Act 14: The plans we make

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Gaint's eyes opened wide as he saw in what kind of danger his friend was. Unfortunately, he was too far away to grab or help him in any other way. The lights of the taxi were shining on the falling boy so that his whole silhouette turned black. He was a paper cut in front of a shiny background.

Helplessly, Gaint had to what how the car's front side hit the upper body and the hip of Moritz. Though the driver tried to stop the vehicle, the impact was so strong that the boy was slang away, and landed on the ground a few meters in front of the bonnet.

Everything else happens so quickly that Gaint was barely able to recollect it. At first glance, the accident seemed pretty severe, but thankfully, Moritz was still able to move though he couldn't stand up and was just rolling on his back while was groaning with pain. From far Gaint was able to see that his face was covered with red scratches and the fabric of his trousers was ripped around his right knee as well as some parts of his shirt.

While the boy went over to his friend not knowing how hurt he was and wether he can touch him or not, the driver of the taxi also left the care and the chaos broke loose. The old man was starting to yell without reassuring that the boy wasn't hurt. Both guys didn't listen to him as Moritz was still in pain and holding his bend right arm. The incident and the motionless car caused other pedestrians to stop and look at the little crowed. Some of them observed the man whose face has turned red from yelling. As soon as the surrounding crowd started to whisper secretly, the man's behaviour changed and he was startling to be more concerned about the injured guy.

The man was also talking to Gaint, who didn't respond. Actually, he was doing nothing as he was in a state of shock and just kept looking down to his friend. A few minutes later or even an hour, Gaint lost of sense of time, he heard the sound of sirens coming closer. Someone must have called the ambulance.

The next thing the boy remembered were the paramedics. One of them was grabbing him and thrusting him aside. The red stretcher Moritz was placed on. The white interior of the ambulance. The very uncomfortable blue plastic seats in the hallway that smelled like death and sanitizer. Slowly but steadily, Gaint was getting back the control of his body and mind. Now he has to face the problem of uselessly waiting and not knowing what to do. Moritz was currently getting an X-ray of his head. In the beginning, he thought about calling his parents, but Gaint didn't know their number. Nevertheless, he started dialling a number as he had decided to call Ben who would probably be able to get in touch with Moritz' parents, and he himself also had to know about the situation.

The next minutes consisted of an awfully long and repetitive talk with the team captain until he finally agreed to call Moritz' parents. With the call made, he had nothing else to do than waiting. The night had started strangely and was coming to a catastrophe, so Gaint wondered how it might end.

Gaint's eyes opened wide as he saw in what kind of danger his friend was. Unfortunately, he was too far away to grab or help him in any other way. The lights of the taxi were shining on the falling boy so that his whole silhouette turned black. He was a paper cut in front of a shiny background.

Helplessly, Gaint had to what how the car's front side hit the upper body and the hip of Moritz. Though the driver tried to stop the vehicle, the impact was so strong that the boy was slang away, and landed on the ground a few meters in front of the bonnet.

Everything else happens so quickly that Gaint was barely able to recollect it. At first glance, the accident seemed pretty severe, but thankfully, Moritz was still able to move though he couldn't stand up and was just rolling on his back while was groaning with pain. From far Gaint was able to see that his face was covered with red scratches and the fabric of his trousers was ripped around his right knee as well as some parts of his shirt.

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