Act 7: Our hearts will never deceive us

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"Rome," finally, he started to speak, hoping that the boy next to him in bed would still be awake. "What exactly are we?"

The boys were in the dark room, each on his side of the bed. The question was unanswered until Rome's voice cut through the darkness.

"Well, Mira already said it. We are friends, right?" hoping it wouldn't sound to awkward.

"Yeah, I guess we are," responded Gaint "Did I hope he would say something else? Don't be stupid, Gaint. You're a boy, and he's a boy, so just stop whatever insanity you fantasise about."

Though he couldn't see him as it was dark and Gaint's face was pointing in the other direction, he could feel the boy lying closely next to him. The mattress conveyed every move Rome made to him. Nevertheless, the boys made sure to keep on their sides of the bed just as they agreed on. At least, until the next morning.

Shortly after midnight when the boys were already fast asleep, Gaint suddenly rolled on the other side of his body and thus close to the sleeping Rome, who was already awaiting him with open arms. As soon as he felt the skinny, muscular body in his arms, he entrapped him. Now being close to each other, their sleeping facial expressions seemed to relax.

Again, it was Rome, who was the first to wake up, realizing that they somehow got close even though they agreed on something else. Gaint's left leg was covering Rome's own lower body. Unlike the last time, Rome didn't seem to be too surprised but rather excited. The sleeping face of his friend was resting on his breast, and he silently muttered a few words in his sleep.

The moving lips seemed to uncontrollably attract Rome's focus, and he suddenly felt an urgent desire to kiss them, to feel the softness and warmth. He headed down and got closer to the sleeping face.

"How will it be?"

Curios to find out, he was nearly touching Gaint's wonderful lips. He could already feel the sleeping boy's slow breath on his lips. The heart in his breast started to beat more rapidly, and it seemed as if it would be loud enough to wake the boy in his arms up. Yet it didn't happen. The lips of the boys were just a few millimetres away. His heart beating fast.

"What does this mean? What will it make me if I do this!" he hesitated "No! I can't do this! I'm not like that!"

Without fulfilling his desire, he retrieved, yet he let Gaint rest on his upper body until the boy woke up. The awakened one squinted a few times, and it took him some time to realize where he was and what happened. He also realized where exactly he had been sleeping.

"Sorry," he rapidly apologised and crawled back on his side of the bed.

"It's okay," was everything Rome said before he left the bed and went away to take a shower.

Gaint, who didn't know what was wrong, was left alone.

The sun was barely up, and Ben was already awake, sitting in front of his computer, surfing thorugh different sites. He had to find it before he went to school. That was also the reason he didn't sleep well yesterday and dark circles decorated his eyes now. During their last art course Mira told him that she was a big fan of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. Therefore, the boy wanted to surprise her with a gift. In order to do that, he had to find it first.

A few weeks ago, he had been aimlessly surfing around the internet, checking several art sites and on one of them, he remembered, he found a small key chain with a picture of Kahlo's self-portrait with the thorn necklace and the hummingbird. Unfortunately, Ben didn't save the page, so he had to search his past history for the site.

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