Chapter 17

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Breanna's POV
Me and Casey are at the same park as yesterday,me and Casey decided to have the date today,Casey set up a picnic for us,then some guy came up to us
Guy:Sup Baby,you look hot today
Me:Do I know you? Plus I'm 12 and way out of your league
Guy:Are you now? Well let's see what your lips have to say about that
He starts leaning in and I slapped him with my phone which I was holding
Me:First of all,you are gross,second I don't even know who you are third,eww on I don't wanna kiss you!
Guys:Your lips don't say that
Casey:Can you leave?! We are on a date here!
Guy:oh this your boyfriend?
Me:Yeah,so go away and leave us alone
Guy:Not a chance babe
Casey:Get off of her!What's your problem?!
Guy:My problem is you! Scram kid!
Then he punches Casey and Casey ran off,hey! He left me!
Guy:Now that we're alone
Me:How old are you?!
Guy:Shut up I'm 13 your boyfriend looked like he was five now kiss me
He gets on top of me and starts trying to kiss me
Ric:Leave her alone!
Me:Ric Help!
Ricardo pushes the guy off me and starts punching the life out of him,I grab my stuff and stood up,after Ricardo was satisfied of what he did he came up to me and gets on one knee,he holds both of my hands and looks at me
Ric:Brea you okay?
I start crying,Ric stands up and hugs me
Ric:It's okay I'm here,I'm here
We start walking to a bench far away from that guy,we sit down and he looks at me
Ric: you have a cut under your eye
Me:I-is I-it b-b-ble-bleeding?
Ric:Yeah it is...c'mon I'll take you to my house and I'll take care of you
He carries me all the way to his house,we get inside and he puts me down gently on his bed,he goes to his bathroom and grabs a band-aid he puts it where the cut is and he hugs me
Ric:You okay now Brea?
I nod my head yes at him
Me:Thanks Ric you are the best
I hug him and we watched a movie in his room,I fell asleep in his arms

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