Act 13: Pain of the heart

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His kiss was rough and soft at the same time, wanting Gaint to never let go of those warm lips. An electric shook was running from his lips through his whole body up to the tiptoes. His whole body got tense and stiff. Unfortunately, Rome stopped kissing him but was still looking into his green eyes.

"Promise it! Promise me that I'm the only man for you," he gently whispered. "I couldn't bare you seeing some other guy."

He was so true in his look and request that Gaint was touched. Finally, Rome had shown his jealousy and this made his companion happy.

"You don't have to worry," assured Gaint. "There's no one else but you."

"When he was so close to you", he was holding Gaint's small hand in his and placed it on his hot cheek, closing his eyes to enjoy the closeness, "I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. Seeing him holding your hand was too much. Somehow I wanted to run at him and punch him in his face.

Never before, he was so honest to Gaint but felt like he deserved it as Rome demanded a lot of him. This was his way to apologize for all of this.

"I barely figured out what I feel for you", admitted the boy, "how can I feel that for someone else but you. You are the only one, the one I wanna hold, kiss and see every time I open my eyes."

Another kiss was Rome's answer for the words he wanted to hear so much. Reassured, he started the engine again and drove Gaint home. He waited until he was inside his house before he drove away. Whenever he was with him, Rome wanted to hold him, kiss him. He felt great knowing that Gaint's emotions were the same as his, however, some time after they are separated again, he felt something else. Even though being with him felt right, Rome wondered what everyone else, his sister, Ben, his parents, would think about the relationship with Gaint. The people might not understand how he could like a boy.

The car stopped in front of his house, and the boy left the vehicle.

The shop was quite full with female students of the school they all were rushing though the section with the dresses. It wouldn't be surprising if they started fighting over some of the dresses. Among those girls were Lille and Sarah. Both of them had decided that they would meet in the afternoon to go shopping. Her friend had attended the competition with Lille to support her boyfriend, at least she slowly started to consider him her boyfriend. After he had finished his run, Gaint had disappeared with the rest of the team, and Lille had no chance to talk to and congratulate him. Additionally, she couldn't even divert herself with shopping. Almost all of the girls here were looking for dresses they could wear at the 'Moonlight Ball'. So far, Gaint hadn't asked her to go with him to this event although she really wanted to go with him.

"Maybe he doesn't know about it", she thought, "or maybe he just doesn't want to go with me."

The ringtone of her smartphone was heard in her big bag which also carried the unhandy poster she had designed for Gaint.

I miss you more when you're not with me

so come back soon, and I'll be waiting.

Waiting for the words you say

It was an individualized tone and revealed Gaint as the caller. A smile showed itself on her face as she accepted the call.

"Hey, handsome," she cringed as soon as the words left her mouth.

"Hey, Lille," his greeting wasn't that personal.

"Maybe he really doesn't have any interest in me, but why had he kissed me then?" sometimes, she was so confused by his ambiguous behaviour. "I hadn't have the chance to congratulate you on winning as I couldn't find you."

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