Chapter 8

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Breanna's POV
Today we don't shoot,it's our break day or day off or whatever you wanna call it,I was going to Lance's house to have a little talk with him,I knocked on their door and his dad answered
Mr.Lim:Breanna,Lance isn't here at the moment
Me:Oh,where is he?
Mr.Lim:He's Being the DJ at a party down the street,I think near,Ricardo's house
Me:Oh,okay thanks Mr.Lim
Mr.Lim:No problem Breanna
Me:Bye Mr.Lim
He smiled at me and waved goodbye and went inside their house,I went in the car and told my driver to drive down to Ricardo's house,when we got there I knocked at Ricardo's door and he opened the door and he was shirtless,looks like he just got out of the shower
Ric:Hey Brea
Me:Where's Lance?
Ric:Being the DJ at my friend's party,look I'm sorry about what happened yesterday
Me:There is nothing to be sorry about,I just have to make my choice
Me:I like Lance...
Ric:Oh,okay,I'm fine with that
Me:you sure?
Me:Thanks for understanding
Ric:No problem,Now,the guy's name is Danger,he's celebrating his 17th birthday
Me:Okay,any like guards or something?
Ric:Nope,you're clear to go
Me:Okay,thanks Ric
Ric:No problem,his house is right there
He said the  pointing to the house next door
Ric:No problem
I start walking to the house next door and the door was wide open,I see Lance,jumping up and down on the stage where he set up,with headphones on,then he stopped jumping and did something on the laptop,then he looked up and he saw me,he motioned me to come to him,I walk over to the Side of the stage next to his DJ place or whatever,he pulled me to a room and put the headphones around his neck and closes the door
Lance:what are you doing here?
Me:I came to talk to you
Lance:Can't this wait?
Me:Please,for me?
Lance:I guess,my job can wait
He starts leaning in and I do too,before you know it our lips locked for a few minutes and then I pulled away
Lance smiles at me and I smile at him,then a guy busted into the room
Guy:Lance c'mon people wanna request songs,who's this cutie
Lance:Danger this is Breanna,yeah I'm coming,give me 5
Danger:I'll try
Lance:Talk to you tomorrow?
He kisses me but it was quick then he runs out of the room and put his headphones on,I get out of the room and look at him,he looks at me and smiles I smile back at him and go home

Baby Brea is so cute😍

Baby Brea is so cute😍

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