Bad Timing

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"I'll just E-mail my part of the project to you guys." I reasoned as I walked out of the school with Liam and Zayn.

"I don't get it, why can't you just come to Zayn's house?" Liam said and I sighed as I looked at my icalendar.

"Its my dad's birthday." I explained. Not that I care, but I'm pretty much going to have to be his 'maid'.

"Oh, well why don't you just call him and tell him your going to a "friends" house." He said, using finger quotes for the word friend.

"Because, he won't understand." I, once again, explained. He shook his head.

"Yet, he let Zayn spend the night?" He pried. I shook my head.

"He didn't, I did." I explained. They stopped at their cars.

"Wait, we don't have you number!" Zayn called. I turned around, walking backwards.

"Ask Harry!" I shouted back at them. I continued walking until I reached my house. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Juwel, just on time." My dad said as I shut the door. I turned to him and nodded.

"Happy birthday, daddy." I said in a sweet, little kid voice." He "smiled" at me and shifted on the couch.

"Go get me a beer." I set down my bag and did what he said. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and quickly handed it to him.

"You forgot my damn chips." He said.

"Sorry." I said. He got up and slapped me across the face.

"What did I tell you about the damn apologies?" He shouted.

"You don't care." I answered. He nodded as if saying 'yeah, your right, I don't care'.

"Good, now go get me some chips!" He demanded. I nodded and searched for chips on the cabinet.

"Mum." I whispered. She looked at me.

"Where are dads chips?" She shook her head and frowned.

"I'm sorry, Juwel, I must've forgotten, I can tell him." I shook my head.

"No, its ok, I've got it." She smiled and I walked up to my dad.

"Um, daddy, we don't have anymore chips." He stood up and grabbed my face.

"Then go buy me some!" He ordered. I nodded and he let me go. I slipped on my sweater and quickly ran up to my room.

"Come on, come on, come on." I mumbled to myself. I looked around my room. Where is it? I looked at the wall and cracked my nuckles. What the hell? I pulled a thumb tac from the wall and rolled up my sleeve. I poked my skin with it and pulled it across my wrist, three times. I dabbed my wrist with a towel and slipped on my "emergency" elastic band. I grabbed my phone and ran back downstairs and out the door.

I got to the stoor and grabbed a bag of Lays potato chips. I grabbed another one and a bottle of Carona. Maybe my dad'll go easier on me with a present. I walked around the store a bit more, just in case I see something else my dad might like.

"Hey there, emo." I heard an irish accent. I turned around and saw Niall and Louis.

"Dude, chill." Louis told Niall.

"Why should I?" Niall asked.

"Because, we were all friends before." Louis whispered. Niall shrugged.

"Not anymore." He said as he hit my elbow, sending everything to the ground. The bottle of Carona shattered and I groaned.

"Hey, your bleeding." Louis said. I looked down at my hand and saw blood. I wiped it on my pants and shrugged.

"Its nothing." I said.

"Niall, you cut her hand." Louis said. Niall shrugged.

"Its not as bad as her face, and you have a big red mark on yours, are you ok?" Niall asked. I nodded.

"Ok, well, you might wanna clean that up." I did as said and picked up the two bags of chips. I walked away and got a new bottle of Carona for my dad. I payed and left the store. That's right, Ima bad ass, I left a shattered bottle on the floor. I laughed to myslef as I got to my house. I walked in and quickly entered the living room.

"Took you long enough." My dad said as he looked at me.

"I know, but I got you something to make up for it." He shifted so he was facing me.

"And what did you get?" He asked. I handed him the bag and he looked in it.

"You got me a Carona?" He asked. I nodded.

"Wow, Juwel, you can go to your room now." I smiled.

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yea, now disappear, before I change my mind." I quickly dashed off to my room. Wow, I don't have to wait on him tonight. I did a small happy dance before changing into a pair of pajamas and began doing my homework.

"JUWEL!" My dad yelled as he bursted through the door. I stood up and walked a but closer to him, but still keeping my distance.

"Yes, daddy?" I asked. He walked up to me and slapped me. I held my cheek in pain and looked him in the eyes.

"There's a boy down there asking for you, get rid of him." I nodded and looked at my face in the mirror. I quickly splashed my face with water and dried it. I raced downstairs and was greeted by Zayn at the door.

"Zayn, you can't be here, you almost got me killed!" I whisper yelled.

"I know, I'm sorry, but we really need you." He explained. I sighed.

"I can't do anything, my dad's watching me." I whispered. He nodded.

"I know, But Liam and I really need you." He begged. I sighed and looked in the kitchen and my dad pointed to the clock.

"I have to go, I'll open my window, climb the tree next to my room and crawl in." I said before shutting the door. I quickly ran upstairs and slammed my door. Someone tapped on the window, but just when I opened it my dad bursted through the door. I shut the curtains and turned to him. He removed his belt and smiled at me.

"Soneone needs a little lesson." I gulped and looked behind me. They're gonna see him hit me.


Ooh! I know Celeste's supoosed to write this chapter, but I couldn't resist! Luff u Mari! lol.

Momo <3

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