Chapter 22

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Breanna's POV
This wasn't Aidan Miner,this was Aidan gallagher from Nicky,Ricky,Dicky and Dawn
Aidan:Hey,I thought you moved to Australia
Me:i-I did
Aidan:hey,hey,hey,what's wrong?
Me:Somethings happened between me and Lance and I don't really wanna talk about it
Aidan:it's okay
Aidan has so much,he's 14 but he has the body of a 16 year old who works out
Aidan:so what's it like living in Australia?
Me:it's okay
Aidan:Miss anyone?
Me:Nope,no one at all
Aidan:okay,Can I ask you something?
Aidan:I really really like Lizzie,do you think I have a shot with her?
Me:You don't know don't you?
Aidan:I don't know what?
Me:Lizzie and Lance they're in a relationship now
Aidan:Since when?
Me:I found out two weeks ago
Me:I'm sorry Aidan,I know how you feel...
Aidan:Yeah...I have to go see you around Bre
I smile at him and he returns it,he starts to walk away and so do I,I feel like someone was watching me but every time I turn around no one was there,weird,I continue walking then I make my hand into a fist and turned around and swung,when I saw who it was,it was Jade
Me:Oh my god,Jade I'm so so sorry!
Jade:that hurt
Me:Why'd you sneak up on me?!
Jade:Why'd you punch me?!
Jade:Oh I get it now
Me:Why'd you sneak up on me?
Jade:I saw you talking to Aidan and well followed you around
Jade:I don't know...
Me:I missed you
I hug her and she hugs me back
Me:I'm so sorry Jade
Jade:it's okay
Me:ugh i need to go back to my hotel,I'm tired
Jade:bye Bre,talk to you tomorrow?
Me:sure,I still have your number,bye
I start running back to my hotel,when I got there I opened the door and saw rose petals on the floor,I followed the trail and saw Ricardo standing there with flowers
Ric:Welcome back Bre
Me:Ric? What are you doing here and how'd you know I was here?
Ric:Lance told me,now that you're back maybe the kiss you gave me before you left wasn't the last
Me:What? Ric,you have a girlfriend
Ric:No I don't,I've been waiting for you to come back
Me:but Lance told me that Jade's your girlfriend
Ric:He lied to you,Jade and I aren't dating
I go up close to him
Ric:I love you Bre,only you
He picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist,he starts to lean in and I do too and before you know it we were making out on my bed,he starts kissing down to my neck
Ric:Yes baby?
Me:Ric I-I'm on-only 15
Ric gets off me
Me:it's okay,you just got caught up in the moment
Ric:it's dark out can I stay here? Just for tonight
Me:Sure Ric
He takes off his shirt
Me:uhh what are you doing?
Ric:I'm more comfortable with my shirt off sleeping,is that okay with you?
Me:Sure,I've seen you shirtless before
I go in the bathroom and washed my face,when I looked in the mirror something caught my eye
Ric comes running in the bathroom
Ric:what?! What's wrong?!
Me:You gave me a hickey!
Me:Ric My parents are going to kill me!
Ric:Just cover it with makeup or something
Ric:Well what do you want me to do?
Me:I don't know...I'm sorry for raising my voice on you...
Ric:it's okay
Someone knocks on the door,who could that be at this time?
Ric:I'll get it

Ricardo's POV
I open the door and stood there,Lance
Lance:What are you doing here? And why are you shirtless? You didn't have s-
Me:No Lance,I didn't
Brea:Ric who is it?!
Me:No one Bre,be right back going to the vending machine
I push Lance out into the hall then I go out and close the door behind me
Me:dude what are you doing here?
Lance:What are you doing here?
Me:Visiting Bre and asking her to go out with me
Lance:No way,she's not going out with you,she's going out with me
Me:Listen lim,you've had a shot,it's my turn now
Lance:I don't care she's mine
Me:No she's mine!
Brea:Stop! Lance you've had your shot,it's ric's turn,I'm Ric's girlfriend now,go to Lizzie,she is your girlfriend after all
Lance:What do you mean?
Brea:You never broke up with Lizzie,making her still you're girlfriend
Lance:You never broke up with me either
Brea:I did,I called you and told you to run back with Lizzie because we're through
I can see anger boil up to Lance I look at his hands they were formed to fists,he swung but he didn't hit Brea,I stopped his fist with my hand
Me:You probably shouldn't have done that
I kicked him where he definitely doesn't want to be kicked and left him there lying on the carpeted floor,I turn my attention to Bre
Me:You okay?
Brea:I'm fine
Me:c'mon let's go inside
Me and Bre go into her hotel room,she got in the bed and so did I,I opened the T.V. And watched some cartoons i don't care how old I am,I love watching cartoons,Bre looks at me and laughs
Me:What are you laughing at? Huh?
I start to tickle her and she starts laughing
Brea:R-Ric s-stop
I stop tickling her and went back to watching the T.V.
Brea:I love you
Me:I love you too
Brea fell asleep minutes later,I love this girl and I'm glad that she's back

You guys saw that coming huh?

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