Chapter 20

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Breanna's POV
My phone rang which means I got a call,I looked to see who it was and it was my mom
Me:Hey mom
My mom:Brea,pack your stuff now and meet us at the airport
My mom:We're moving to Australia,you're brother is already here and-
Me:Mom I can't leave!
My Mom:Why not Brea? You got fired remember?
Me:-sigh-I'll be there
I hung up the call,Jade looks at me and Lance is pacing around with his phone in his ear
Lance:He's not picking up,I called him 10 times and he didn't pick up once
Jade:Where could he be?
Me:I need to get out of here
Jade:Why what's wrong?
Me: I'm moving back to Australia
Jade:How long
Me:The rest of my life
Lance:You can't leave!
Me:I have to,I don't have a choice
Jade:can't you just make up some excuse to get out of it?
Me:I can't Jade,it's going to happen
Jade:-sigh- let's get you out of here
Me,Lance and Jade,walk out of my hospital room,we go up to the lady in the counter and told her that I was going home,Jade signed papers and stuff and we went home,we went by Ricardo's house and we saw Ricardo lying unconscious
Jade:Ric! Ric! Wake up!

Ricardo's POV
I open my eyes and see 3 heads looking straight at me,it was blurry after a few minutes later my vision cleared up and saw,Lance,Bre and Jade,the girls giving me a worried look and Lance looking at me confused
Me:What Happened?
I stand up and rub the back of my head
Lance:You tell us
Me:Last thing I remember was getting beat up by the guy's crew,who beat me up earlier

Breanna's POV
So bre who's it gonna be? Lance or Ric? You have to make a choice Bre,now or never really? now?,I can't,I look at the three of them and ran,ran as fast as I can,I reached the door to my house,I was about to open it when someone,held my wrist,Ricardo
Ric:Why'd you run?
Me:Because I'm going back to Australia
Ric:But why'd you run? Is your flight like right now or something?
I jump on him and he held me from my waist I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck then I kissed him,After a few minutes we pulled apart and I looked into his eyes and I started crying
Ric:what was that for?
Me:My last kiss for you...
Me:I'm moving to Australia for the rest of my life Ric...
Ric:What? Why? Please stay...
Me:I would but I can't Ric...I'm sorry
I jump down from him and kiss his cheek,I open the door,I looked at him one last time and smiled at him,I get inside the house and close the door,everything was gone,I went up to my room and saw a suitcase packed for me...this is really happening,I grab the suitcase and went down stairs,I opened the door and saw Lance
I run up to him and hug him tight,I let the tears come out again
Lance:Boops...I'm going to miss you so much
Me:Me too...
Lance kisses me and I kiss back,after a few minutes we pulled apart

Ricardo's POV 
I ran,I don't know where I'm going but I just need some place private to cry,I ran into the forest and followed the path that I made,when I got to the end of the path,i saw the tree that I would climb in and nobody would ever find me,this was my spot,I climb up the tree till I was at the very top,I looked around and started to remember everything that bre just told me a few minutes ago,the words "My last kiss for you" echoed in my head,I let the tears out,Bre's Gone...Forever

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