Chapter 7

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Lance's POV
I was in my room listening to music,then suddenly my phone buzzed,Brea?
Jade,I think I might like Lance
Should I take advantage of this? Yeah I should
As a friend or...
More than a friend I think I might have a crush on him
You should ask him out
I don't think he likes me the same way
Check who you're texting
I should just ask her out,she likes me,I like her
So what do you say? Wanna go out?
Brea? Helllooo?
I think I just broke Brea

Breanna's POV
My mouth dropped when I found out that I just said that to Lance,he asked me to go out with him,should I say yes or should I say no?

Ricardo's POV
Okay,that's it! I have a crush on Brea,I need to tell someone,oh I know Aidan
Hey Aidan
Hey Ric,what's up?
Not much,I can trust you right?
Okay so I,umm...Have a crush on Brea
You have a crush on me?!
I look at the bar where the name of the person i text is and it said Brea's name,uh oh

Breanna's POV
I can't believe this! Now Ricardo likes me too? Lance and Ricardo,the two main boys on set,like me?,I actually thought that Ric would like Jade,but what am I going to do? Two guys liked me and they are both older than me...what is happening?!

So should Brea say yes to Lance? OR should she think of who she likes more?

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