Act 15: The path we choose

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Nevertheless, Friday, the day the Moonlight Ball took place, had to come, and everyone was excited so far. For the past few days up to this Friday nothing dramatic happened in contrast to this special evening. On Wednesday, Moritz was released from hospital. Thankfully, his head injuries weren't severe, but he still had to stay home for a few more days. Gaint visited him to bring him his notes of the chemistry lessons. They talked about school and the team, but somehow the injured boy seemed to be far-off. He always politely answered and asked Gaint, but it all seemed empty. The reason he had drunken so much that night never arose again, and the other boy didn't ask.

During the chemistry lessons Gaint was sitting next to Rome although he behaved normally Rome didn't really respond to him. The awkward behaviour once caused by their uncomfortable actions towards each other was replaced by the awkwardness of behaving like strangers. Sometimes, during their meetings for the chemistry experiments, it seemed as if the boy tried to say something to Gaint, then his eyes looked cheerful and warm, but whatever he wanted to say remained with him. It seemed as all the people around Gaint suddenly fell silent.

The only one who was more than happy to talk to him was Lille who had found a perfect dress the day she went shopping with Sarah. The dress was described in every detail to Gaint so that he could buy a matching flower and wear a matching tie and dress shirt. Every minute she spent with him and told him how happy she was to go with him to the ball.

Finally, Friday arrived. However, the fact that Rome barely spoke with him marred his mood. Also the fact that he had to see Rome with Desiree took its toll. Whenever Rome was with her, Gaint felt jealous. He had always been thinking about the feelings he had towards the other boy and if they were mutual. After all, Rome had kissed him, and it felt real. The distant behaviour and the fact that he went to the ball with Desiree might show that the kiss really had been just an accident, an impulse out of curiosity and nothing more. This thought made Giant sadder than he expected. How could he blame Rome? He himself had not the courage to stand by his feelings.

When he dressed up for the event, he felt like not going, but at the same time he knew how happy he would make Lille. So he couldn't quit and just endure it. Every one of the students had expectations about that night, and some should be fulfilled, others not. Nevertheless, this night was going to be unforgettable.

With mixed feelings, the boy left the house and waited for the limousine the whole team had rented to go to the ball. As soon as he entered the black vehicle he started his best acting to not kill the mood. Even when they picked up the girls he kept smiling, chatting, complementing Lille on the beautiful dress and how pretty she looked. Nevertheless, it all felt fake.

The little group arrived at the school premise at around eight o'clock. Never before there were so many students here at this time. All of them dressed in elegant suits with ties or very revealing dresses. The boys stepped out of the limo and offered their escorts their hands in order to safely get out of the limousine.

All of the students including the newcomers walked their way towards the gymnasium which was used as the ballroom. As soon as the couples entered, they saw the work of the social event students group. The whole interior was covered with stars and half moons cut out of silver shining paper. Long lines of curled blue strings were tied to the ceiling and dark blue paper clouds were glued on it. It all gave the illusion of a moonlight sky. Balloons of silver and blue were attached to the walls.

The part of the gym the students had entered was the place for the round tables with dark blue tablecloths. The middle of the building was empty to offer a dancefloor while a stage had been set up in the back. A four-headed band was playing there. Seeing all this made Gaint wish that he could be here with Rome.

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