Chapter 19

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Breanna's POV
I'm bored right now,feel like I should hangout with Ricardo for today,I grab my phone and call him
B-Hey Ric wondering if you wanna hang out today?
B-the park with the skatepark in it,byeee

I grab my phone,since I was already changed,I just went down stairs and grabbed my helmet and my board,I skated to the park and saw Ricardo standing against a tree looking at his phone
Me:Hey ric
Ric:Hey Brea
I look over his shoulder and see girls all over a guy,Ric looks at what I'm looking at
Ric:Wow he's got all the girls in this park all over him
Me:Yeah he does
Ric:But I have the most beautiful girl in the world standing here with me
I feel my cheeks go red,I smile at Ric and then this little girl comes up to us
Little girl:Hi! Are you from the haunted Hathaways?
Me:Yeah I am
Ric:looks like you got a fan there Brea
Little girl:Who's that?
Me:This is my friend Ricardo
I bend down to her height
Me:How do you still remember the haunted Hathaways? The show ended a year ago
Little girl:I find a way to watch them
A girl about our age comes running up to us,then she bends down to the little girl's height,I stand up next to Ricardo
Girl:Frankie don't run away from me ever again,I'm going to get grounded if you do that again
Little girl:Sorry macky
The girl stands up and holds I'm guessing her little sister's hand
Girl:Sorry about my sister,I'm Mackenzie
Me:Nah it's cool,I'm Breanna
Mackenzie:Hey,aren't you that girl on the haunted Hathaways?
Me:yes I am
Mackenzie:My sister's a big fan,her names Francine,but she wants to be called Frankie (A/N Casey neistat)
Me:That's cool
Mackenzie:We gotta go,bye Breanna bye Ricardo
Me and Ric:Bye
Mackenzie runs off with her little sister,me and Ricardo go to the skate park and skated for a bit,I tried to do a Ollie but that didn't turn out well,when I did the Ollie I landed on my back,Ricardo comes running up to me
Ric:Brea,are you okay?!
Me:What do you think?!
Ricardo takes my helmet off me
Ric:Your forehead is bleeding,we need to get you to the hospital right now!
Me:Ric I'm fine!
Ricardo pulls out his phone and dials 911 a few minutes later,guys the work in hospital took me to their van which was so hard it hurt my back even more,they Put a band-aid on my forehead,then I noticed Ric wasn't in the ambulance,where is he?

Ricardo's POV
I stayed back and grabbed Brea's gear then some guy And his crew came up to me
Guy:Aww looks like you're stupid girlfriend can't do an Ollie hah! My brother can do an Ollie from a skateboard and he's 5
Me:Hey! Don't call her stupid!
Guy:Oh yeah? Make me stop then
I go up to him and punched him right in the jaw
His crew:Ohhhh
Guy:That's it!
I know I'm kinda strong but this guy is really strong,he tackles me onto the ground and punches me everywhere,after he was satisfied,he stood up and threw Brea's gear at me then one of the guys from his crew threw my gear at me,I pull out my phone and it was shattered,I pressed the home button and it still worked,when I pressed the home button,I look at my lock screen,it was me and Brea,then I realized that I forgot to call Lance,Jade and Aidan,I get up,grab Brea's stuff and my stuff and went out of the skatepark,when I grabbed my skateboard it was in half,and the skateboard they broke was the one Brea gave me...Jerks...I grab both sides of my board and start walking to the direction the hospital was on my way there I called Lance and told him what happened to Brea,then he called jade and Jade called Aidan,when I got to the hospital,I asked the lady that was working at the desk where Brea was and she told me down the hall to my right,I go down the hall and turned to my right,I open the door and Brea was asleep,I get in the room and close the door behind me,I put our stuff on the couch that was in the room and go up to her bed,I sit down on the orange plastic chair the was next to her bed,I hold her hand and kissed it,then Lance,Jade and Aidan came in the room,Lance went up to Brea and so did Aidan,Jade pulled me outside
Jade:What happened to both of you?
Me:nothing happened to me,Brea tried to do an Ollie and she landed on her back no idea how her forehead was bleeding
Jade:What do you mean nothing happened to you? Ric,you have a black eye,a bloody lip and your knuckles are bleeding and I saw your skateboard inside and it was in half,Ricardo Hurtado,you tell me what happened right here right now
Me:to me or to her?
Jade:To you, don't try to act stupid
Me:What's stupid?
Me:okay,okay,when the guys that work here took off with Brea,I stayed back and grabbed her gear,then some guy and his crew came up to me and told me that Brea was stupid and she can't do an Ollie,then I told him not to call her stupid then he said make me,so I punched him in the jaw,he tackled me and beat me up until I looked like this
Jade:-sigh-I'm glad it's just a black eye,a bloody lip and your knuckles
Jade kisses my cheek
Jade:Be more careful next time okay?
Me:No promises
Jade and I go back into Brea's room and see Brea sitting up on her bed
Brea:Hey guys
Jade:I'm glad you're okay
Brea:What happened to you?
Lance:Yeah man,looks like you got into a fight and you lost
Me:Ding,Ding,Ding! We have a winner!
I point to Lance
Brea:What did I tell you about fighting?
Me:Never fight unless it's for a good reason like,someone is bullying someone else
Me:But I did defend someone,err...tried to
Brea:Who'd you try to defend?
Me:Some guy at the park called you stupid so I punched him right in the jaw and then he tackled me and beat me up until I look like this
Brea:Lance? Can you get Ric a doctor or something please?
Me:Why do I need a doctor?
Brea:Because who knows,you might have broken something else and just making sure the you are 100% okay
Lance goes out of the room and goes to find a doctor or a nurse
Brea:He broke the board I gave you?
I go to the couch and pick up my broken board
Me:I think I can still fix it
Brea:Why would you wanna fix it?
Me:This is the board you gave me
I give her one half of the skateboard and she examines it
Brea:This is the skateboard I gave you
Brea:you know I could just buy you a new one
Me:you don't have to it's easy to fix this,but thanks anyway,I'm going to go home and grab some clothes,I'll watch Brea tonight
I grab my broken board and helmet and went home,I was halfway home when the same guy and his crew that beat me up earlier,blocked my way
Guy:Where you going?
Guy:Where's your little girly friend
Me:If you wanna beat me up again do it,just leave Breanna out of this
Guy:Breanna? Her names Breanna? what kind of name is that?! Get him boys!
His crew came up to me and pushed me to the ground,the guy took my skateboard,helmet and phone then he ran off,his crew beat me up and then everything went black...

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