Act 1: So it begins

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                    (Translated from German)

After this unexpected encounter, Rome was at home now and lying on his bead. In his hands, he still had the wristband he unintentionally took off the boy. It consisted of a simple black leather band with a thin, small, metal circle. A sign that appeared to be Chinese was imprinted on it, but Rome had no idea what it meant. He was barely able to describe it. Yet he could still remember the boy this belonged to.

"Why did I have to go after him," he sighed deeply, "First he thought I'm some kind of pervert following him, and now he must think that I'm a thief."

The young boy was still observing the precious little thing in his hand, when he heard a knock on his door. As if he was caught doing something inappropriate, he grabbed the band and shoved it down his pocket.


The door to his room opened, and a young girl put her head inside. She was Rome's younger sister Mira. It was easily recognizable that she was related to him as the siblings had the same brown tone in their eyes even though hers were covered by glasses with a big black surrounding, and, while the boy had short brown hair, Mira's hair of the same colour was long and curly, standing apart in every direction.

"What are you doing?" her voice was calm and sweet.

"Nothing," her brother replied, sliding aside on his bead to create some space for his little sister.

Thankfully, she entered the room without saying something and jumped joyfully on the bead. Mira was 16, just two years younger than her big brother, and she sometimes appeared like an innocent young child.

"What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep and heard you coming home. Was it fun, Ben?" she wanted to know.

"Yeah, pretty much. You know him."

"You had a good night out?"

"It was... interesting," his thoughts drifted away to the events happening after he had left the club. "Strange but good."

She yawned while lying down on her brother's shoulder.

"Seems your tired. If you don't watch out, you'll fall asleep here."

"Don't worry. I'll go back to my room soon, but now I wanna spend some quality time with my brother."

But it was already too late, and Rome carefully lay his sister's sleeping head on the pillow beside him. With amusement, he looked down on his sister before he stood up and changed into his sleeping clothes. The bracelet was put on the commode.

Tomorrow would be the first day of school, so it took him quite some time to fall asleep. However, it was not just the thought about Monday morning that kept him awake.

Congreve School was a private school in the north of the city. Children from many places came here to study. Some had rich parents, others had grades good enough to allow them to study here with the help of a scholarship. No matter where the kids came from, the teachers made sure that they are all equal here. Thatwas one of the reasons for the school uniforms.

Such a uniform was worn by Gaint, who was standing now in front of the big iron gate of the impressive old building which consisted of grey and white bricks. The jacket was in a dark blue while the tie which was lying on his white shirt was in a lighter blue. The lower part of his body was tucked into black trousers and shiny black shoe, which slowly started to hurt his feet. Additionally, the young boy felt quite sick. It was not just the fact that he was a new student here but also because of the incidents of the past night.

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