Chapter 5

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Breanna's POV
Yesterday the boys tried to lyric prank us,we'll it kinda worked but when Ricardo sent me a line that I knew from the song i finally caught up and told Jade,then she realizes that Lance was doing it to her,we got out of my trailer and we walked to Ricardo's trailer,we banged on the door and told them to open up,after 5 minutes of banging the didn't answer,so me and Jade asked Jim (creator of school of rock) for Ricardo's trailer keys,when we got them we unlocked the door and found Lance hiding in the closet and Ricardo in a room,we dragged them both out into a bigger space in Ricardo's trailer and beat them both up,Jade kicked Ricardo where the sun definitely dosen't shine,as for Lance,I punched him the the arm a couple of times tackled him to the ground and punched both of his arms some more after an hour of pleasure for us and an hour of pain for them we finished up,Lance was bleeding and Ricardo was rolling side to side
Me:it's been fun and it's been real
Ric:Yeah a real PAIN
then Ivan ( guy who plays Clark) walks into the Ricardo's trailer 
Ivan:Hey guys
Me:Hey ivan
Ivan:We need you on set,what happened to you two?
He said pointing to Lance and Ricardo
Jade:They had a little accident
Ivan:okay then,be at set in...
He looks at his watch
Ivan:10 minutes
Me:Can we get 15?
Ivan:I'll ask Jim
Me:Okay,thanks Ivan
Ivan:No problem
Ivan leaves the trailer
Me:let's get you two cleaned up
I picked up Lance and dragged him to the couch,Jade did the same with Ricardo,we got wet cloths and wipe their faces,after we cleaned them up we went to set
Jim:Finally,what happened?
Me:These two had a little incident
Me and Jade pushed Lance and Ricardo infront of Us
Jim:What'd you do?
Ric:W-we j-just p-pranked th-the gi-girls an-and they to-too-took I-it t-to-too se-seriously
Jim:Well that's what happens when you prank girls you two,now get ready we're going to start filming
Me,Jade and thing one and thing two go to our trailers and get ready Aidan was already with Ivan and the rest of the cast,we start filming and when we were done we all went home

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