Act 20: Love Songs

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It took Gaint twenty minutes to prepare himself to go out. Sam was patiently waiting for his friend to be ready. Finally, thy left the house and got into Sam's car. The sun had already disappeared behind the horizon and the darkness tarted to sneak through he streets. Gaint's friend was leading the vehicle though the streets eastbound.

"Where are we going?" asked Gaint.

"You'll see when we're there," answered his friend mysteriously.

While the boys were rushing through the night, Gaint kept his eyes open to find out where they're heading. The spur leading to the shopping centre was completely ignored by Sam while he kept on driving east. Nevertheless, the surroundings slowly started to get more and more familiar. It was the same way Gaint always took on his way to school.

"A- are we driving to school?" he looked around carefully to double check whether he was wrong or not. "You know what's taking place there?! I can't go there!"

Sam looked so guilty that he didn't have to answer, "Come on, there will be so many people that Rome won't see you. And if he's on stage you can go or something like this. All of your fiends will be there, so you can't miss it. Just stick with us."

Although his friend tried to cheer him up, Gaint still wished they would just turn around and drive back. On the other hand, Gaint really wanted to hear Rome sing at the festival. He had heard that Rome had been amazing during the events the few last years. Unfortunately, Rome hadn't been singing in Gaint's presence. He really wished to hear him just once.

The nervousness of the boy increased with every kilometre they reduced. When they arrived at the parking lot, Gaint dried his hands on his trousers after they got off. A lot of other students were already streaming into the school building to see the concert. Gaint's friends and teammates waited for the two boys at the gate. Altogether they entered the premise. The concert would take place in the big gymnasium the ball had been taking place a few weeks ago.

The boys walked towards the building as they crossed the way of two girls who also wanted to attend the concert. To late, Gaint recognized Lille as one of the girls. As both of their eyes met, they hesitated for a moment. Lille seemed to think about something for a moment and then walked towards Gaint.

"Could- could we talk for a moment?"

The boy was so baffled by this question that he just nodded.

"We'll wait for you inside," said Moritz and left with the other boys and Sara.

Lille and Gaint remained outside, feeling both uncomfortable while others passed them laughing and talking joyously. It took some time to decide who would say the first words.

"I- I wanted to talk to you," she tried to find the words she wanted to utter, "about you know- that day we-"

"I know which one," interrupted Gaint trying to spare Lille the pain to say it out loud.

"Yeah... well... the way I treated you on... on that day. I wanted to apologize for being so mean back then," while saying this part she spoke slowly and carefully but quickly added, "but only for being rude. I don't apologize for anything else."

"You don't have to, for nothing," responded Gaint who knew that he was solely to blame for.

"No, I want to cause-" she stopped for a moment, "cause partly I'm also responsible."

This truly puzzled Gaint, "What?! No, you're not. It- it was my bad."

However, it seemed as if she didn't hear him and just continued, "The truth is that- that I noticed our reluctant behaviour. In the beginning I just thought that your shy and a little bit stiff, but slowly I had to admit that you didn't feel comfortable around me. That day we went to Sam's party or the celebration of your team's victory. I could feel how distant you were in certain moments. But I always kept on despite knowing that. I thought that maybe all you needed was time, and at some point you would get closer to me. Cause you kissed me even though it was just once. But you didn't. So I shouldn't have been so surprised when you broke up with me. Actually, I was surprised that you didn't do it earlier. Guess you just wanted to be nice. In the end, I wished you would have done it earlier. It would have been less hurtful if it hadn't been during the ball. Well... it still had hurt a lot. But I overreacted."

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