Chapter 3

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Lance's POV
Today was my third day on set for the past two days I met this girl named Breanna,she's really cute,but I'm older than her so I don't know if its legal for me to date her,I'm thinking about it though,but I also feel like I need to know more of her,then date her,yeah,sounds like a plan
Ric:Hey Lance
Me:Hey Ric
Ric:What's up?
Me:The sky?
Ric:Haha very funny
Me:Seriously though what's up?
Ric:Ehh not much,you?
Me:Same,it's just kinda boring here on set,ya know?
Aidan:Hey guys
Ric:Sup bro
Aidan:I'm bored,how about you guys?
Me:Yeah we are,there is nothing to do here,we can't go into other people's sets cause they may be filming
Ric:How about,the thunderman's set?
Me:Aren't they filming?
Ric:Nope,atlease not yet
Me:Sure how about we pay a little visit
Aidan:I'm down
Me:Maybe we can even go down the slide thing
Ric:or maybe we can even sign our names on the wooden platform
(A/N so if you guys watch the thunderman's,in Max's lair there are stairs the lead to the living room,but the truth is that it doesn't lead to the living room,it leads to a wooden platform that leads to the slide,the cast of the thunderman's actually draw and write stuff there,even the people who guest starred)
Me,Ric and Aidan,run to I think set 17,we see Diego first so we go up to him
Me:Hey Diego
Diego:Hey guys,not to be rude but why are you guys here?
Ric:We were bored,so we thought why not visit the thunderman's set,can we explore this place?
Me:And can we go down the slide?
Diego:I don't really know,you should ask somebody that's in charge first,oh go ask Jed,he's the creator of the thunderman's so you should ask him
Aidan:Can you ask him for us?
Diego goes up to Jed and then he points to us and then Jed nods his head
Diego:You guys are free to explore
Me:what about the slide?
Diego:Yeah you guys can go on the slide just sign your names on the platform and you guys are free to go
Me:Sweet c'mon guys
Me,Ric and Aidan explore the whole set,it was actually pretty fun,after we explored everything we told Diego that we had to go,we said bye to Diego and left to go to set

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