Chapter 2

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Ricardo's POV
Yesterday I met the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on,if you are wondering who I am,I am Ricardo Hurtado,I'm going to be playing Freddy on nickelodeon's School Of Rock,I'm born and raised in Atlanta,Georgia,enough about me,I think the girl's name was Breanna Yde,she's so beautiful,I think I have a crush on her,who knows?
My Mom:Ricardo,Breakfast!
I get out of my room and go downstairs to eat breakfast,after that I put my plate in the sink and run upstairs,I took a shower,after i was done I wrapped a towel below my waist and fixed my hair,I went to my closet and picked out the clothes that I'm going to wear today

My Mom:Ricardo! Ready?!Me:Yeah! let me Just get my backpack I already packed my backpack last night,I just need to put in my charger,and done,I sling my backpack on my shoulder and go downstairs,I stand at the door to remember all the things I nee...

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My Mom:Ricardo! Ready?!
Me:Yeah! let me Just get my backpack
I already packed my backpack last night,I just need to put in my charger,and done,I sling my backpack on my shoulder and go downstairs,I stand at the door to remember all the things I need and if I forgot anything,nah,I get outside opened the backseat door and throw my backpack in,then I close it and get in shotgun,I wait for my mom and I strap my seatbelt on,when we got to the set,I saw her again,it's so hot,why is she wearing a long sleeved shirt? And she's not even sweating,but I also have to admit Jade looks hot too
Jade:Hey Ric
Jade:Can you take my picture?
I take her picture and it looked like this

My Mom:Ricardo! Ready?!Me:Yeah! let me Just get my backpack I already packed my backpack last night,I just need to put in my charger,and done,I sling my backpack on my shoulder and go downstairs,I stand at the door to remember all the things I nee...

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I look to where Bre was and saw a guy taking a picture of her standing on the railing in front of the Stage number

I look to where Bre was and saw a guy taking a picture of her standing on the railing in front of the Stage number

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The guy has great hair too

Breanna comes up to us,with the boy following her Brea:Hey guysMe and Jade:HeyBrea:This is Matt,one of my brother's FriendsMe and Jade nod our heads Brea:Jade let's go?Jade:OkayMatt,Jade and Brea went into her trailer,wow,she's beautiful

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Breanna comes up to us,with the boy following her
Brea:Hey guys
Me and Jade:Hey
Brea:This is Matt,one of my brother's Friends
Me and Jade nod our heads
Brea:Jade let's go?
Matt,Jade and Brea went into her trailer,wow,she's beautiful

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