Chapter 14

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Breanna's POV
Jade texted me to meet her at the park,I was already changed so I grabbed my phone and my skateboard and headed down to the park,when I got there,I saw Lance,Jade and Ricardo
Me:Hey Jade,Ricardo,thing
Lance:Dude she called me a thing!
Ric:Relax you idiot
Me:I don't have Time for this
I was about to walk away but someone grabbed my wrist,when I turned to see who it was,it was Lance,Jade and Ricardo were gone,they were walking around the park
Lance:look I know you're mad at me
Me:oh I'm more than mad at you,I'm furious
Lance:Look,Brea,I didn't mean to say those words when we went on our date...I'm sorry okay? I really do love you,the only reason why I said those things about you was because,they tease me
Me:then why didn't you tell me?
Lance:I don't know...
Me:look Lance it was nice of you to explain this to me but,I still don't forgive you
Me:the words you said really hurt me Lance,I'm sorry...
I pull my wrist out of Lance's hand a ran home crying

Ricardo's POV
Me:Jade? I can tell you anything right?
Me:and can you keep it a secret?
Me:So you know how Lance likes Brea?
Me:I like her the way Lance likes her
Jade:does she know?
Jade:Does Lance know?
Me:No,I'll never tell him,he's my best friend
Jade:Well Ric he has to know at some point
Me:I guess

Breanna's POV
I ran home and I shut the door,I slide down the door and let go of my skateboard,I buried my head into my knees and cried,until my brother came in the room
My brother:Hey Brea,what's wrong?
I stand up and run up to him,I hugged him and cried on him,he sits down on the couch and hugs me,he lets me cry on his shoulder,I told him everything
My brother:Do I need to kill Lance?
Me:No,don't just because he hurt me dosen't mean that you should hurt him
My brother:That's actually an excuse for me to hurt him
I get up from the couch grabbed my skateboard and ran upstairs,I wish someone would understand me...

-1 hour later-
Yes,I spent a whole hour crying in my phone vibrated which means I got a text,it was from Lance
Lance:Brea,I'm sorry I said those words to you,take your time,I'll wait forever,if that's what it'll take for you to forgive me,I love you Brea
Does he really care?

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