Chapter 16

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Breanna's POV
Casey just asked me to go out with him should I say yes Or should I say no,I don't know what to do...
Me:Case I...would love to
Casey:Great! Friday after you guys finish filming
Me:Wait you don't know?
Casey:know what?
Me:I got fired
Casey:What? Why?
Me:Yep I got fired
Casey:We need to sit down and talk about this
Casey and I walk to the nearest bench we can find and we sat down and talked
Casey:So why'd you get fired?
Me:I didn't go to set for a whole week...
Casey:Why? Were you sick?
Me:No,I was fine,there's just a reason why I don't wanna tell you yet...
Casey:You aren't pregnant right?
Casey:Sorry! Just asking,so are you?
Me:No I'm not pregnant
Casey:If you were pregnant,I bet the baby would be just like you,cute,pretty eyes
Me:Dude I'm 12
Casey:I know
Me:I gotta go,cya case
Casey:Bye Brea text you later
I smiled at him and went home,when I got there,Lance was standing at my door
Me:What do you want Lance?
Lance:I came here and done what I should've done before
Then his friends came up to us
Danger:Why are we here?
Lance:I need to tell you guys something...Brea,I should've said all those things about you,to be honest I really really like you...correction,I love you...danger,guys,tease me all you want,I don't care anymore and Brea...I hope this changes your mind...
Lance walks back to his house,I go inside my house and those idiots went back to theirs,ugh,there it is again,my feelings for Lance came back...but Casey already asked me out...and Ricardo still has a crush on me,what am I going to do?

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