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The black car was driving thought the dark night. Only the bright headlights could be seen, moving thought the darkness. Two boys were sitting inside the vehicle. While Rome was driving, he sometimes looked over to the passenger seat where Gaint was sitting with his sleepy, half closed eyes.

After Gaint had asked Rome to take him away, he decided that they should spend some time out of the city. Thankfully, it was Friday, so they would have a whole weekend to disappear. The break up with Lille was very painful for him unlike Rome's breakup with Desiree. As Gaint was a very sensitive person, Rome had decided to wait for him and check whether he needed his support or not. It had turned out to be a good decision. To fulfil Gaint's wish, they got in the car, driving away.

Nevertheless, the boy was still lying in his seat with his darkened thoughts. In order to cheer him up, Rome lifted his hand from the control stick and grabbed the hand of the boy next to him. Gently he placed Gaint's hand in his own and stroked it. The sudden display of affection caused a peaceful smile on Gaint's face.

"Where are we going?" asked Gain with a heavy voice.

When Gaint had asked him to take him away, Rome had thought about a place where they could go. One place came to his mind immediately, but he hadn't told Gaint so far.

"A place I went to as a child. I had a wonderful time there. It's near the ocean and far away from the city. We should find quiet some rest there for the whole weekend."

"Sounds nice," Gaint yawned.

"You should sleep a little bit. It was a hard night for you."

The boy shook his head, "No, I don't wanna sleep now. I don't wanna miss a single thing now that I'm here with you."

Rome smiled and lovingly played with Gaint's hand in his own.

It took the car more than two and a half hours until the boys could hear the waves though the darkness. Soon, the lights of the small city appeared in front of them. The boys entered the harbour town a few minutes early and a few hours before sunrise they stood in the lounge of a nice looking hotel. While the sleepy Gaint was sitting in an armchair, Rome walked towards the reception to get a room for them.

"Welcome to the Seaside Hotel," the man behind desk wore a light blue suit and a red bow tie around his neck. "What may I help you with?"

"I'd like to rent a room for the weekend," Rome placed both of his hands on the wooden surface of the reception.

"What kind of room. Single or double bed."

Rome hesitated for a moment. During the whole ride he had thought about this matter. It wasn't like he and Gaint never had been sleeping in the same bed before, but it was different now. Maybe Gaint would think that he wants him to do something he's not ready yet. Whenever Rome had been sleeping next to Gaint, his body showed his attraction to the other boy. The question would be if Gaint felt the same.

"I take two rooms with single beds."

"Oh, two rooms?" the staff was surprised that the boy wanted an additional room. "Due to a conference we are almost completely booked out. There are only two rooms left, one with a single and one with a double bed."

"Then, I'll take the double bed," decided Rome. "At least I've tried."

He paid with his credit card and took the key before he went back to Gaint. Together they walked towards the elevator and searched their room. It was on the third floor, facing the ocean. After Rome had opened the door and the boys had entered the room, he thought that Gaint would comment on the bed situation. However, Gaint just kept silent. This increased Rome's nervousness and he felt the need to explain the situation.

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