Chapter 18

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Ricardo's POV
I feel something lying on my arm,I look at my side and see a sleeping Brea...she looks so precious,I grab my phone and look at the time 3:30 am,I get out gently,trying not to wake Brea up,I grab a pillow from the other side of the bed and put it near her,she grabs the pillow and hugs it,I love this girl,I open the door slowly,got out of my room,closed the door and went downstairs,I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured water in it,then I heard footsteps,light ones,I turned around and saw a sleepy Brea hugging a pillow
Me:Hey Brea,What's wrong?
Brea:I'm scared to sleep alone in your room...
Me:Are you scared of the dark?
Brea nods her head yes,I drink my water and go up to her,I pick her up bridal style and carried her into my bedroom,when we got there I put her down gently on my bed,i get in next to her and she snuggles into my chest,i put my arm around her and she fell asleep,I grabbed my phone and started playing a few games on it until 7 in the morning,I get up trying not to wake Brea up,and it was a success,I open the door,get out and close it again,I go downstairs and see my mom making breakfast and my dad sitting down and drinking coffee
Me:Morning Ma,Morning Pa
My dad:Morning son,care to do some explaining?
Me:On what?
My dad:Why Breanna is in your room
Me:Oh yeah,brea went on a date with a guy named Casey Simpson who also works at nick,they were talking and then some guy around 13 years old,punched Casey and Casey ran off,then the guy started kissing Brea and I was walking by,so I helped her and punched the life out of the guy then we went back here because Brea had a cut near her eye and we watched a movie and I guess we fell asleep
My Mom:See honey nothing bad happened
My dad:okay son,I trust you,but you need to bring her home today,her parents called last night,they were looking for her,they were looking for her everywhere
Me:Okay dad,I'll go see if she's up
I run upstairs and I open my bedroom door and see Brea on her phone
I close the door behind me and jumped in my bed
Me:Who you texting?
Brea:I'm not texting anyone I'm playing a game
Me:Yeah we'll get your butt downstairs Yde
Me:You young lady are going home
Brea:But I like it here,with you
She pouts at me,ugh she's so cute
Me:C'mon breaaa
Brea jumps out of my bed,I do too,we go downstairs,my mom told her that I can bring her to her house after breakfast so we ate and I changed my clothes Brea was in the clothes she was wearing yesterday,I grab my skateboard and my extra skateboard,I gave it to her and we skated to her house,when we got there,she got off the skateboard and gave it to me
Me:For what?
She kisses my cheek and she goes inside their house,she kissed me...

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