Chapter 11

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Breanna's POV
Then my mom barges into my room,puts her hand on my forehead and my neck
My mom:you're not hot,what's wrong?
Me:my head hurts,my stomach hurts and my right leg hurts
My mom:-sigh-I'll call set
My mom leaves my room and closes the door,-sigh- I'll do anything to not see that thing again

-1 week later-

I haven't gone to the set in a week,my door opens and I see my mom
Me:Hey mom
My mom:We need to talk Brea
Me:Sure,what's up
My mom:You got fired..
Me:What?! Why?!
My mom:You haven't shown up to set for a week and well Jim thought that if you don't show up to set,then you can't handle the job...I'm sorry honey
Me:-sigh- it's okay mom,I just wanna be alone right now...
My mom:okay honey..
My mom leaves my room,after a few seconds I let the words "you got fired" replay in my head,I cried into my pillow,this was all His fault

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