Chapter 25

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Breanna's POV
I landed in Sydney and waited for one of my friends to pick me up,the friend that's picking me up a is Matteo and speak of the Devil
Matteo:Hey Bre
Matteo:All set to go?
Matteo:Great,oh may I?
He was asking to carry my suitcase
He picks up my suitcase from the side handle and we walk to where he was parking,he opened the back and put my luggage in there,I got in shot gun and strapped my seat belt on,Matteo got in the driver's seat and strapped his seat belt on,he starts to drive me to my house,we stop at a red light was LA?
Me:Great,just you know,same old LA...
Matteo:Awesome and you're friends,bet it was nice to see them again huh?
Me:Yeah,just great...
Matteo:Hey,what's wrong? You seem a little down
Me:Nothing...I was just having such a great time there,you know seeing my friends,bonding with them,it's just you know,hard to leave again
Matteo:Then why didn't you stay there longer?
Oh god
Me:This is going to be a long story
Matteo:Please don't tell
Me:Relax I won't
Matteo drives into downtown and he stops,it's 12:39 am right now,he pulls up to a building that I've never seen before,he gets out of the the car,I get out of the car and follow him inside
Me:Matt what is this place?
Matteo:My dad's building
I follow him to the elevator and he pressed the button that went up to the very top of the building,we walk out of the elevator and climb up some stairs he opens the door and the cold Breeze hit my face,I started shaking because it was so cold,Matt took off his sweatshirt and put it on me,I thanked him and we both sat down,we were on the roof,I looked around and saw the busy Sydney city
Me:I never knew Sydney could be so beautiful
Matt:Not as beautiful as you
Matt:Just saying the truth,you know,Australia wasn't the same without you
Me:How does me being here and me being somewhere else in the world make a difference?
Matt:I guess it makes a difference to me
I punch his arm playfully
Me:Shut it you little goose
Matt:-Laughs- So...
Me:What's wrong?
Matt:Nothing,nothing at all
I look back at the busy Sydney city
Matt:Wanna get off?
We went down the way we went up,we got in his Car and he dropped me off,I was greeted by my parents and my brother,I went up to my room,closed the door and thought about the things that happened when I was in LA,coming back to LA was a bad idea

I'm tired,also I made a new book called Abused blah blah blah blah and goodbye

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