn's view and hid my face from everyone.

"Juwel." I heard someone whisper. I looked up and saw Louis.

"What?" I asked, nicely. He sat down and sighed.

"Harry told me what he did." I nodded, slowly, and looked at the table Zayn was at.

"And Zayn told me what happened between the two of you." He continued. I looked at him.

"Ok." I stated, plainly.

"Juwel, he really likes you, please forgive him?" Louis asked. I sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"What did you do to your face?" He asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your cheek, its all..." He trailed off.

"Red?" I finished for him. He nodded.

"I slept on my hand." I lied. He nodded and got up.

"Just think about forgiving Zayn, please." Louis pleaded.

"No promises." I lied. Will I firgive him? Yes. I don't know if its gonna be soon, I can't stop thinking about what he said to me. It hurt.

"You may go to homeroom!" Paul inrstructed. I walked out, waving to Paul, and headed to my locker.

"Juwel, I think we need to talk." Harry said once he got to his locker. I ignored him and pulled off my sweater, slipping on my bracelet afterwards.

"Juwel." I heard Zayn sing. I looked over and he was holding my favorite bracelet out in front of him. I smiled and grabbed it.

"Thanks!" I said as I put in on, taking off my mustache one. I looked at my schedule. LA! yes, I can continue writing. I walked off to homeroom and sat in my seat, away from Harry this time.


The bell went off, ordering us to first period. I sped off to LA and sat in my usual seat, and began writing. Once everyone filled the room Mrs.Williams began talking.

"Today, you are going to share three paragraphs of your writing with the class." She announced. Shit.


Hehe, momo here! Celeste did most of the thinking, so give her some cridit!

Momo <3

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