Act 19: The pain of separation

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The siblings were sitting next to each other on the stairs to the main door looking into the distance. While Rome thought about Gaint, Mira thought about Ben and its painting and what it actually meant for their relationship.

Rome hugged his sister by placing his left arm around her shoulder, "I know exactly how you feel."

"No, you don't," she disagreed and added, "I believe Ben is in love with me?

Then, before he realized what he actually said, Rome hard himself saying, "I think I'm in love with Gaint."

It took him less than a second to realize what he just did, but it was too late and couldn't take it back anymore. He looked over to see his sister's reaction. She just kept staring in front of her

"Maybe she didn't hear it," he thought. "I mean-"

"I know exactly what you mean," said his sister without even looking at him.

"W- What do you mean?"

"Oh Rome," she looked at him and decided that it was time to lay all the cards on the table, "I have eyes and was there when you two where together here."

"Was it so obvious? But why didn't you say anything?"

"Because it was not up to me to do so. I thought that once you're ready you'll tell me."

Rome swallowed, "And is- is it okay for you."

"That you love a boy?"

Her brother just nodded without saying anything.

"Well," she started, and Rome clutched the edge of the stone stairs, "it's not up to me to decide whether it's okay or not. If it's okay for you then, it's okay for me."

"O-Okay, then- then it's okay," he decided.


This time it was her who placed her arm around his shoulders.

"How do you think Ben will react if I tell him?"

"Oh, he probably knows cause I somehow said something."

"You did what!!!"

"Yeah, but don't worry

"Why that?"

So she told him the story why she was sitting here on the stares gazing into the distance. While she was telling her brother about the picture and everything, her brother listened to her in disbelief. He also hadn't discovered any sign in Ben's behaviour or words that would have given away his secret. Today it seemed as if all secrets would be revealed today.

With a light heart, Gaint closed the door behind him that lead to the changing room. He was the last to go as he had a lot of things to cope before he was ready to leave. Still, he couldn't believe how everything went. That his friends accepted him so unconditionally wasn't something he took for granted and was very thankful that they turned out to be true friends.

The boy walked light heartedly along the patch towards the main building and the exit of the school premise. All he had to do was sort out his quarrel with Rome. Then, everything would e perfect. Gaint already passed half of the way when two hands suddenly hugged him from behind.

A voice sweetly whispered into his ear, "Did you miss me?"

"No, I didn't!" was Gaint's answer as he realized who the voice belonged to. As he turned around, his suggestion was verified. Melvin was standing their with his blonde hair carefully styled. "what are you doing here, Melvin?"

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