Act 2: The Art of Meeting Each Other

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The gate to the school premise was already behind him when Rome realized that he forgot his schoolbag. He was in such a hurry to go back home that he really forgot to take it with him. His gym back was the only one he carried now. His PE teacher, Mr. Behne, punished him for placing last at the swimming competition. So he had to help him putting back all the sports equipment before he could head under the shower.

"Shit!" he insulted himself for being so forgetful.

While he wondered how he could be so forgettable, he remembered that the wristband was also in his black bag. His body froze on the spot and turned around towards the athletic area. The missing bag was probably still on the bank inside the locker room.

It took him a few minutes to reach the building and enter the boys room. To his surprise, he heard someone in the shower. He had seen the members of the track and field team practising on the lanes, so it must be one of them.

"Well, that's none of my business," he was happier to see his missing backpack right where he forgot it.

The shower was turned off, and the noise of the streaming water became silent.

In order to make sure that nothing was missing, Rome checked the inside of his pack. Luckily, he saw the wristband right next to his red pencil case. He grabbed the small item and observed it while holding it in front of him.

"I wonder where your owner is?" thought Rome remembering the strange boy with a little smile. "Why am I smiling now?"

Suddenly, Rome had a strange feeling as if he was observed by someone. Turning around, he looked right into the face of the person he just thought about. It was the same small boy with the half long, black hair that he saw the other night. Unlike back then, he was now wet and only covered with a white towel around his lower body. His eyes wandered up and down the body in disbelief.

In front of Gaint stood the boy he had met on the evening he was supposed to be with Sam at the club but had gotten lost. The boy who was following him without letting go. The face of Gaint definitely must have displayed his surprise as he could feel his mouth opening unwillingly. The boy opposite of him also seemed to be astonished to see him here. He stopped in the middle of his movement and just starred at the boy in the towel, who was starring back at him.

Seeing him was a totally out of the blue for Rome, who would never have expected such a thing, especially, meeting him here. The stranger was obviously also shocked to see him, as his mouth opened wide.

For a few seconds nothing happened, but then the boy saw the object Rome was holding in his hand.

"Hey!" yelled the boy at him. "That belongs to me!"

Before Rome was able to react, the unknown boy walked towards him. However, he was still quite wet, and his movement was too sudden and too fast so that he slipped forward and lost his balance. Rome could already see him falling down, so he opened his arms in order to catch him. Unfortunately, Rome also lost his balance with the boy in his arms, and in the end both of them were lying on the floor, the half naked and wet boy on top of him. Surprised about what just happened, they both looked silently into each other's eyes.

"S-sorry," stuttered the boy on top of him and tried to stand up.

While his weight was no longer holding him down, Rome was also able to stand up. And just as Gaint was about to find his balance, the towel wrapped around his hips started to slip down. Fortunately, he was able to catch it before he would be standing here in all his glory.

"I think you should better dress up," suggested Rome, who was feeling quite strange looking at the half naked boy.

"Yes," the boy hurried to his locker and took out his dry clothes. However, he hesitated. "Uh, could you please turn around?"

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