Chapter 13

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Jade's POV
This won't be easy,because,one I really don't have a plan yet,two,Brea is one of those people that even if you said sorry,it doesn't cut it
Lance:So what's your plan?
I hand him a plate
Lance:I said plan not plate
Me:Let's go outside
we get out of my trailer to an open space,I told him to smash the plate onto the ground
Lance:Now what?
Me:say sorry to it
Lance:Sorry plate,Jade made me smash you
I rolled my eyes at him
Me:did it go back to the way it was before?
Me:Look at the plate Lance
He looks Down at the broken plate
Me:does it remind you of anything
Lance:It reminds me of a broken plate
Me:well it reminds me of something too
Lance looks at me
Me:Brea's heart,she liked you Lance,she really did,before you smashed that plate,that was her heart before the date,when you smashed the plate,that her heart after the date
Me:you did that to her Lance,see even when you say a simple sorry,it's not enough,sometimes it is,sometimes it's not,Lance you had Brea's heart in the palm of your hand,but you threw it and it smashed into fired the shots and now it has holes in it...Lance,she won't forgive you unless you take those words back,but you can't just go up to her say your sorry and that you take back what you said,no Lance,you don't treat a girl like that,the heart of a girl is like a plate and the hurtful words that come out of your mouth is a hammer,everytime you say something hurtful to a girl,the hammer hits the plate and it brakes,or in other words,hurtful words equals broken heart,I hope you understand that
I walk into my trailer and look at my phone -sigh- I miss Brea

Ricardo's POV
Woah that was kinda deep
Me:Dang dude,that was deep
Lance:Kinda,who's side are you taking?
Me:Jade's,she made an excellent point on what you did to Brea
Lance:Your just picking your girlfriend's side
Oh Lance if only you knew who I really like...
Me:Whatever dude,you messed up big time
Lance:Whatever it's just Breanna!
Me:It's not just her Lance! She's special! She's not one of those girls you can play with! Brea's not just my friend! She's more of like my sister
Lance:Yeah sure!
He walks away,I hate him more than I hate him then

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