Chapter 23

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Breanna's POV
I woke up and turned to my side to see a sleeping Ricardo,I try to wake him up by pecking his lips a couple of times but it didn't work so I found another solution
Me:Ric! There's a Zombie apocalypse and you're out of Hair spray!
He jolts up
Ric:What?! Pack your bag we're leaving this place!
He puts his shirt on and starts putting on his shoes
Me:Ric,relax,there's no zombie apocalypse
Ric:I don't care about the zombies! I care about hairspray!
Me:you didn't run out of hairspray,I know you and you have a whole room stacked with boxes of hairspray
Ric:Oh right
I get out of bed and kiss him for a short time
Ric:Bre? What are we?
Me:I don't know...what do you want us to be?
Ric:I want us to be together,I really love you Bre
Me:I love you too Ric,but keep in mind that I'm going back to Australia in a few weeks
Ric:So? We could go on the "Long distance relationship" road
Me:Ric,That's the problem,I don't wanna be down that road again,I want you to go back to Australia with me
Ric:I'm sorry Bre but I can't just Leave,I know this isn't the place I was born and raised but,it feels like it...and my family's here,I can't just leave my mom and dad,I'm an only child and I can't leave them
Me:I get're family means a lot to you...
Ric:Thanks for understanding
Me:Now,can you please get out of my hotel room,I'm leaving to meet Jade later
Ric:okay,see you tomorrow
He kisses my cheek and leaves
I take my phone from the nightstand and book a flight for tonight,I'm leaving for Australia,I can't stay here any longer,two guys fighting over a girl,sounds like every girl's dream,but not mine,I only said I was Ric's girlfriend so that Lance would leave,but I thought wrong,I packed my bags and went to the bathroom,I took a shower and changed clothes,I texted Jade to meet me at the mall,she said she can't today she's busy,I guess I'll have to make most of my time here,I walk out of my hotel room,my flight wasn't until 10 tonight,I was walking down the hall looking at my phone because usually no one was out in the halls,but I was wrong someone was at the halls,I bumped into him and my phone dropped between us
Guy:I'm so sorry-Bre?
I look up and it was Lincoln Melcher,I used to have a crush on him
Me:oh hey Lincoln
Lincoln:Hey Bre,haven't seen you in a while
Me:Yeah,I moved to Australia and I got fired...
Lincoln:Oh...sorry about your job
Me:it's okay,happened 2 years ago,past is past right
Lincoln:So you're crush on me is in the past?
He stares into my eyes...
Me:Maybe not...
Lincoln:Bre,it's a yes or no question,do you still like me or not?
I pick up my phone and stand up
Me:No,Lincoln,past is past
Lincoln:Maybe they'll be back after this
Me: After wha-
He smashed his lips onto mine,wow they're soft...and suddenly I found myself kissing back,why am I kissing back?!,I pull away
Lincoln:Changed your mind? Cause now I regret not having a crush on you back then
Me:No Lincoln,that didn't change my mind,after years that we haven't talked you suddenly have a crush on me and we just met after those years? There's no chance I'll have a crush on you ever again,I know what you're trying to do Lincoln and it won't work,I fell for you once and I won't do it again
I walk away from him and went to Jade's house,I still know where she lives,I open the door and I found her on the couch,making out with...LANCE?!!

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