Act 16: Please, take me away from here!

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The night was cold event though it was a day in summer. As Gaint was looking up, he saw that the dark sky was cloudless and full of small blinking stars. It appeared so peaceful and tranquil, quite the opposite of the boy's current mood. As the guy was walking over the school premise towards the building, he wondered if Rome and Desiree were already having sex. The thought of them being together in bed saddened his feelings. Therefore, he wanted to go somewhere to console himself, a place where he felt happy.

Unconsciously, he entered the second level and walked the hallway down to the labs. Though the main door was open, all of the classroom doors were looked at his hour. To be honest, the boy was even surprised that the glass doors which connected the stairway with the individual floors were open. Gaint just arrived in front of the labs, but this wasn't his destined goal. So he continued to walk down the hallway until he arrived at the room he thought of.

The handle of the door to the music room went down and allowed him to enter the room. Silence was everything hat awaited him as he was standing in the room. The closed locker and the blue couch were illuminated by the light of the moon shining through the glass. When he saw the couch, the guy remembered the time he was forced to spend the night with Rome on it. In order to sulk himself in this memory when he had woken up on his chest the next day, he decided to extend the couch to the sleeping couch.

Although Lille and his friends might already wonder where he has been, he kept on lying on the couch and remembered the time he had spent with Rome. His eyes started to tear as he closed them and somehow fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he didn't know how much time had passed. A fuzzy silhouette leaned over him, and, as the outlines became clearer, Gaint realized that Rome was sitting next to him. Still half asleep, he thought that it was still a dream.

"What are you doing here?" he asked Rome and closed his eyes again.

"I was looking for you," he answered and kept on looking at the sleepy boy. "Sam told me that you went to the toilet and disappeared. Thankfully, I had a feeling that you would be here."

"Shouldn't you be with her? Why did you have to leave me?" still babbling half asleep.

"I'm sorry. I'm here now and won't leave you again."

Rome lifted his hand and touched the warm cheek of the lying boy. As soon as Rome's old fingers touched his skin, Gaint realized that he wasn't dreaming, and that the guy was actually really here beside him. He rose up like he was showered with cold water.

"You're really here!" he himself touched Rome's face with his hands to make sure that it really wasn't an illusion. Something that made the other boy smile.

"Of course," he held Gaint's hands after the boy reassured Rome's existence.

"You went away with Desiree to-" he couldn't continue as his heart started hurting because of the thought. "Did he really have sex with here, but why is he here, then?"

"Don't worry. Nothing happened. I couldn't..." Rome's voice failed, and Gaint's heart made a jump out of joy.


"Because of you!" he confessed.

"Me?" he had to work hard not to start smiling, but at the same time felt insecure again. Every time he thought he finally figured out Rome's strange behaviour he confused him again with his behaviour. "Why do you always do that? You kiss me, and then you start ignoring me. I can't figure you out and your feelings."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't have the chance," he tried to explain himself while Gaint was listening. "I didn't talk to you because I had to figure out my feelings for myself first before I could talk to you. Tell you how I feel."

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